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UDP Flooding: How to Kick a Local User Off the Network

Only so much data can be passed through the network and to your computer's networking interfaces. This is limited by the amount of bandwidth you have. The more bandwidth you have, the faster your network connections will be. Not only this, but your transfers will be more parallel and distributed so that all of your speed isn't taken up by one transfer. When all of your bandwidth is sapped and unable to be used, this is called a denial of service, or a DOS.

News: HP TouchPad Tablet Discontinued – Get One Now for Just $100

In a recent announcement, Hewlett-Packard announced that they're considering spinning off their PC hardware business, but even more recent was the decision to completely off webOS devices. Though they aren't eradicating the once popular Palm platform altogether, they are liquidating all of their HP branded smartphones and tablets in a fire sale, including the Pixi, Pre and Veer phones and TouchPad tablet, which is less than two months old.

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: An Amnesiac Retrospective

Three years ago, Double Fine productions held an in-house event called the Amnesia Fortnight. The company was split into four teams, each of which set out to spend two weeks developing an idea for a small game and present it to the other groups at the end of the duration. All of the ideas turned out to be winners, and founder/owner Tim Schafer secured publishing deals for all four games to be released on a combination of XBLA and PSN. In honor of the excellent Trenched becoming the third game...

News: Target launch

Pretty much all you do is stick someone on the seat, drive a car off the ramp and try to hit the target. This will launch whoever is on it onto a trampoline and then they will bounce into a pool filled with crap.

News: The World Cup begins TODAY!

It could be said that the World Cup really starts during the knock-out stages. What was going on for the last couple of weeks was more like the "World's Soccer Fair." At least I'd like to think of it this way after watching games like Slovenia vs. Algeria, New Zealand vs. Slovakia or Cameroon vs. Netherlands (where Cameroon had no chances at all) and Brazil vs. Portugal with both teams qualified for the next round. I'm not dismissing any of these teams, since after 4 years they all merited to...

News: The Da Vinci Kata

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -Leonardo da VinciLearning a kata requires that you go through several stages. First you have to learn the basic pattern and the techniques. Then you have to perfect what you've learned. Then you have to deconstruct what you've learned and perfected in order to truly understand what the kata is teaching you vis a vis close quarter engagement.

Red Dead Redemption: Act 1

Finished Act 1 (3 total) of Red Dead Redemption and it was disappointing. The act is divided into five important people who you have to do missions for in order to progress the story. Around five missions per person on average. Only Bonnie and the Marshall's story missions felt tied to the storyline. Dickens, Seth, and Irish's missions felt like they added nothing but padding to the game. Add that nothing that you do in the game affects the world around and it's like you never existed in the ...

How To: Snag Prime Seats at an NBA Game

There is no fan experience in professional sports quite like watching an NBA game live. Partly, this can be attributed to the combination of fluid teamwork and jaw-dropping athleticism the players exude in the form of size, speed, jumping ability, grace, and strength. What truly differentiates the NBA from the spectators' perspective, though, is the figurative nakedness of the players. While the NFL buries its athletes beneath pads and masks, the NBA presents its talent in shorts and a tank top.

News: simple prank

Right before the male target goes to sleep, "burrow" their car keys. take the car to the professional painter and give it a new paint job. color it in hot pink, put a license plate saying "i love cock", decorate the interior of the card with fluffy pink seats and make it look like a 100% chick car....

News: the shitty ending

Here is what to do, get a catapult fill it full of poo launch it and try to hit someone that’s strapped onto a huge target and once you hit them they sound a horn, bam goes down a ramp on a skateboard dodging piles of poo if he clears it he hits a sign that drops steve-o into a pile of poo he vomits into a bucket, the weight of the bucket pulls the string attached to it, it opens a little gate were wee-man crawls through and he goes into like a suridge pipe, once he gets out the other end he ...

News: Screw over the Local Supermarket

There's two senile senior citizens disguised from Steve-O and Johnny Knoxville who claims they have "gotten sick of hospital food", and decided to rob a local supermarket. One guy is wearing his sports shorts, walking with a walking stick, and with parts of his genitals exposing, plobbing everywhere. (Johhny) While the other guy's on a wheel chair, just pitifully rolling to the supermarket with his (fake) detures and the hospital gown(steve-O). As they entered the assumed "Cosco", they then p...

News: wrap your brains around this one.

alright so my dumb friends and I were sitting just bullshitting and came up with an idea for a gnar prank. if ya got balls though, this shit might get your ass killed. we want you guys to skydive down and land in a state correctional facilities' outdoor recreational area, and upon landing tell the people that you missed your target and then see what happens.or just make up something crazy to say like. HEY! am I in Mexico did I make it?anyway let me know what you think if ya got time. peace ou...

News: Irving Zismans gas attack

Have Johnny disguised as IrvingZisman and turn him loose on the general population armed with "The Pooter" ( one of the most realistic fart making noise gadgets available ) to release a gas attack like they have never heard. Let him visit crowded elevators, office buildings, crowded buses, shopping malls, taxi cabs, restaurants, movie theaters, job interviews, grocery stores, churches or what ever target he chooses. This joke would even work with the entire cast of Jackass but Irving would mo...


