Browser Fingerprinting Search Results

Exclusive: Dual-Boot Android on Your iPhone (iOS 7+)

Today we are pleased to announce the end to the Apple vs. Android war. About a year ago, our Gadget Hacks team started working on a top-secret project to dual-boot both Android and iOS on the same phone—and we couldn't be more proud to announce that we've finally succeeded! Your phone can now run both iOS and Android—whenever you want. Right now.

How To: Play YouTube Videos Locally to Save Bandwidth, Skip Ads, & Always Watch in HD

Real suffering is sitting through a thirty-second ad to watch a fifteen-second video, or watching your favorite music video in three-second fragments. Real suffering is this: “An error occurred, please try again later.” If you’re a modern human and multitask with multiple tabs while you're on YouTube, you don’t have to sacrifice your bandwidth and sanity. There's a simple way to watch YouTube ad-free and lag-free.

How To: Become Anonymous & Browse the Internet Safely

We all know about PRISM. The Surveillance Program allowing the U.S Government to access private user information. Such as, Google Searches, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Private Images, and other private user data. "Hiding" yourself can be very difficult, but it is possible. I'm here to show you How to Become Anonymous & Browse the Internet Safely.

My OS: Bugtraq II Black Widow

Welcome back my precious hackerians. Today i would like to promote an OS which i have been using for the past couple months. I'm not talking about Backtrack 5 or Kali Linux. Something even more promising: