Buying Skincare Search Results

How To: 4 Crafty Ways to DIY an Emergency Oil Lamp

If you're ever in a survival situation where you have no electricity and you're fresh out of flashlight batteries, fear not. By using commonplace items such as glass containers, old T-shirts, and cheap vegetable oil, you can very easily put together your own DIY oil lamp that will brighten up that darkness for hours. And no matter how fancy those store-bought scented candles can smell, none of them will smell as good as a DIY lard candle made with your leftover bacon grease.

News: Two Bright Nebulae in Orion's Sword

My attempt at real astrophotography. The two bright nebula are M 42 and M 43 located in Orion's Sword. I took about 20 images at ISO 800 and 1.6 second exposures using a 300 mm lens and stacked them in Photoshop after repositioning them because of the movement of the sky. This is cropped in just a tiny bit.

News: Exercise Makes Me Tired

I just got my first Christmas gift to myself today. I have to say I do often just get myself a few items. It's the only time of the year I buy anything. So to myself I gave a pilates dvd. I did it this morning and now feel like taking a nap.

News: Bird's Eye Maple Veneered Papercraft Dodecahedron

I bought a sheet of ultra thin 1 ply Birdseye Maple veneer the other day and decided that It would look beautiful as a dodecahedron. I used some glue to attach it to cardstock and then cut it out as the net of a dodecahedron. I used a X-acto knife to lightly etch the fold lines on both the cardstock and the veneer so that it would fold crisply. I glued it all together using superglue. This post shows the net and how to fold it.

News: Indie Game Music Bundle (Including Minecraft)

For those of you who love soundtracks (like me!), you're in for a treat. If you ever wanted to own or listen to C418's Minecraft soundtrack songs, it's now part of a bundle called the Indie Game Music Bundle! The bundle includes 10 DRM-free albums from indie game composers, including Minecraft! What could be better? Well, you get to decide how much you want to pay! Yes, really! As little as a buck.

News: The Green House - Vertical Gardening Exterior Walls

This is one concept that I would love to see sweep the urban world. One thing that strikes me every time I visit a major city is how far away they are from anything that is truly alive. Not only is the air dirty, but everyone must buy their produce from the grocery store. If those trucks were to stop coming for any reason, most people, if not everyone, would die of starvation. While this house is covered with ornamental plants, I would love to see this same concept applied to edible plants an...

News: The Best Books for Mastering Your Canon EOS 5D Mark II DSLR

The manual that's included with the Canon EOS 5D Mark II is a great starting point for learning the camera, but it's definitely not the only place you should be getting your information from if you intend to master your 5D Mark II. If you don't have the manual, you can download a copy of it here from Canon's website. It's great for learning the basics of the camera, but sometimes it can be vague and hard to follow. In order to capture the full potential of the 5D Mark II, you need to go a lit...

Dress to the Nines: 7 DIY Tricks for Keeping Your Wardrobe Looking Shiny and New

Refresh your wardrobe without buying a single new article of clothing. Yep, it can be done. Because who really has the money these days to splurge on new clothes? And no, you don't have to be a DIY sewing genius to work with what you already have. Sometimes it's a matter of simple improvements, like making your dingy white tank top look super white again, or fixing those embarrassing scratches on your formerly spotless leather shoes.

News: It's Humble Indie Bundle Time! 5 Games for 'Name Your Price'

Since the beginning of last year, every six months or so the fine folks at Wolfire Games have gathered indie developers together to release a combo gaming pack called Humble Indie Bundle. Not only are the included games good, but the way one buys them is what makes Humble Indie Bundle one of the coolest products in games. Even better, Humble Indie Bundle #3 just came out last Tuesday and is available here for two weeks only.

Takoyaki: Decadent Japanese Street Food with Foie Gras and Caviar

Takoyaki, a very popular Japanese street food, is a spherical dumpling with grilled octopus. What's fun about cooking is that you don't always need to follow the classic recipe for things. I wanted to take this humble snack and turn it into something a little more decadent. Mine includes scallop, foie gras, dried mushrooms, and caviar. Here's what you'll need:

News: Paid to Promote Yourself

Make money promoting yourself, build links and drive traffic. Yes thats is right you can get paid to promote yourself by using free to join sites that let you share revenue, I have included a list of sites that will allow you to build links to your online content or sites. this will aid in building your site authority as well as let you make some revenue to help you pay for your hosting fees ect.

