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How To: Make Your Recipes Pop with Seltzer Water

While seltzer water is commonly consumed as a beverage (and a healthier alternative to carbonated soda), it is less known as a fantastic addition to many familiar recipes. The bubbles in seltzer water expand when heated, and when added to certain foods, it instantly allows them to be lighter in taste and texture.

News: How to Use a Roku, Fire Stick, or Chromecast on Hotel TVs

Although lots of the bigger hotel chains are lessening the restrictions they put on their room TVs, some smaller ones are still taking measures to prevent you from plugging in computers or streaming devices into an HDMI port. However, there are a few steps you can take to bypass these restrictions and watch your own media in a hotel that has restricted TVs.

News: Rainbow Bagels Are Taking the Country by Storm

No doubt you internet-savvy folks have seen the incredibly beautiful rainbow bagel going viral all over the country—and if not, let me educate you on its multicolored brilliance. Crafted by the brilliant bakers at The Bagel Store in Brooklyn, this cheery creation has actually been around for 20 years now. Watch the video below to see how the colorful roll is created.

How To: Quiet Noisy Apps Automatically with This Ingenious App

You can do practically anything with a modern smartphone or tablet, so it stands to reason that the apps you have installed may serve vastly different purposes. Picture a game and a video player sitting right next to each other in your app drawer—odds are, you want the sound turned up while you're watching videos, but would prefer that the game was muted or a little lower. As a result, we're constantly tweaking volume levels to get the best experience.

How To: Make Your Pasta Even Better by Throwing It in the Sauce Before Serving

As a kid, my mother would always bring the noodles onto the table in a colander, then bring the pot of sauce she cooked separately. So I grew up with the idea that pasta and sauce were two separate entities that you combined table-side, and continued to eat pasta that way well into my adulthood when cooking at home. It was only much later that I realized the error of my ways... that pasta could taste so much better than I had previously imagined.

How To: This Simple Step Will Take Your Quinoa to the Next Level

Nowadays, it feels like you can't talk about eating healthy without bringing up quinoa. Quinoa (KEEN-wah) has been the "superstar" of the health movement for a while; 2013 was declared the International Year of Quinoa by the United Nations, and has only continued to grow in popularity with both health nuts and culinary experts alike through the past few years. The true testament to quinoa's success has been its eventual integration into our everyday lives. Quinoa is now very accessible to fol...

Rasberry Pi: Introduction

Most of you probably heard about Rasberry Pi and if you haven't; what is wrong with you? But nothing less a Rasberry Pi is a computer a very small computer. Despite these size limitations, the Rasberry Pi is to not be underestimated. Not only can it do anything like a normal laptop or desktop, but, in my opinion on of the coolest features is that it boots off a Micro SD card. It can do anything that you want, but it's built to be played with. A hacker heaven.