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How To: Set up your shot for a 50 yard pitch

Rickard Strongert explains that to set up your shot for a 50 yard pitch, you first must put the club square to the target and then assume the open stance position. The ball must be placed in the middle of your stance and you should lean from your hips before you swing. Set up your shot for a 50 yard pitch.

How To: Slice the golf ball

Rickard Strongert explains that to slice the golf ball, you must move your left hand under the club, so that your grip will be weak. You also should aim off-target and protect the right hand side. Slice the golf ball.

How To: Make a power shot, positioning the cue ball

This video shows how to shoot the target ball with enough strength to pocket the ball and set the cue ball up for the next shot. Hitting low on the cue ball with a good follow through will position the cue ball for the next shot. If done correctly, you can end the game! Make a power shot, positioning the cue ball.

News: Laser Blasts 2 Megajoule Beam 1,000 Times Stronger Than All U.S. Power Plants Combined

You might already know a little bit about what the National Ignition Facility has been up to lately, or what they could possibly achieve. But last week, even the scientists at the Livermore, California station couldn't predict the awesome power that their humongous laser was capable of. NIF's laser is already the record holder for the world's largest laser, and now it can also claim to be the first ever 2 megajoule ultraviolet laser after it generated nearly 100 times more energy than any oth...

How To: Defeat SSL in Practice with SSL Strip

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. It's an encryption standard used on most sites' login pages to avoid their users' passwords being packet sniffed in simple plain-text format. This keeps the users safe by having all of that traffic encrypted over an "https" connection. So, whenever you see "https://" in front of the URL in your browser, you know you're safe... or are you?

News: accupuncture or needle darts

As a young boy, my mom would leave her sewing needle, with a length of thread, sticking in the arm of our couch while she did other mom things. I found it to be very fun to sling it by holding the thread, at my siblings or dad, to get it to stick in their skin. We always coverd our eyes since that was the only vital spot we didnt want to hit. I cant begin to tell you how hilarious it was. We laughed our ass's off the way you guys do. I have wanted to see you guys do this prank since you first...

News: Homeland Security is watching YOU

The department of Homeland Security released a list of 'words and phrases' it uses to search social media for terrorism, and whatever else they decide they are looking for that day. Read some of these. A few are obvious "bomb, nuke" and some "target, event" are just down right vague. More reasons to watch what you do on the Internet. You are not the only one watching!

News: Obama supports drone attacks

In a recent address, Obama supports drone attacks against people 'on the list'. He talks about the people on the list being known of 'going to attack Americans', and who have a 'track record of terrorism'. Let me tell you, targeted strikes will, 90% of the time, have civilian casualties. There is no such thing as a clean strike. But I'll let you decide.

How To: Weigh samples in the lab using a balance

The Interactive Lab Primer (ILP) has been developed as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry Teacher Fellowship Scheme, one of the themes of the Chemistry for Our Future program, and initiative which aims to secure a strong and sustainable future for the chemical sciences in higher education. The aim of the ILP is to address the diverse range of experience and skills students bring with them to a university by offering a resource to support their transition from school to the university chem...

How To: Bake a normal map

This quick 3D modeling software tutorial explains how to bake a normal map in modo 301. Learn how to bake a normal map mesh to mesh using high-res meshes targeted to a low res mesh in modo 301. Bake a normal map.

How To: Hit a screw shot in snooker

Steve Davis and John Parrott show how to hit the screw shot, in which the cue ball rolls back after contact with the target. The video contains slow motion footage of what's happening to the cue ball in response to contact with the cue. Hit a screw shot in snooker.

How To: Use Aim parameters in the Cinema 4D Constraint Tag

This clip introduces the Constraint Tag and specifically looks at the use of the Aim parameters. If you make use of the Target Tag in Cinema4D, then watch this tutorial to see how the Constraint Tag could open up a lot of extra possibilities. Whether you're new to MAXON's popular 3D modeling application or are just looking to get better acquainted with Cinema 4D and its various features and functions, you're sure to enjoy this free video software tutorial. For more information, and to get sta...

News: Fun with Blogs!

Blogs are a gold mine Some of the best sentences you will ever get when building your vocabulary can definitely come from blogs. The language and vocabulary usage in blogs is always changing to reflect how people talk in this day and age, and therefore are the perfect research tool for vocabulary sentence building.

News: A Way Out of the Overload

A Way Out of the Overload How do we simplify? There's a welter of information, advice, techniques, schools and every imaginable video tape available on the market to answer that question for you. In making a selection from this movable feast you'd want to take into account the background and credentials of the person offering you a way out of the overload. That's assuming you didn't just throw up your hands in exasperation and walk away from the task entirely.

How To: Increase the Number of Push Ups You Can Do

Consistently used in many forms of physical training, the push up has been considered one of the best physical tests of muscular fitness and endurance. Namely known for its use in the military as well as other physically demanding activities such as boxing and the martial arts, the push up is necessary for any physical examination in which many struggle with.

Hacking Reconnaissance: Finding Vulnerabilities in Your Target Using Nmap

Remember that scene in The Matrix when Trinity uses a realistic Nmap port scan, followed by an actual SSH exploit (long since patched) to break into a power company? Well, believe it or not, but that scene is not far fetched at all. If you want to exploit vulnerabilities and root boxes, you'll need to learn how to perform the necessary reconnaissance first. In fact, you will spend far more time researching your target then you will exploiting it. In this article, I am going to show you the fi...

News: You Don't Need to Be a Hacker to Hack with This Android App

Security awareness seems to be a hot topic these days on the web, with developers making apps and devices that can hack networks and machines with just a few clicks. But these applications aren't only exploiting security flaws in systems and networks, they're being used by amateur and wannabe hackers who want to have a little fun, but don't want to learn how to actually "hack" anything.

How To: Do a hip roll ab exercise

The hip roll is great if you are looking to target the midsection. This exercise is used to target the oblique muscles, which occupy the sides of the midsection. The job of the obliques is to assist with rotation of the torso, as well as basic abdominal contractions.

How To: Use Film back presets when rendering from modo 301

The modo camera and rendering system is incredibly powerful and flexible. This new film back preset options helps you to quickly harness that power for your specific target medium. Need to render out to 2k Academy 35mm film? No problem. Imax? Sure thing. Did we mention this is an XML driven preset system so you can add your own? See how to use the film back preset render options in this modo 301 tutorial. Use Film back presets when rendering from modo 301.

How To: Kick the perfect place kick in rugby

Jonny Wilkinson, who plays fly-half for England, Newcastle Falcons and the Lions. demonstrates how to kick the perfect place kick. Set the ball up nice and straight and line the seams up with the target. Start your run up from a 45 degree angle between you, the ball, and the post. Make sure your kick connects with the ball in the sweet spot. Kick the perfect place kick in rugby.

How To: Hit straighter irons

Target golf... Nick Bradley explains why excellent alignment at set-up is crucial if you want to hit pin-seeking iron shots.Just a few millimetres out in your alignment at address can equate to yards out when your golf ball lands on the green. And that can make the difference between a birdie and a bogey.Use Nick's aligment drill and you've got no excuse for not hitting irons spot-on, every time. Hit straighter irons.