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News: Final Fantasy 14 Final Thoughts

Spending five days with the game is enough to know it's not to my liking. Is it a horrible MMO? Yes, yes it is. There are better Free to Play MMOs launched years ago that are better than this. As a fan of the Final Fantasy series (I am currently playing and liking Final Fantasy 13), this MMO is so bad that at some point I couldn't justify the awful environment, game play, and interface.

How To: Enjoy Baking Yeast Bread

Baking bread might feel intimidating in advance. The fear to screw it up can make one chicken out and instead keep buying bread as usual at the store. Personally, I am very picky about which bread to eat, and learned over time that home baked bread bits them all when made properly.

Abstinence: The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances.

WC 2010 grim view: low scores, low attendance.

I still have hope that this will be a good World Cup... This article aggregates a lot of things that have been said about the World Cup experience this year (South Africa's infrastructure, low scoring games, uninteresting first round match-ups, etc). I've noticed in a few broadcasts that upper seating areas are not filled to capacity and maybe the vuvuzelas make up for this. I think this will change once the Knock-out stages begin, but Nick Webster has a point:

News: OL's Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in L.A.

Los Angeles is filled with a myriad of options restaurant wise for all of your foodie needs. I am indeed a foodie, but there is nothing better to me then simple produce inspired plates. Here are three of my favorite spots in Los Angeles to find great organic treats all around the city. Happy Eating!

News: Fossilisation Machine Cuts 1,000 Year Process Down to 3 Months

Artist Austin Houldsworth of the UK has come up with a device that drastically speeds up the process of fossilisation. Entitled Two Million & 1AD, Houldsworth is capable of creating a fossil in a few months (which otherwise might require thousands of years). Houldsworth is currently experimenting with objects such as a pineapple and phesant, but ultimately hopes to fossilize a human. Houldsworth proposes:

News: There's No Such Thing As Perfection... But I Am Expecting It???

What Am I Doing???? Last night, I was reminded on the negative impacts of striving for perfection. It's not possible to be perfect. We describe many things as being perfect. IE, an afghan, a hat, a tablecloth and more over, there is always something better... a different colour, a slightly different pattern, and so on. As time progesses, the colours we choose this fall might be the OUT colours of next fall. 

News: Top Vegetarian Spots near Santa Monica, CA

Samosa House This southern Indian market and restaurant is a stellar choice for any veggie. Their jackfruit is superb! If you've never tried it, please do. It looks like pulled pork, tastes like a seitan or chicken and is a great natural alternative to meat. Lucky you, they just opened up a second location up the street in Culver City! Also the Bharat Bazaar is a great spot to pick up spices, ginger beer and anything you're missing as far as an Indian grocery goes!

News: on holiday

you go on holidayand your family stay at your house and everithing is god down the dog make everthinghe late the windows broking and the kitching every thing is go broking.and then your back from holiday and you say that he give a party an call the cops

News: Dorm Fire

In 2006, I was a freshman in college staying in a dorm hall that was populated by mostly fratboys. Since it was the cheapest and most ghetto dorm I took that as part of their initiation that they had to stay there before they moved on to the house, or however that works. My idea was to spray cooking spray outside on the floor of everyone's doorway, place cheap smoke bombs strategically so that they would eventually trip the fire alarm and film everyone coming out of their rooms, falling one b...

How To: An Exhaustive Guide to Burgers

From A Hamburger Today: your guide to regional hamburger and cheeseburger styles. What red-blooded American doesn't love hamburgers? Think you're an enthusiast? Think again. There's more to the burger than the Big Mac (though the Big Mac is included in this guide, of course).

News: Crash the Party

Crashing a frat party would be the type of prank that the guys of Jackass could pull off, like no others. My idea would be taking a boring overdone prank and cranking it up a few notches, like a jackass prank on steriods. Fraternities at the University of Alabama are very serious about their parties. If you are not on the list then you have no chance of getting in. I am assuming that all school's greek systems are the same. That reason alone makes it a challenge. I am suggesting that they guy...

