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News: We Are TV Aims to Gamify Your TV Shows with AR

If you're like me, then you're rarely just watching TV. You're probably also simultaneously following reactions on Twitter during a live airing of The Walking Dead. Or perhaps you're checking your fantasy football scores while a real game is in progress. Or you might just have the TV on in the background while you're writing an article about a new augmented reality app.

News: Hak5 Just Released the Packet Squirrel

Hak5's products get a lot of attention. Popping up in popular shows like Mr. Robot, their hacking tools are bold proof of concepts with space built into the design for the community to add their own tweaks and modifications. On Friday, Oct. 27, Null Byte attended the Hak5 release event in San Francisco to check out their latest devices, including the new Packet Squirrel.

How To: Dehydrate Food Without a Dehydrator

I grew up in a rural town, and that meant that we dehydrated a lot of food. Even with a hungry family of five, there was no way that we could eat all of the season's tomatoes before they molded, or all of the orchard's apples before they grew soft, or all of the wild mushrooms that we picked. And so our dehydrator was always getting a good workout.

How To: Use the new features in the Google Voice online phone service

This video series come straight from Google. It's about their new web-based product called Google Voice, which provides you with one phone number for all of your phones (landline, cell phone, etc.), giving you full online control of your telephone experience. Google Voice also allows you to make free domestic calls anywhere in the United States and Canada, gives you a cool voicemail account that's just like an email account, and many enhanced calling features.

How To: Use an old flash on a new digital camera

Old camera equipment like flashes and lenses are often praised by modern photographers, but getting them integrated into new digital photography setups can be a challenge. This video will show you some tips for using old flashes with new digital cameras, including a great trick for making your digital camera recognize the flash by covering one specific contact. Don't get a new flash, use an old one with the skills you learn in this video.

How To: Get started with new iPhone 4 & learn the new features

In this tutorial, learn everything you need to know about how to use the new iOS4 on your iPhone 2G, 3G or 3GS. In this clip, get a walkthrough of the update and learn how to use all the new features: multitasking, folders, wallpapers and so much more. If you are unsure how to get up and running or would like to see if updating it right for you - have a look at this helpful video.

How To: Mess with the head of your new roommate with pranks

When a new roommate moves into a house, there's usually a transitional period before everyone feels comfortable with each other. This is always hardest for the new guy, and if you have someone new in your apartment, why not make the move-in experience more memorable by giving them a great impression of their new roommate? This video will give you some ideas for hilarious pranks to mess with your new roommate without resorting to the traditional breaking of their possessions or bones. It's all...

News: GTA 4 First Person View Mod

GTA4 1st Person View Mod This mod has been out for a while, but with some people gettings Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PC last week because of the Steam sale, there has been talk about what are the best mods to get. There is a thread on Neogaf that talks about playing the game in first person mode instead of the default 3rd person point of view.

How To: Transform an iPhone into a universal remote with FLPR

Your iPhone can do just about anything. It can even be a television remote. And a DVD player remote. Also, a CD player remote. You name it, it can be a remote for it. But it can't do it by itself, you need to use FLPR. It's a nice little piece of software that turns your iPhone into a universal remote. But it can be pricey. So what's the deal with FLPR? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to transform your Apple iPhone into a universal remote with FLPR.

News: 2012 Film Festival Submission Deadlines

It's that time of year again, filmmakers... time to make your new year's resolutions. And no, I don't mean quit smoking or stop drinking - smoke and drink all you want SO LONG AS YOU FINALLY GET THAT FILM FINISHED AND SUBMIT IT TO A FESTIVAL OR TEN. Rajo has signed up for a account and scoured the internet for the latest film festival submission deadlines just so he can clue you in to which ones are coming up soon - whatta guy. And just for fun (a.k.a. future reference), here'...

How To: Create Beautiful, Aesthetic Houses in Minecraft - Part 1

Aesthetic Houses: What are they? If you've played Minecraft for some time now, you most surely know how hard it is to build a great looking house to live in, that meets both your vision of your dream house and expectations for functionality. This brings us to the definition: in terms of Minecraft, its a structure that dosen't compromise beauty and appeal for functionality.

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Old-New School

This week's FIGRR is all about games that are old-new (or new-old, if you like) school. Each celebrates a different vital, yet largely taken for granted, aspect of video game history in the decidedly new-school world of indie games. Their titles betray them. Blocks That Matter is all about blocks. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale is all about item shops. Neither are particularly sexy aspects of gaming, but both are ubiquitous elements of great games that can stand on their own.

Realm of the Mad God: A Free Indie Browser Alternative to World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft has been on top of the world for seven years. No other MMO has come close to challenging its dominance of the genre, and it has generated billions of dollars for Blizzard. They have spent a lot of money adding more and more content, to the extent where the full game with all the expansion packs takes up 65 GB of hard drive space. It is a beautiful game; well balanced, and a milestone in the history of the medium.

What You See Is What You Get: The Street Art of RERO

Inspired by the beauty of traditional signage printed on doors and buildings, Rero is a French graffiti artist who makes a simple, yet heavy mark. Using the universally common Verdena typeface, Rero brands abandoned public spaces in extreme disarray with his own codified messages based on theories of public use of imagery and private property.

Emerald Knights: A Palace of Nerdery

Before last Sunday I hadn't been to a proper game store since I was in middle school. Over ten years ago. If you decide to stop reading right now because I obviously don't care enough about MTG to be writing this thing, I don't blame you. But I tell you, friends, as someone who has denied the utter awesomeness of their hobby for too long, that going to Emerald Knights in Burbank made me feel at home. I want to tell you about it and explain why I will be back many times in the future.

News: Top Vegetarian Spots near Santa Monica, CA

Samosa House This southern Indian market and restaurant is a stellar choice for any veggie. Their jackfruit is superb! If you've never tried it, please do. It looks like pulled pork, tastes like a seitan or chicken and is a great natural alternative to meat. Lucky you, they just opened up a second location up the street in Culver City! Also the Bharat Bazaar is a great spot to pick up spices, ginger beer and anything you're missing as far as an Indian grocery goes!