Brilliant Cam Search Results

How To: Ever Wonder How it Feels to Get Shot?

WWF's latest campaign uses augmented reality to raise awareness for the endangered Siberian tiger by demonstrating how it "feels" to be hunted down and shot. Created by Leo Burnett Moscow, thousands of special AR t-shirts featuring the tiger were printed and distributed to stores in Moscow. Each time the wearer passes in front of a "special video mirror" (re: web cam), a bloody shooting animation is triggered.

How To: Make a Helmet Cam (DSLR)

I'm in the middle of a project right now that uses POV for every shot. One of these shots involves a person swinging a golf club. A normal steadi-cam doesn't work very well for this, so I thought it might be easier to just build a helmet cam. Here's how I did it:

How To: Perform the Rolling Cigarette Trick

Pub magician Christian Lee demonstrates how to perform the rolling cigarette trick. All you need is a cigarette, a table and some magic. By skillfully blowing on the cigarette it will appear as if you are moving it with your mind. Brilliant!!! Perform the Rolling Cigarette Trick.

How To: Make brown sugar meringue

Chef Gale Gand demonstrates how to make brown sugar meringue. This is a brilliant variation on classic meringue, made with brown sugar, a half a cup of egg yolks and sugar. The egg yolks are beat over a hot water bath to ensure the eggs are free of bacteria. Make brown sugar meringue.

News: Silence your brood with a hair dryer and song

Is your new puppy keeping you up at night? Stop yelling at that poor whimpering pup. Remove the duct tape from his snout. Loathe as I am to admit it, sometimes love is the answer. Brilliant and simple. We present to you the real dog whisperer. Is your new puppy keeping you up at night? Stop yelling at that poor whimpering pup. Remove the duct tape from his snout. Loathe as I am to admit it, sometimes love is the answer. Brilliant and simple. We present to you the real dog whisperer.

Eye Candy of the Day: WiFi Networks Visualized

Norwegian designers Timo Armall, Jørn Knutsen, and Einar Sneve Martinussen visually capture invisible WiFi signals by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs. The trio set up a four-meter long WiFi-detecting rod with 80 LED bulbs to depict cross-sections through the WiFi networks of various Oslo neighborhoods. Armall says:

News: Print Yourself in 3D

Since the early genesis of the brilliant Microsoft Kinect hack, inventive applications have been popping up nonstop. One of the most fascinating projects to surface recently falls within the realm of 3D printing. "Fabricate Yourself"—a hack presented at the Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Conference in January—allows users to pose in front of an Xbox Kinect, which then converts a captured image into a 3D printable file. What does this mean exactly? Think Han Solo trapped in carbon...

Brilliant Business Idea: Sell Cookies Like a Crack Dealer

Sometimes entrepreneurial inspiration comes from the oddest of places— such as, say, down-and-out crack dealer delivery methods. Inspired by HBO's The Wire, Kathleen and Clem of Fat Cookies are attracting a crowd with an atypical model for vending baked goods: oven fresh cookies are lowered via string in exchange for one hoisted dollar (1. pull a string, 2. attach a dollar, 3. get a cookie).

News: DIY Instant Indoor Skydiving

If you're like me, just the idea of skydiving triggers nearly-pee-in-the-pants petrification. But with a little imagination, plus Google Image Search and a projector, and all of us ninnies out there can pretend to do the real thing:

News: Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per year

Brilliant article with many useful links. May be out of some peoples comfort zone. Ask anyone what they wish they could do more of, and the answer is literally always the same: “I wish I could travel more.” Yet when you remove all the excuses, few people actually do. I don’t have enough vacation days! It’s too expensive. My friends don’t want to go with me.....

News: Cheap Ass Videocameras and Citizen Journalism

The idea that you could buy a cellphone sized video camera that shoots 720p for a hundred bucks would literally seem like nonsense to me five or six years ago, as I sat trying to get a shot worth looking at out of my old Sony pd150. They're here, though, the Flips and iPhones and Kodaks and whatever else and while most of their impact can be measured in the increased frequency of Bieber-tribute videos hitting youtube, having a $100 hd camera also puts me in a mind to go - me a regular old idi...

News: Chin Chin - We Don't Wanna Be Prisoners 7" single

Fantastic reissue of this all female punk group from Switzerland. Formed in the early 80's, this was their first single released on their own label Farmer Records. Now Portland's Mississippi Records has finally released this obscure classic. Their sound is a cross between punk and twee pop. Catchy melodies with sing along choruses, upbeat tempos, thumping bass lines and noisy post punk guitars. Very much in the same vein as bands like the Shop Assistants (whom they toured with), Kleenex/Lilip...

How To: Switching Cameras Is Easy with This Simple Gesture on Your OnePlus

Something entirely new for many people is where the future of navigation is headed — gestures. Gesture navigation not only gives you more screen real estate, but it allows for a seamless experience without needing to lift your finger as much. OnePlus knows you want to tap less and do more, so they added a quick camera gesture you should be aware of to make your experience that much better.