Budget Hollywood Search Results

Edit on a Dime: The Week Ahead

With the Consumer Electronics Show opening tomorrow, it’s going to be a ‘breaking news’ week here at Edit on a Dime. Stop by often for updates on the latest cheap and easy apps to make your video just that little bit better.

How To: The Budget Traveller Guide to Sleeping in Airports.

So you've come to realize that this site is not a complete joke and people DO actually sleep in the airport to save money on hotels. You may now be curious about this odd idea of sleeping in airports and you may be asking yourself one (or all) of the following questions: How do I do it? What should I bring with me? What tips do you have to share with us airport sleeping newbies? Well, here are some ideas that will help you get started in your airport sleeping adventures. Read More...

News: Motorized Horizontal Death Trap

This bad boy has an 80cc motor and for added danger, you can ride it in a whole slew of different positions. Ride it like a luge, or a trike, or go ahead, lie on your stomach and put your face right next to the engine. The more reckless, the better.

News: Bride$hare

What if you could plan your wedding twice as easily, on half the budget? How does the thought of saving some green - while being green - sound? If this kind of wedding planning is right up your aisle, then you're in the right spot!

News: HD Tour of the Brand New International Space Station

Take a tour of the ISS (International Space Station), just posted on YouTube this week. The ISS is an international project, including the five participant space stations: American National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Russian Federal Space Agency (RKA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and the European Space Agency (ESA).

How To: Fix oil leaks and clean your car engine

Ballin' on a budget? Mad Mike demonstrates how to get a clean engine with no oil leaks with this car tutorial video. Watch as Mad Mike guides you along the process with step by step instructions. Also covered is how to use an oil gun, which makes it easier to put the oil in the car. Learn how to find the leak and how to fix that leak using a crow's wrench with this instructional car video. Fix oil leaks and clean your car engine.

How To: Figure out a measurement for bigger tires on your car

Ballin' on a budget? Mad Mike shows you how to get a bigger tire on the back of your car. Watch this car tutorial video that illustrates how to figure out a measurement for getting a bigger tire for the back wheels of your car. Follow the simple instructions outlined in this tutorial video and learn how to get bigger tires for your car. Figure out a measurement for bigger tires on your car.

How To: Make a crystal wedding tree

In this video we will show you where you can find the perfect tree for your wedding centerpiece or table decor. If you choose to use a metal tree for your crystal floral arrangement, our video will show you numerous ways to decorate metal trees with crystals, flowers, orchids, candles and numerous other event styles and decor. The most often asked question is "How many crystals?". In this video of the Crystal Wedding Tree by Cristalier.com we will help you choose the design to fit your budget...

How To: 9 Cheap Interior Decorating Tips

To add a splash of unexpected color to your living space, paint the side of your door a vibrant color, or repaint an old piece of furniture to a bright new hue. Sometimes interior decorating, especially if you want to do it on a budget, is simply a matter of elevating what you already have or adding a single piece that changes the ambiance of the entire space.

News: Interview with Manborg Director Steven Kostanski! | the Film Lab

One of our favourite movies of 2011—Manborg, which we saw at Toronto After Dark—has become one of our favourite movies of 2012 with its week-long run here in Toronto at the Royal. A gloriously funny pastiche of ultra-cheap kung-fu, horror and sci-fi, Manborg is also a perfect example of the DIY ethic: it wears its rough, hand-made edges proudly, and its intense roughness makes its devotion to ‘80s channel-100-at-3-AM crap-cinema ephemera even funnier. We had a chance to speak with director St...

How To: Make a Movie Star Cake

I would like to share a cake decorating video tutorial where I teach you how to make a Hollywood cake. This project includes full step-by-step instructions, showing you how to make a 3D pastillage scenography with lights and a 3D gum paste doll. You can view the written instructions here.

News: News Clips - June 6

Collapse At Hand Ever since the beginning of the financial crisis and quantitative easing, the question has been before us: How can the Federal Reserve maintain zero interest rates for banks and negative real interest rates for savers and bond holders when the US government is adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt every year via its budget deficits? Not long ago the Fed announced that it was going to continue this policy for another 2 or 3 years. Indeed, the Fed is locked into the policy.

News: "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" Says: Welcome to the Pleasuredome!

The debate over whether video games can be considered art or not has intensified in recent years as games like Braid and Flow have taken the digital aesthetic experience to new heights. These new games are great examples, but there are much older ones that present compelling arguments as well. The best is a 1986 ZX Spectrum/Commodore 64/Amstrad CPC game called Frankie Goes To Hollywood.

News: Danes One Step Closer to DIY Suborbital Spaceflight

They've been at it for a few years now, but the crazy group of amateur rocket scientists who call themselves Copenhagen Suborbitals have triumphed over adversity, successfully launching their DIY rocket nearly 2 miles into the sky last Friday. The privately funded, non-profit aims to one day send human beings into suborbital space on the cheap, without the need of government budgets and administration.

Cyrus: The Puffy Chair meets Money and Famous People

Cyrus comes out tomorrow, having wowed people at Sundance and at SXSW where the directors, the Duplass brothers, had earlier success with their mumblecore feature The Puffy Chair. It's very funny, and very well made and it should be of particular interest to lo/no-budg filmmaking dudes and dudettes because it is literally the model of what can be done with talent and hard work.

How To: Describe action in a film script

How To Describe Action In A Film Script: This video provides you with the screenwriting basics to getting action down on paper. VideoJug shows you these tips which will send you on your way to Hollywood, so learn how to describe action in a film script with us. Describe action in a film script.

How To: Format dialogue in a film script

How To Format Dialogue In A Film Script: Writing a good script is one thing - but writing a professional-looking script is another. However good your ideas are, you'll never make it to Hollywood unless you master the basics of formatting and laying out your dialogue properly. Watch this VideoJug film for our handy guide to the basics or formatting dialogue in a film script. Format dialogue in a film script.

How To: Format scenes in a film script

Are you a closet film buff with a movie up your sleeve? Do you have a great film idea that's guaranteed to be a blockbuster? VideoJug presents the screenwriting basics to formatting the scenes in your film script like a pro, and giving those Hollywood screenwriters a run for their money. Format scenes in a film script.

How To: Format a film script

Want to write a film, but don't know where to start? Worried that your film script won't be up to scratch, and wondering how professional screenwriters format their screenplays? VideoJug presents the basics of screenwriting to help you lay out and format your future Hollywood blockbuster ready to send to agents and producers. Format a film script.