News: Urban Gardening

One of the best Flash games inspired by urban gardening. One simple way of alleviating food shortage or rather minimizing your food expenses: Planting your own food. Of course this won’t literally save you from a zombie apocalypse but this could surely save you some extra bucks.

News: People Who Can't Afford Food

These pictures was taken on the bus during my ride going home from work. My heart reaches out to them, Street children who cannot afford to buy food. Who resort to sniffing solvent fumes just to forget hunger and the harsh reality of life.I just wish I could something for them. I saw them on the sidewalk near SM Makati under MRT Ayala Station.

News: Long-Term Strategies

Long-Term Strategies for FrontierVilleWhen you first start to play FrontierVille, after you’ve cleared a bunch of trees and brush and started to build a schoolhouse or a barn and you’ve added a few neighbors, you look up at the people around Level 90 or Level 100, and wonder how they play the game and how they got that far.There’s a book (or a series of four books) you may notice – FrontierVille Tycoon Guide – that promises to tell you the secrets of the high level players. You can buy it on ...

News: So, Now What?

Fads, Fiascos and Good Stuff in FrontierVille This WeekThis is the first of what should, with luck, be a series of weekly columns.Fads firstIt’s St. Patrick’s Day in FrontierVille and it looks like staying that way for the foreseeable future, which will probably be about ten days. If you’ve ever lived in England you know about jackdaws, but I’ll explain for the rest of you. They’re small black birds who are notoriously fascinated by shiny things, and they love to peck the foil caps off milk b...

News: Print Yourself in 3D

Since the early genesis of the brilliant Microsoft Kinect hack, inventive applications have been popping up nonstop. One of the most fascinating projects to surface recently falls within the realm of 3D printing. "Fabricate Yourself"—a hack presented at the Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Conference in January—allows users to pose in front of an Xbox Kinect, which then converts a captured image into a 3D printable file. What does this mean exactly? Think Han Solo trapped in carbon...

How To: Water damaged ipod how i fixed mine.

My ipod sat in the dogs water bowl for over 12 hours and still works fine. Heres what i did first i shook all the water out i could for about 20 to 30 minutes, then dabbed it with paper towels for another 10 or so accidentally turned it on which i know your not supposed to do with any wet electronics. At the moment when it turned on every thing worked fine so i put it down an left it alone. The next day went to listen to a some music it turned on but nothing worked on it. I had to leave for a...

News: Does "Contemporary Art" Mean "Now Art"??

The has been writing articles for a while now on the deceptive practice among the leading auction houses, of staging a "contemporary art" auction. What they do is, put a few Warhols up, then a bunch of unknown artists, since they are all part of the same auction, people think they are buying something valuable.

News: Watch a 1,500-Pound Box of Cell Phones Crush a Chevy Camaro

You looked on as a 1,169-pound pumpkin flattened a Pontiac sedan, now watch a 1,500-pound box of cell phones smash a Chevy Camaro! Jalopnik reports, "A cell phone recycler took its YouTube promo campaign to a new level by dropping 1,500 lbs. of junked cellphones on a parked 4th-generation Camaro. The resulting mess answers a question only a Mustang fan would ever ask. The filmmakers later clarified that the Camaro wasn't in running condition ... and was bought by a member of the crew as a par...

News: Hacked Kinect Captures 3D Video in Real Time

That Kinect you bought for your Xbox 360? More than just a game controller, it's a bonafide hologram generator! In the clip below, UC Davis researcher Dr. Oliver Kreylos demos the process. The fun stuff begins at the :44 mark. Kreylos explains, "By combining the color and the depth image captured by the Microsoft Kinect, one can project the color image back out into space and create a 'holographic' representation of the persons or objects that were captured."

News: Moroccan style

In my country, we consider the designs of the Arabic and Islamic culture as a part of our Moroccan culture, that's why we mix different style to produce some awesome designs for: walls, furnitures, surroundings, accessories,...

How To: FrontierVille Secrets Guide

I know you've been wondering where I went with all my posts. The answer is:! And from there, I wrote an ebook (4 actually) with all the best tips and tricks to leveling up, completing missions, and having the best homestead around!