News: The Peeper Creeper

Johnny or whoever plans on bringing home a girl. Unknown to the girl, one of the fat crew members of JackAss is hiding in the closet of the room where the couple are getting to know eachother just a little bit better ;). The Fat guy is wielding a box of tissues and a giant bottle of Lube for his comfort ;). He is also wearing a ski mask, boxers, and wife beater (white undershirt). When things in the room begin to heat up, the fat guy explodes out of the closet (dick hangin out) surpising the ...

Changing Positions: Flip Flopping

Politics(the Government) is built to accomplish a few things: maintaining order, providing necessities, operating businesses (stimulating the economy, trade), maintaining public relations and the most important of all, protecting the rights of the individuals it governs. It has a broad role, and as such, an array of bills, laws and rules to regulate itself and the country.

Lockdown: The InfoSecurity Guide to Securing Your Computer, Part I

This is a two-part series to locking down the computer to provide maximum protection. Even though this guide will sound intrusive, we are talking about reality here. Extreme measures must be taken to protect our computers, especially when we have confidential documentation or do internet banking, which many people do. We all have to use electronic devices at some stage, whether it be for business or personal use.

News: Hideo Kojima and Fox Engine Make Special USC Appearance

Hideo Kojima is one of the biggest names in Japanese game design. He's the man behind every Metal Gear game, each of which has been beautiful but divisive. He's an auteur, a rarity in AAA game design, managing business, design, and programming for Kojima Productions. Last week he made a rare public appearance at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, which contains the school's video game programs, and gave a 90-minute talk about his career, influences, and the specifics of his new Fox game design...

League of Legends: Dominion Coming Soon

If you’re unfamiliar with League of Legends, you’re either not into PC gaming or you haven’t spent much time on the internet. Riot Games officially released League almost two years ago, and since then it’s become a huge hit. In fact, the Santa Monica based company recently announced that the DOTA inspired game has 15 million registered users, 4 million unique logins each month, and 500,000 people playing the game at any given moment.

News: HP TouchPad Tablet Discontinued – Get One Now for Just $100

In a recent announcement, Hewlett-Packard announced that they're considering spinning off their PC hardware business, but even more recent was the decision to completely off webOS devices. Though they aren't eradicating the once popular Palm platform altogether, they are liquidating all of their HP branded smartphones and tablets in a fire sale, including the Pixi, Pre and Veer phones and TouchPad tablet, which is less than two months old.

News: Dota 2 Gamers Compete in Unprecedented $1,000,000 Tournament

Most indie game developers will never see a million dollars in their bank accounts, and I certainly doubt that Eul, the anonymous developer responsible for the original version of Defense of the Ancients (DotA), expected to. But now even the fans can earn a little green. Some lucky and talented DotA players are about to win $1,000,000 for playing the unreleased sequel to the free unsupported Warcraft III mod from 2003.

News: Cryptic Comet Wants You! to Start Reading Game Manuals Again

For a long time, video games manuals were serious business. Especially for strategy games and RPGs on the PC, the manuals would often run to a hundred or more full-color pages in length. They explained in vivid and well-written detail the history of the game world and every facet of the gameplay system. There were pages upon pages of appendices explaining the statistics of every unit, faction, and terrain type. They were majestic, and I would spend an hour or more poring over each one before ...

How To: Get By with the Cheaper 16GB Option for iPhone or iPad

There are a few different types of Apple iPhone and iPad users: general household users who largely consume media—e.g. surfing the web, watching movies, listening to music. Other iPhone and iPad owners use their device(s) to produce stuff—written documents, edited movies, blog posts, music tracks, and the like. And then there are those who are very mobile with their devices. They commute to and from work on a regular basis with their iPhone or iPad. Some users may travel a lot on business, or...