It is a game that includes a children's play wheel, paint guns, bows, arrows and darts. At the wheel will be spinning the participants with the ass in the air, every ass has a punctuation recorded and will be targeted with an air gun, dart or arrow. Each buttock punctuation will have a 100, 500 and the dimple will be maximum of 1000 points punctuation every 8 seconds and increase the speed of the wheel, so to complete the minutes or 10000-pointers in the asses of the participants or until you...

News: Vomit Go Round

In this prank, the Jackass Crew will be tricked inot drinking a bit of ipecac (or willfully take it if knowing) before getting on a ride that will go up and down in a circular motion. While in the ride, the Crew will be shooting nerf guns (or any projectile in intrest) at people who are their targets, and thats when the magic begins.

News: Unintended Bungie Jump

Alright, so while I can't claim to be a huge, oh my god there's Steve-O jump for joy everytime a new Jackass movie comes out, fan, I do enjoy watching the show. Now, there's a prank that I would never have the means nor balls to pull on someone I know, but those kind of pranks seem to be the Jackass bread and butter, so here goes nothing.I got this idea maybe a month and a half ago. The first step of this plan would be to somehow make one of your friends unconcious. I'm not asking questions a...

IPsec Tools of the Trade: Don't Bring a Knife to a Gunfight

Pull up outside any construction site and you'll see tools scattered about—hammers, jigsaws, nail guns, hydraulic pipe benders—these are the tools of the trade. You would be hard-pressed to build a home or office building with just your hands! On that same page, security professionals also have their own go-to tools that they use on the job site, only their job site is your server.

How To: Recognize Crowd Control - Part 3

For our final part of recognizing crowd control, we shall look at the mind. It's the most complicated thing in the universe, but also the most easily influenced. What makes us to gullible? What methods to commercials, companies and the media use to influence our position on things? These are just a few of the questions we will answer.

News: Introduction To Keywords & Google Keyword Tool

In this article I’m going to talk about specific issues about optimizing your website, making it more clear to Google and other search engines exactly what your website is about. As I've discussed in previous articles this is very important for people when they are searching. We're going to talk first about keyword phrases and how they fit into search engine optimization. You are going to be using keyword phrases in a number of different ways. First you have to figure out what your keyword ph...

News: Anonymity, Darknets and Staying Out of Federal Custody, Part Two: Onions and Daggers

In the first part of this series, we learned about darknets, as well as how they came about. But these patches of forgotten Internet are not the oasis of free information you might think. Despite being hidden—or just harder to come across—these networks are no more safe then anywhere else on the 'clear' Internet. The nature of networking and routing means your location is always known in server logs. It only takes one phone call to your ISP with your IP address to obtain both your physical ad...

How To: Build a Simple Redstone Adding Machine in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. There are many amazing redstone builds, but probably the pinnacle of redstone technology is the redstone calculator. The ability to turn simple game mechanics into a real-life calculator is one of genius, pioneered by some very clever Minecrafters many months ago.

News: UK Newspaper Runs Series of Yellow Anti-Video Game Articles

The United Kingdom has long been known as an international hub of yellow tabloid journalism. The News Of The World, one of the nation's largest tabloids, is famously in court right now because of the deplorable methods it used to acquire salacious information about interesting people. It appears, given their recent string of video game related reportage, that daily newspaper Metro has also had its fair share of morally dubious reporters on staff.

News: Child Molesters and Sexy Fighters: A Study of Video Game Commercials

The Kinect for Xbox 360 and PlayStation Move might be fun to play with, but people do not look very cool while they're doing it. Air guitar is not particularly flattering (even if done on stage), and neither is air-anything else, as pleasurable as it might be. This is why I find it strange that a group of admen somewhere in the world think these kinds of commercials would appeal to anyone.

A First Look at Call of Juarez: The Cartel

The developing team Techland gets a free pass. Having thoroughly enjoyed their previous title, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, this sequel was bought on day one by good ol' fashion blind faith. After playing for most of today, it's still to early to tell if the game is a mess or a fun romp. Here are some first impressions.

News: Angry Clones Are Taking Over the App World

In December 2009, Angry Birds was released to the public. The iPhone and iPod touch were the first to take on the demand, then a devoted HD version for the iPad. Since then, it's transcended iOS devices to appear on Android, Nokia, Palm phones, and many others. Next, it broke away from mobile devices with versions available on PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, 3DS, Windows PC and Mac computers. Facebook and Windows Phone 7 apps are in the works.

News: Gardening's Here!

Finally! Gardening! Many have been waiting for ages for this invention to come true, and now it has! Come experience it for yourselves in the Test Realm (instructions on getting there will be added)! When you enter, go the Moolinda Wu and she will teach you how to start gardening. Easy as that! You can plant many things, and monsters drop seeds, too. You can plant indoors or outdoors. Garden now on the Test Realm!Here's the complete article Professor Moolinda Wu wrote: