Bulky Boxes Search Results

How To: Search Public Posts on Facebook

The newer Graph Search in Facebook can help you find friends in specific cities, photos of a particular subject, restaurants that your friends liked, and a whole lot more. One thing it can't help you with just yet is searching public posts on Facebook, which you could do in the previous search version. Actually, some users do have the option to search public posts with Graph Search, but it's very limited and doesn't include me. If you're like me and don't have access yet, there is a workaroun...

How To: Get your official SAT score from College Board online

The SATs are a very valuable college entrance test and could determine if you're accepted or denied to your favorite university. So, once you've learned to ace the SATs and have already taken your test, get your scores as soon as they're out! Don't sit in dreaded anticipation— go to College Board and get your SAT test results now!

How To: Make Fruit Loop "Fiesta" butter cookies

Trix are for kids, but Fruit Loops are for everyone? Don't you ever think you're too old to nom on the pure sugar heaven that is Fruit Loops! While we are totally for grabbing handfuls out of the box and stuffing it in your face, there are other ways you can make use of this colorful "tropical" treat.

How To: Export iPhoto slideshows as video

You can export your iPhoto slideshow as a video. First select photos, you want to use in the slideshow. Now you need to click on + button in iPhoto which is located at the bottom of the iPhoto. Then click slideshow and make sure "Use selected items...." box is checked and then click create. It will create the slideshow on the left. You can change the settings of your slideshow by clicking the setting icon, located at the bottom. There you can change the settings of your slideshow like link th...

How To: Create flashcards with Keynote for use on iPod Touch

In this tutorial, we learn how to create flashcards with Keynote to use on an iPod touch. First, go into Keynote and choose the flashcard with the plain white background. To format this, click 'masters' on the toolbar. Now, choose "title-center" and make the first slide the question slide and the second slide the answer slide. Double click the text box to insert text into each different card. Next, to add a picture, click 'photos' and insert a picture you already had loaded on your computer. ...

How To: Use micro-misters for drip irrigation systems

Micro misters allow for low volume of water over a wide area. They give good moisture coverage. Systems can be pulled up, changed and made into what you need it to be. Keep potted plants separate from other plants. They should have their own system. There is a system to encourage growth of root systems of various plants. Shrubs get two emitters in case one clogs up, the plant still has moisture. Having the water at the base of the plant limits weed growth. There is a temporary system to get t...

How To: Burn fat with a plyometric weight loss routine

How do you amp up your current cardio/strength training routine to make sure you burn extra calories and shed extra fat? By jumping. Though jumping sounds easy, after you try this routine and repeat it a few times we'd be surprised if you weren't completely winded and sweaty. Do these exercises after your usual routine to really kick things up:

How To: Stretch a canvas

It's no secret, artists are broke. That's why they're referred to as "starving artists". One day these artists will achieve unimaginable success, but for most of their lives, they'll be struggling to survive… struggling to keep their vision alive. That's why they need to work cheap. And that's why they stretch their own canvases, not buy pre-made ones or have the hobby shop do it. If you’re a starving artist, save a few bucks, hone your carpentry skills, and stretch your own canvas.

How To: Make amazing Hawaiian BBQ chicken

In this clip, Chef Jason Hill brings you down to Hawaii and gets a piece of chicken from a North Shore roadside huli huli stand. This chicken is so amazing, that Chef Hill nabs the recipe and shows it to you in this clip. This recipe is very tasty and serves up great fresh off the grill. If you would like to bring a little bit of the tropics to your next picnic, try this dish out - you won't be disappointed!

How To: Show welcome messages in WordPress with subscribe link

Do you know where your blog's traffic is coming from? Everywhere. That's where. And they all want a warm welcome to your website. Every blog has multiple traffic sources. In order to welcome visitors from different traffic sources like Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Digg, etc., with the welcome message, we can add our subscription link according to the traffic source. Also, we can use default welcome message for direct visitors with help of this plugin. See how.

How To: Identify and control the pine tip moth

This is a tutorial for controlling the Pine tip moth. Identifying and controlling the pine tip moth consists of studying the small plants of pine. The attacks on pine trees is caused by Nantucket pine tree moth found along the Rio Grande Valley as far north as Espanola, it has spread to South Arizona and California by importing grafts from Mexico. The moths are 3/8 inch long reddish brown to grey in color. They attack the main stem of the baby plant and the pines instead of growing vertical g...

