Breathing Tactics Search Results

How To: Do the splits with Tara Stiles

Tara Stiles teaches us how to do the splits in this tutorial. Remember not to do this all at once, stretch out your body first. To start, come into a downward dog position while bending the knees and straightening them and deep breathing. Now, bring a foot to the front and keep in this position until flexing the foot while sitting back near the other foot. Lean forward over your front leg, then repeat on the other side of the body. Come back into a downward dog, then do lunges to open up the ...

How To: Double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, detox

Sadie teaches us how to double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, and detox. A great place to go is to your bathroom, people won't bother you for at least five minutes while you're in here, allowing you to calm down. This will help bring yourself back to center and cleanse your mind, calming down your brain waves. Start by breathing in for four counts through the notes, allowing the ribs to flair wide. Hold this for a moment, then exhale on eight counts from your mouth. Squeeze the belly...

How To: Properly put on a heavy mountaineering backpack

In this video, we learn how to properly put on a heavy mountaineering backpack. It's very important to do this properly, or else you can severely injure your back. To put this on, grab the strap with both of your hands, then lift it up onto your knees, then slide it and kick it up onto your back. Next tie it around your waist and pull it so it's nice and tight. After this, use a chest strap so it's tight, but not enough so that you cannot breathe and it takes weight off your shoulders. Next, ...

How To: Solve dog counter surfing with a clicker

It's a timeless doggie no-no, and one that has been paradied in numerous dog scenes in movies: A plate of delicious fried, steaming food is left by the owner on the table. The owner then leaves for a brief moment. His dog, smelling the delicious goodness, seizes the moment and quickly jumps up, snatches a piece of chicken, and devours it under the table.

How To: Alternate hammer curls using dumbbells

In this video, you are shown how to alternate hammer curls, while standing up, with dumbells. They instruct you to stand up, with your legs slightly bent, so you down overload your spine. Having your dumbells at your side, keep your back straight. Next you are advised to flex your forearm, keeping your elbow as still as possible, and lower your forearm back to the starting position, and repeat with the other arm, and remembering to breathe. They reveal some common mistakes with this workout, ...

How To: Do bridge exercises with Brooke Burke

This exercise video for women, featuring Autumn Calebrese and Brooke Burke from Modern Mom, show you how to work your abs and stomach area! In "the Bridge," you arch your back slowly, working the gluteus maximus as well as the core area in general. Do about twenty-five repetitions, if possible, in three sets; afterwards, you can try a "pulse" method for an increased rate of "burn." This activity can be repeated until you are fatigued, and possibly consider holding at the top for increased fit...

How To: Improve the air quality in your home with Lowe's

In this video, we learn how to improve the air quality in your home with Lowe's. First you need to go through your house and search to see how clean the furnace filter is. Make sure this is clean and replace it if it's dirty. Upgrade it to a high performance model if you are able to. You also need to change the filter in your vacuum and make sure it has a HEPA filter installed in it. Also, make sure you check the vents around your home and clean them out or replace them if they are dirty. Doi...

How To: Get started using Strala Yoga with Tara Stiles

In this video, we learn how to get started using strala yoga with Tara Stiles. This type of yoga combines different poses to help you achieve better health. Start off in the plank position on a flat surface, keeping here for several minutes while breathing deep. Keep your belly lifted, lift through the top of your head to the rest of your body. Doing these exercises can keep you healthy and motivated to do workouts and eat healthy during the week and weekend. This will help you relax and feel...

How To: Sing without injuring your vocal chords by supporting with the diaphragm

If there's one thing we learned from high school show choir, it's that trying to scream out songs like your favorite pop artists will eventually ruin your voice and even scar your vocal chords so you'll never be able to sing well again. In fact, lots of famous pop musicians have had to get throat surgery later in life to correct all the damage they did to their vocal chords when they were younger.

How To: Play the trumpet for beginners

In this tutorial, we learn how to play the trumpet for beginners. You need to put your lips together very tight and get a higher sounding buzz. It will take practice to get the buzzing of your lips. Practice this with just your mouth, then use a mouthpiece to practice with. Next, you need to try different breathing exercises by taking a big breath in and let it come down low. Don't fill the top of your lungs, fill down low in your body where your diaphragm is. Also, make sure you have good po...

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Ch. 12: Airborne

This is it. The last one. The last mission in Battlefield Bad Company 2. Airborne. This is where you and your unit finally find the scalar weapon. If you're scared of heights though, this might be the most terrifying mission of all, with a freefall plummet down to the Earth's surface. Yo have to shoot and kill Kirilenko when you're falling, too, so don't panic. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the Airborne mission in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - No One Left Behind

Things are really heating up now with that the Russians are putting on the pressure in Battlefield Bad Company 2. This time your helicopter gets hit by an RPG and you need to put it down and make your way through the clearing in the jungle. Destroy all the M-Com Stations, and nobody can die. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the No One Gets Left Behind mission in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Sangre Del Toro

The first thing you need to do in this mission on Battlefield Bad Company 2 is to hop out of the copter and get in the sand buggy and head to your marked location. You'll need to locate and head to each station on the map: Bravo Base Station, Charlie Base Station, and Alpha Base Station. After that, complete the Triangulation Point. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the Sangre Del Toro mission in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Snowblind

