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iPhone Security: Apple Refuses FBI's Demands to Create iOS Backdoor

In a letter dated February 16th, Apple CEO Tim Cook responded to the FBI's demand that Apple create a "backdoor" to bypass the encryption on an iPhone used by one of the perpetrators of last year's terrorist attack in San Bernardino, CA. Cook began the letter by stating that Apple has "no sympathy for terrorists" and has cooperated in giving the FBI all of the information that it has available.

Raspberry Pi: WiFi Analyzer

It has been a while since my last Raspberry Pi tutorial , but now I am back with another tutorial. This one I should note isn't your typical tutorial, but as always lets boot up our Pi and wreck havoc.

IRC Guide: Making a Bot

Hello fellow Nullbytiens, I'm Washu, a long time commenter but first time poster. Today we'll be making an IRC bot, if you haven't seen OTW's post about the new IRC channel I would encourage you to go check it out. He does a good job at explaining what IRC is and how to get set up.

How To: Bypass School Internet Filters to Unblock Websites

School internet filters serve a valid purpose—they keep students from wandering off into the deep corners of the web while still allowing at least some internet access. But a lot of these restrictions are completely ridiculous, to the point where some school districts block access to the educational material in National Geographic or forbid searching terms like "China," "Iran," or "Russia"—because, you know, breasts and commies.

How To: Find Your IMEI & MEID Numbers

If your smartphone is ever lost or stolen, it's a terrible experience. If you file a police report, chances are the responding officer will need your device's IMEI or MEID number if you want to stand a chance of getting it back. Same goes for making an insurance claim on a lost or broken phone, so it's definitely important to have this unique identifier handy.

How To: Boil Pasta in Half the Time

The standard way to make pasta requires a lot of water, and it takes a long time for that big pot of water to actually start boiling. For these reasons, as well as my hatred for washing large pots, I don't cook pasta at home very often—at least not the traditional way.

News: Just A Message

It's been a while, since I have just started High School. I have put a hiatus to my pentesting for a few weeks, and now, I am making a return. I have taken time to read about code, (even did a research article analysis on how humans can write "beautiful" code and something like that) and pentesting, but never made a full return. I will be occasionally coming back for a while.

How To: The Absolute Laziest Way to Make Homemade Sweet Bread

There are few things that make me smile more than ice cream… or bread! So why not combine them for double the happiness? We've discussed the art of making ice cream bread before, but not everyone has the time (or, let's face it—the patience) to bake bread in the oven, no matter how few ingredients the recipe may take.

How To: Find Stored Usernames, Emails, & Passwords on Safari

Every time you log in to a website in Safari on iOS, you're also asked if you would like to save the username and password—a great feature of just about all browsers that makes it so that don't have to enter your credentials each time you access website in the future. While this feature is great for quickly getting into all your favorite websites, have you ever wondered where all those passwords are saved on your device? In this guide, I'll be showing you where to find all of the stored usern...

How To: This Hair Care Product Will Keep Water Spots Off Your Car for Good

Taking care of your car requires effort, whether you take it to the pros for washes, waxes, and detailing, or you spend time to make it shine yourself—and it often seems that, right after your car is sparkling again, rain or midnight moisture appears to cover its surface in water spots. With a small tweak to your typical car care routine, you may be able to keep your car's surface and windows shining longer and better: you just need to add a little hair conditioning liquid.

How To: Create a Bind Shell in Python

Hi guys, I'm gonna keep this short because I got assignments and a lot of notes to study and also other how-tos and forums to reads. lol...Since I'm keeping this story time just scenario. And I want to thank n3stor for giving me the idea to post this.

How To: 5 Ways to Host a Dinner Party for Under $25

To be twentysomething is an awkward time for entertaining. As we graduate college and begin to work in “the real world,” there is a yearning to transition from keg parties into dinner soirées. However, though the desire is there, often the bank account is not. Here are some ways to do in the kitchen what twentysomethings do best: fake it until you make it. (In other words, host a fabulous dinner party for four and still be able to make rent this month!)

DIY Dessert Sushi: 3 Irresistible, Easy-to-Make Recipes

Being born with a sweet tooth and Japanese blood, my desire for dessert-style sushi is practically written into my DNA. At once delicious and adorable, these one-bite delights are the perfect way to conclude a meal. They're also a killer snack. Featured below are: 1) the Banana Nutella Nut Roll; 2) the Strawberry Kiwi Roll; 3) Mango and Sweet Rice Nigiri.

How To: Make a Full System Image Backup on Windows 10

Just recently, I was experimenting with a dual-boot Windows setup, and somehow managed to wipe my primary Windows installation in the process. "Why," I asked myself, "Why didn't I make a backup before I started this?" Still to this day, I'm going through the painstaking process of installing and configuring all of my favorite programs, and I may not ever get things back exactly the way they were.

How To: Make an All-Night Campfire with Just One Log

The next time you're out camping, whether it's outdoors in the wilderness or right outside in your own backyard, try this hack out for an effortless campfire all night long. While there is definitely some prep work involved, it's well worth it if you don't need a huge bonfire, and more so if you plan on cooking meals over the flames.

How To: Build an ARP Scanner Using Scapy and Python

As you might know, there are a multitude of tools used to discover internal IP addresses. Many of these tools use ARP, address resolution protocol, in order to find live internal hosts. If we could write a script using this protocol, we would be able to scan for hosts on a given network. This is where scapy and python come in, scapy has modules we can import into python, enabling us to construct some tools of our own, which is exactly what we'll be doing here.