Business House Search Results

How To: Make a little house pop-up card

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a little house pop-up card. First, draw a cute little house on a flat plain with trees around it, then decorate the house! After this, fold it in half so the house shows on the outside and cut the paper along the roof and on the bottom, not on the sides. After this, bend that flap on both sides and then open up the card. Now, fold the card in so the little house pops out when you open it up! From here, put into your card and then color the entire thing t...

How To: Draw a house on Microsoft Paint

In this video, Lance Sisiolo draws a beautiful house using Microsoft Paint. He uses line tool to draw most part of the house. He uses different types of lines. He also uses curve tool to draw sky and the entrance of the house. The unwanted part of the picture is erased using erase tool. Then he uses fill with color tool and airbrush tool to paint the picture. He uses different colors to increase the beauty of sky and the house. Then some trees are added. Using airbrush tool he increases the b...

How To: Start your own business

There's nothing better than being your own boss some say. If you are ready for the risks and the work, take your passion to the next level and start your own business. Learn how to start your own business with help from this video.

How To: Play "A House Is Not A Home" on the piano

Want to learn how to improvise and play jazz piano? Well first you have to learn techniques from the jazz greats of yesteryear. This piano lesson teaches you how to play "A House Is Not A Home" by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. With some practice and basic understanding of music theory and harmony you will soon be able to improvise jazz solos over basic chords. Soon you will be able to play along with any tune with this jazz piano lesson. Check out this jazz piano how to video and you will be ...

How To: Build a beach house in Minecraft

In this two part tutorial, you will learn how to build a beach house from scratch in Minecraft. You will need wooden planks, wooden slabs, glass, fence, wooden stairs, levers, doors, pistons, and redstone torches. Once you have all of your resources, you can construct a beautiful raised house on the sand.

How To: Get fleas out of your house

Fleas carry disease and are a massive nuisance to human and animal alike. If your pet has fleas or your house has gotten infested in some other way, watch this video to learn how to get the fleas out of your house for good.

How To: Get gnats out of your house

Gnats are pretty harmless, but they're really hard to get out of your house once they're in. Watch this video to learn about a bunch of different ways you can get rid of gnats in different parts of your house with different homemade tools.

How To: Write an executive summary

An executive summary is one of the most important parts of your business career, because it's the first thing investors will look at. Placed at the beginning of a business plan, the executive summary is the hook that lures investors into wanting to learn more about your business. See how to write one in the best way possible.

How To: Draw a tree house

This video by Michael Weisner will show viewers how to draw a tree house using a white piece of drawing paper and a writing utensil. In order to save time, the drawing had been roughly outlined in pencil. A rough outline of the desired picture may help before you begin your drawing, otherwise, you may proceed without it. First, you should begin by drawing the base of the tree, which is a simple trunk with roots. Make sure to leave some space along the trunk in the form of missing pieces along...

How To: Landscape the entrance area to a business

When customers come to your place of business, you want them to feel welcome and comfortable. In this video tutorial, Dave of Growing Wisdom discusses design principles to keep in mind when you're redoing the entryway to your business. For more and better information, and to get started redoing the entrance to your own business establishment, watch this landscaper's guide.

How To: Solve rate-of-change business math problems in Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 30th installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to solve business math word problems that involve rate of change (increase or decrease).

How To: Write your own business plan

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to write their own business plan. This video provides several options for viewers to decide from to write a business plan. Users may choose to purchase a business plan software for $50-$65, take a business plan course for $75-$500 or hire a consultant for $1000,-$5000. Business course plans are usually located at college campuses. It is not recommended to hire a consultant as it is very expensive and you will ne the one giving the consultant the infor...