Buddies Wore Search Results

How To: Find and measure the correct bra size

Cate Adair, a fashion consultant makes many important and useful points in how to find the correct bra size. The first point is that your bra size is constantly changing. Losing/gaining weight, as well as exercise can easily change the size of bra you need. Due to this, it is important to get measured frequently since your size can change. She also points out that different outfits require different types of bras. Cate gives the example that the perfect bra while wearing a t-shirt probably is...

How To: Prepare the right safety gear for kayaking

This video will show you the right and proper safety gear for kayaking. Kayak safety gear is one of the most important aspect of kayaking. The most important kayak safety gear is the life jacket. It should be short torso so you can move freely and it does not rise up. Make sure that all the straps are tighten when you wear it. The next important kayak safety gear is a whistle. You will use it when you are in trouble or in emergency. Blow it once to catch attention and 3 times during emergency...

How To: Have an eye-catching online dating profile

Make a great online dating profile with this tutorial! Having a good profile is very important because when it comes to catching someone's eye and getting them to contact you. You have maybe a few seconds so your profile has to stand out, be interesting, and personable. Photos are also very important. You need 3-5 nice solo photos to put on your profile. Photos will help a person decide if they are interested in you. Posting good head and shoulder and full body photos is important. Do not use...

How To: Rat your hair

Who said the eighties were dead? Well, they might be, but that doesn't mean you can't still rock the hairstyles. Take your hair to new heights by ratting it, which is simply another way of saying backcombing.

How To: Look Taller

Looking taller is always kind of fun for someone who's not so tall to begin with. Fortunately, looking taller is easy to achieve and gives you more flexibility in your dress and style. The primary way to look taller is with shoes; however, use discretion when selecting tall shoes. You want them to be high enough so it actually makes a difference, but you don't want to give off the wrong image or be completely useless for everyday activities (like walking). This is where taste comes into play?...

How To: Use Snapchat's Hidden Filter to Add Color Overlays to Your Photos & Videos

Snapchat has built upon the photo-sharing service it once was to become a money-sending, commercial-shelling, video-messaging giant. They improved their user experience by adding Stories, Geofilters, and even the rarely-used Snapcash feature, but why isn't there something as simple as color filters? Yes, they have filters for black and white, saturated, and sepia, but that's it as far as color goes.

News: Just How Unbreakable Is the New Samsung Galaxy S5?

You've been there. Those precarious few seconds between dropping your expensive smartphone right on its face and reaching down to survey the damage. Or maybe you got thrown in a pool while your device was in your pocket, or you dropped that sucker right into the toilet bowl. Heck, I've managed to accidentally wash two devices by leaving them in my pants pocket when throwing in a load of laundry.

How To: Who's Unfollowing Your Twitter Account? Find Out with These Tracker Apps (And Get Revenge!)

Feelings can get hurt on Twitter as fast as an update. Everything is fine and dandy because two people are mutually following each other, then out of nowhere, one person has unfollowed the other out for seemingly no reason. Twitter doesn't notify users when someone has unfollowed them, so there are millions of people out there who get used for their follow! Well, now you can find out who unfollows you on Twitter with these mobile apps.

How To: Send Your Secret Spy Messages Wirelessly Through Light with This DIY Laser Audio Transmitter

Looking to transmit some super-secret audio communications to your other spy buddies? A laser is the perfect tool for getting your sounds heard from a small distance—without anyone intercepting them— even if it's just a cover of your favorite pop song. A laser audio transmitter uses light rather than radio waves to transmit sound. This is a much more secure way to send audio communications because the laser is a focused beam of light, whereas radio waves are not controlled, so they can be pic...

How To: Turn a Playing Card into a Super Simple Solar-Powered Battery Charger

You can do a lot more with playing cards than you'd think, like turn them into gift boxes, fling them like throwing stars, and make them levitate or disappear. You can even make them recharge your batteries. Instructables user Shawn Frayne was sick of having a bunch of dead batteries lying around, so he developed a cheap and easy way to always have a charged one within arm's reach by turning a normal playing card into a super simple solar-powered battery charger for rechargeable AA and AAA ba...

How To: Tie an Arab-style shemagh two different ways

A shemagh, or a keffiyeh, is a traditiona Arab headdress that's worn by Arab men. Made from a square scarf, it protects their heads and face from desert wind and sun. It's also multifunctional - warm at night and lightweight during the day. These scarves have even become adopted by the U.S. Cavalry to protect themselves during long treks outdoors.

How To: Make a pirate bandana like Jack Sparrow

Arrr matey, it's getting a little drafty in here! Time to tie up a pirate bandanna to keep yer head warm! This simple how to show's you how to make a pirate banana just like the one Jack Sparrow wore in Pirates of the Caribbean. This is simple to do, costs almost nothing and is essential for creating your own pirate costume. You'll need a 2ft by 2ft square of light cloth. Walk to plank and watch the video! Arrr!

How To: Make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress

If you're looking to create something cool for less than $2, check out this video and see how to make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress. This dress is similar to the one Ke$ha wore this year to the MVA show, turning the fashion world on its head and showing everyone that you don't have to spend a million dollars to turn heads. For this project you'll need a trash bag, some scissors, some tape and a stapler. For your own flair, grab sparkles, streamers or whatever else you can think of to ma...

How To: Get full knight armor in Dead Rising 2

Let's face it, there is nothing more badass than killing zombies in a mall with a little girl's tricycle wearing the full plate mail of a medieval knight. This video will show you how to set that up in Dead Rising 2 by getting all of the four pieces of the knight armor, which will together half all the damage you receive. Well, it shows you an awesome demo of the scene I described above, but to get the pieces simply do the following: