Browser Fingerprinting Search Results

How To: Add Sticky Notes to Your Email Threads in Gmail

Notes for Gmail now allows you to insert sticky notes directly onto your email threads in Chrome. The browser extension, currently in beta, allows you to annotate your emails as a whole (thread)—or individually. You can add as many sticky notes as you would like and they all appear at the top of the webpage for easy accessibility. To download the application, go to this page and request an invitation. They add users everyday—I was added almost instantly after I applied. Once you've downloaded...

How To: Hackers Can Remote Wipe Your Samsung Smartphone—Find Out If Yours Is Vulnerable (And Fix It)

Security researcher Ravi Borgaonkar from Berlin has discovered that hackers can hide an 11-digit code in a webpage that can wipe out all of the information on your smartphone—contacts, photographs, music, applications, and anything else of importance. The attack takes no more than a few seconds and nothing can be done about it. NOTHING. This begs the question—are you susceptible?

How To: Change the Google Logo to Your Favorite Google Doodle All Year Round

We all love it when the Google logo changes to celebrate or commemorate special events— pop-culture touchstones, civic milestones, scientific achievements and holidays— their latest one for this holiday season is a Christmas card to everyone— an interactive Google Doodle with 17 artworks from different artists, each depicting a seasonal greeting from a variety of cultures and countries.

How To: Convert Images Into PDF

We always have so many file formats in our computer, we use MS Word to view .doc files, MS Excel to view .xls files, Adobe Reader to view PDF files, image viewers to view all kinds of image formats, and browser to view html files. It seems we need to install many programs to view so many kinds of file formats, and we have met a lot of people who wonder how to solve such problems. So can we transfer those files into one uniform and secure format? The answer is definitely yes, we are here to in...

How To: Create a WonderHowTo Account

WonderHowTo is a great place to find advice and learn things that you want to know, but can't find anywhere else. On this website, there are tons of people who make articles and videos to show you how to do stuff. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make your own WonderHowTo account and join this amazing place.

Lockdown: The InfoSecurity Guide to Securing Your Computer, Part II

This is Part II in the Lockdown: The InfoSecurity Guide To Securing Your Computer series. Before beginning, check out Part I. This article will cover using alternate software to increase your security and will provide you with some information about websites and programs that test a computer's security. It will also guide you to software you can install or follow so you know what programs need to be updated on the computer. Lastly, I will talk about some features that should be disabled when ...

The Ultimate Guide: Diagnosing & Fixing Connection Issues, Part II

Hello everyone and welcome to Part II - The Ultimate Guide: Diagnosing & Fixing Connection Issues. In this tutorial we will discuss more advanced methods that I took in order to fix our home network. I have also attached a link to download the FREE eBook - so feel free to download it to you can refer to this manual when you are experiencing connection issues. I would also like to note that the manual has been loaded onto a free server - it will remain on the server until people stop downloadi...

Adult Swim Games: It's Not Just for Aqua Teen Anymore

The days of having to pay for video games are over. Generally, retail games are better because they're made with more effort and care than their free counterparts. But free browser-based game sites are insanely popular, specifically Kongregate, Armor Games, and the grandaddy of them all—NewGrounds. Despite not receiving funds directly from the players, they’ve become a profitable niche in the games industry. And that popularity has attracted more talent and money to the production of web game...

News: Are You Noob-Positive or Noob-Negative?

noob - Short for "newbie." Someone with little to no experience or skill. In some gaming communities, there is fierce debate over the distinction between "noob" and "newb"—one being derogatory while the other simply indicates being a novice. While some may argue the semantic differences, "noob" is the most common spelling seen around the internet, for both purposes.

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite, Realistic 1 - Real Hacking Simulations

Last Friday's mission was to accomplish solving HackThisSite, realistic 1. This is the first in a series of realistic simulation missions designed to be exactly like situations you may encounter in the real world. This first mission, we are asked to help a friend manipulate the website voting system for a Battle of the Bands vote count in his favor.

How To: Defend from Keyloggers in Firefox with Keystroke Encryption

Null Byte is looking for moderators. More threats to computers exist every day. Not only do we have computer viruses and malware, but we have rootkits and other nasty pieces of code that can log your keyboard strokes or even add your computer to a botnet to attack other websites. Your computer can be infected even if you have anti-virus software installed. I can't stress enough how easy it is for a hacker to write a piece of code that gets around every piece of anti-virus software.

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 3 - Legal Hacker Training

Welcome to the Goodnight Byte for HackThisSite, Basic Mission 4. In Friday's session, we tackled some coding in Gobby. Nothing special, just a few modifications to the NullBot script we made a few session ago, and some education on regular expressions. Apart from coding, we did our scheduled HackThisSite mission. We had to take on some JavaScript, which was a new thing for Null Byte. This mission taught us about client-side HTML manipulation through JavaScript injections. This just means that...

Goodnight Byte: Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in Python

Our mission for this week's Community Byte was to create a Python program to crack web-based passwords, like the ones you would see on an email or router login. I wanted it to be universal in the sense that it could be easily modified and adapted to another website just by changing a few variables. That was a success! Even though people weren't on time to the coding session, everything went well.

Community Byte: Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in Python

Welcome to another Community Byte announcement! In the past two sessions, we have coded an IRC bot in Python capable of issuing commands. Since it can issue commands and most of you are new to programming, that project will stay idle for a while. Other commands such as voice and half-op can be easily hacked in via common sense, even if you weren't there for that session.

News: Richard Stallman's Rider

Best quotes: "A supply of tea with milk and sugar would be nice. If it is tea I really like, I like it without milk and sugar. With milk and sugar, any kind of tea is fine. I always bring tea bags with me, so if we use my tea bags, I will certainly like that tea without milk or sugar.

News: Google Chrome Web Store Gets New Look

This morning, the Official Google Blog and Chrome Blog revealed the new tab page, which lets you flip between your installed apps and your most visited web sites. To take a look at how it works, check out the video below. The Chrome Web Store also received a facelift. It's now a lot bigger and brighter, with infinite scrolling instead of pagination. Adding new apps and extensions is a snap; all you have to do is select your app or extension, read more about it, and then click on the +Add to C...