Carmen Bar Search Results

How To: Get Your Chromecast to Stop Lagging

Google Chromecast is only 35 dollars. That's about 2 and a half drinks at a decent bar in Los Angeles. So, my roommates and I looked to make the investment. The small box arrived in the mail and the setup couldn't be easier. Simply, plug the Chromecast into the HDMI port on your TV and pair the two devices. Done and Done. Having the ability to stream anything on our computers or cellphones right to the TV was the main reason for getting Chromecast. Now, for streaming through the Chrome browse...

Cozy How To: Microsoft Office Ribbon Interface & Work Space

PowerPoint Tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software. In this introduction tutorial we will be using PowerPoint 2010 and will focus on the interface workspace by reviewing the ribbon, slide pane and slide tabs. The ribbon is designed much like a website navigation menu bar and has multiple categories to separate all of the tools into an organized bar. By default the Home tab is selected and will include most of the tools that are commonly used when editing and creating a PowerP...

How To: Make Your Favorite Song Last Forever with Infinite Jukebox

The first album I ever bought with my own money was Nirvana's MTV Unplugged in New York. It featured mainly lesser-known songs and covers, but was on constant repeat on my Walkman. While the whole album was fantastic, there was one song that stood out the most to me—"The Man Who Sold The World." The song (originally written by David Bowie) kept me under a spell, which had me replaying the song over and over and over and over. As I got older, I found myself sharing this relationship with a han...

How To: Enable the Hidden Facebook Chat and Notifications Feature in Firefox 17's Toolbar

As enjoyable as Facebook can be at times, it can also be a great distraction and even better deterrent of getting work done. A quick "Oh, let me check my notifications" can turn into hours and hours of Facebooking, and before you know it, you're already on your 7th Wikipedia page, all thanks to that status your friend posted. The reason I mention this is because Firefox's new 17.0 update includes many features, but the one that's been making the rounds online is the integration of Facebook Me...

How To: Add an Actual Shutdown Button to the Windows 8 Start Screen

Windows 8 the biggest update to Windows yet. The new gesture-friendly version replaces the aging start menu with a dynamic new Start Screen, complete with live tiles that give you a glimpse into your apps before you launch them, not unlike the new Windows phones. With such a radical departure from the past, some familiar features have been moved around, which will take some getting used to. It's worth noting that the new Windows 8 does not abandon the old desktop model completely; it still ha...

How To: Maximize the battery life of your Apple iPhone

Your iPhone may be great, but like any other mobile device, it might be wasting more battery power than it needs to. If you want to learn how to conserve your battery life, there's plenty of precautions you can perform. So what all can you do? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to maximize the battery life of your Apple iPhone. You can put it in standby mode, reduce screen brightness, and turn off Location Services when you're not using them.

How To: Pixelate or blur people's faces in Sony Vegas

In this video tutorial, Mad Cow Moo shows you how to do blurs on footage in Sony Vegas. Looking on the time line for a break in the audio, place the cursor at this point and hit s on the keyboard to split the video into segments Go to the time line to the final frame you want and point the cursor here, creating a highlight, and hit the s key again. Right click on the audio, select group from the drop down and choose, "Remove From". Right click the video track on the left top corresponding to ...

How To: Graph square root functions & inequalities

On Yay Math, Robert Ahdoot, founder of Yay Math, will show you some square root functions and some inequalities. He begins with the problem y=x². Then he makes a sketch with two intersecting lines in a t shape. The problem is illustrated by a curved U shape, the U's bottom resting on the horizontal bar, which represents x, while the center takes the vertical line. The vertical bar represents y. This U is directed up because the x² is a positive number. If the number were negative, the U would...

How To: Create an Adobe Flash Video Player

Step 1 In the Adobe Flash program, select “Flash File (Actionscript 3.0)” from the “Create New” menu. Switch the workspace layout by clicking on the dropdown menu in the upper left of the top menu bar, and selecting “Designer.” You can adjust the size and color of the document by adjusting the settings in the Properties panel.