How To: Identify wire colors and do some basic home wiring

If you have never dealt with wire color-coding then Old64goat takes you through a very elementary tutorial that will give you the helpful aid needed to deal with common household wires. The first cord that is reviewed is the three pronged cord. The color wires contained within it is the green wire which is the ground prong, the white wire which is neutral, and the black wire which is the heat. Old64goat then demonstrates where the wires are connected to on the prong. He even gives out helpful...

How To: Change your NAT to OPEN with a Linksys router

This is a Computers & Programming video tutorial where you will learn how to change your NAT to OPEN with a Linksys router. Go to your browser and type in 192. 168. 1. 1 and that will take you to the basic set up. The authentication dialog box comes up. Type in ‘admin’ for the username as well as the password. These are default settings. In the Linksys page, go to ‘applications and gaming’ and on the Port Range page fed in these information. Your application you can name anything. Start 80, E...

How To: Make a Dashboard Widget on a Mac with Safari

This is a tutorial on how to create a dash board app for Mac. All you have to do is go into safari, and find what you make the app for. The next step is to find right click on the back ground and click open in dashboard. Once you go to dashboard it will appear as a bright box. This new Widget is editable, you can change the boarder by pressing the "i" in the bottom right hand corner. You should have six options. For something more interactive such as YouTube, you can select a whole table and ...

How To: Add photos to your Facebook fan page

Laura Roeder demonstrates how to add photos to your Facebook fan page. First, sign into Facebook and go to your fan page. Then, click on the photos tab which is an application on your page. Click the plus sign if you do not see the photos tab to access the photos function by adding the application in the edit page option. If you don't already have a photo album created, set one up using the create a photo album button. Then, use the add photos tab to add photos to your photo album. You can on...

How To: Build a worm composting bin

Leigh Ramsdell and Hal Brindley with The Environmentals discuss how to build a worm composting bin. To build a worm composting bin, you will need a plastic tub or a box with a lid. Calculate one square foot of surface area per pound of worms. A pound of worms can process a half a pound of food per day. Worms need air so put holes in your bin on the top and sides. Also put holes on the bottom for drainage so your worms don't drown and die. Add screens to cover the holes. Put bricks on the bott...

How To: Make a traditional slow cooker pot roast

We all know one of the most beloved family dinner favorites is pot roast! But, did you know it is also one of the easiest to make? In this tutorial, learn how to season and prepare your roast for a nice long simmer in a Crock Pot. All this recipe takes is about 10 minutes of prep, and some patience while it cooks. No family table is complete without this American tradition!

How To: Fold and fly a tumblewing walkalong glider

The science-fiction author, Arthur C. Clarke, once said, "That any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Who would have thought that we could create a wave of air with a piece of cardboard, and fly a folded sheet of telephone book paper on the wave of air? With this three-part video tutorial, you can find out how you can fly a piece of paper, making it surf on a wave of air. See how to make an origami tumblewing glider.

How To: Fix extreme red eye in Photoshop using replace color

If you have a photograph with an extreme red eye problem, then you will have to take steps above and beyond using the built-in red eye reduction tool in Adobe Photoshop. In extreme cases, red eye will actually contain colors outside of the red spectrum of light. Since the red eye tool only works on this spectrum of light, you will have to manually fix extreme red eye by working on tools that are effective across all different wavelengths of light. The most effective tool at your disposal in t...

How To: Create glowing text in Photoshop

Learn how to create glowing text in Photoshop with this awesome video! 1. Write any text using text button T on the selected image as a background. Write a suitable text and place it somewhere. 2.Select the text and make it Bold. 3. right click and set Opacity and Fill options. Opacity changes the color of the text as well as its effect. Whereas Fill changes the color only . If you have set it to 0% then you can't see the text if its exist also. Set Opacity to 100%. 4. For glowing text select...

How To: Recreate a Toys "R" Us display in Photoshop

Pixel Perfect is the "perfect" show to help you with your Photoshop skills. Be amazed and learn as master digital artist Bert Monroy takes a stylus and a digital pad and treats it as Monet and Picasso do with oil and canvas. Learn the tips and tricks you need to whip those digital pictures into shape with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. In this episode, Ben shows you how to recreate a Toys "R" Us display in Photoshop.