Make your way to the crash site in this mission on Battlefield Bad Company 2. You'll need to protect the crashes satellite from RPGs and enemy fire. Then you need to destroy yet another M-COM Station, so make sure you're ready. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the Snowblind mission in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Crack the Sky

Crack the Sky in this mission on Battlefield Bad Company 2. Use the minions on the helicopter to to take care of your enemies below, and once you kill them all, the copter will drop you off where your real mission starts. Make sure to destroy the M-Com Station. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the Crack the Sky mission in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Upriver

In Mission 4 (Chapter 3) of Battlefield Bad Company 2, you need to first take care of the sniper. You can only fire the sniper rifle during the thunder, or you'll automatically lose the mission. So make sure you have sniper sensibility in this mission. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the Upriver mission in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Heart of Darkness

This is the third mission in Battlefield Bad Company 2 called the Heart of Darkness, where you need to follow your unit through the ruined village. But first you have to survive the helicopter ride with the hippy pilot. You need to destroy the M-COM stations to succeed in this mission. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the Heart of Darkness mission in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How to Play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Operation Aurora

At the very beginning of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, you and your squadron are floating down a river behind enemy lines. At first, you're just watching and learning, then you finally gain some control and learn how to use your weapons and make your way around the battlefield. Watch this video walkthrough to learn how to complete the prologue Operation Aurora in Bad Company 2 on the PS3.

How To: Do pilates exercises for C-section moms

Pilates is a great way to start exercising after a C-section and to regain your core strength back. First lay on your back and do a pelvic tilt. Start off with five to ten of these pelvic tilts but be sure to make your way up to twenty. Make sure your belly button is pulled into your spine. The second exercise is the pelvic tilt that goes up into a bridge. Press into your heals to lift your pelvis off of the ground. Do the same amount of reps. The third exercise is the modified crunch. Place ...

How To: Do the plank with Brooke Burke

This video shows you how to correctly do the exercise called "the Plank". For beginners, turns of fifteen to thirty seconds are suggested, and you can end up doing minutes after you practice. "The Plank" exercise consists in trying to keep your body in a strait position, somewhat lifted, supporting it only in your toes and arms from the elbow down. You can also do some movement while in that position. Leaning to a side, and then to another, without touching the ground, and always stopping in ...

How To: Meditate with Tara Stiles

In this video Tara Stiles gives an introduction to basic meditation. Meditation can be done while doing the physical yoga poses, or really any time when you have a few moments. Even while you are in line at the grocery store you can practice simple meditation by bringing your attention to your breath. Observe your thoughts and focus on breathing in and out. The intent is to bring yourself back to yourself. Tara leads a guided meditation which begins by encouraging the listener to find a comfo...

How To: Do yoga exercises when pregnant

Cindy Mastry explains how yoga exercises can help with the union between mother and child for a woman who is pregnant. The word yoga translates to "union." The first exercise demonstrated is the Hindi Squat. While working strength and balance, the woman holds herself in the perfect position for giving birth. The next exercise Cindy calls "Cat Circling." The woman stands on her hands and knees and rotates her body in a circular motion, anchored my her limbs. This is supposed to put the baby in...

How To: Polish out aluminum

In this DIY video tutorial, learn how to polish aluminum using greasless and greased abrasives. It is extremely important to have the right equipment and a well-made breathing respirator as this process can be very dangerous and toxic. The products and tools used in this video to polish a piece of sand blasted aluminum, can be found at

How To: Do the warrior yoga pose

Open the chest and shoulders with the Warrior Pose. Learn how to do the Warrior Pose in this yoga video lesson. Take action: build strength and stamina, start from Warrior Two, reach one arm up, and squeeze thighs and breathe. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness centers in the ...

How To: Do the cobra yoga pose

The Cobra Pose is a great way to stretch the back. Learn how to do the Cobra Pose in this yoga video lesson. Take action: lie on abs, bring chest off ground, lift up and stretch spine and breathe properly. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness centers in the Tampa Bay area. Cindy...

How To: Do the bound forward fold yoga pose

In yoga the Bound Forward Fold involves twisting the body and clasping the hands together. Learn a new yoga pose in this video yoga lesson. Take action: place feet wider than hips, root into feet, bend knees to lock, and focus on breathing. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness c...

Social Engineering: How to Use Persuasion to Compromise a Human Target

Social engineering makes headlines because human behavior is often the weakest link of even well-defended targets. Automated social engineering tools can help reclusive hackers touch these techniques, but the study of how to hack human interactions in person is often ignored. Today, we will examine how to use subtle, hard to detect persuasion techniques to compromise a human target.

How To: Make children listen with the marshmallow game

In this video, we learn how to make children listen with the marshmallow game. When you are trying to tell a story to children, they can talk and start a conversation without being quiet. To help this out, tell the children to put a pretend marshmallow in their mouth and they will pretend to chew it! Have them put more and more marshmallows into their mouth so it will be filled up and they can't talk. Make sure they continue to breathe while they are doing this, sometimes they hold their brea...