Carrier Posted Search Results

News: The End of Dead Phone Batteries Is Closer Than You Think

The old "my battery is dead" excuse for not calling your mother may soon be a thing of the past. A team from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), led by Professor Jo Byeong-jin, has developed a "wearable thermo-element" that can be built into clothing to power your electronic devices. The science behind the innovation converts body heat (thermal energy) into usable electric energy. Made with lightweight glass fiber, this small thermo-element strip can produce about ...

News: What's New & Improved in Sense 6 for Your HTC One M7

After all the leaks and peeks of the HTC One M8, it has finally been officially introduced to the public, available for purchase at most U.S. carriers. HTC also unveiled Sense 6 during the launch event, the newest iteration of its operating system, and thanks to their new Advantage Program, the update shouldn't be too far behind for the older One (M7).

News: The Government Is Stealing Your Data from Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Facebook, & Other Mobile Apps

If you're spending hours on your phone playing games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush Saga, or posting online to Google+ and Pinterest, you're probably being spied on. The latest releases from NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden reveal that the National Security Agency, and its UK counterpart, GCHQ, are mining the ad networks utilized in these apps to collect a trove of information on you.

How To: What Every HTC One Owner Should Know About the UltraPixel Camera to Never Miss a Shot

Most smartphone manufacturers focus on megapixels when it comes to cameras, but HTC took a different direction with the HTC One. Instead of trying to compete with the 13MP camera on the Samsung Galaxy S4, or the 20MP camera on the Sony Xperia Z1, or even the newer iPhone's 8MP, they decided on a simple 4MP camera. At first, you might think that 4MP is terrible, but not so fast. There are many advantages to your HTC One's camera that other phones just don't have.

How To: Use the Derma Roller for Acne Scars

Hey dolls, just giving you my review of the Derma roller. The good and the bad! Firstly, let me just say OUCH! This bad boy hurts, it's pain level is very close to Fraxel laser the only difference is, that you're doing it to yourself, instead of being in a clinic. I did get emotional in this video because I just couldn't believe how painful the device was on my skin. Most videos and reviews on the next say it's "pain free" and this just isn't true.

How To: Identify Fake Ray-Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses

How can you tell if the pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses that you are about to buy online are not a fake? Follow these 9 simple steps to verify the authenticity of your purchase. Always ask the seller to use the youVerify app prior to purchase. It's Smarter Selling & Safer Shopping.

How To: Completely Back Up Your Apps & App Data on Your HTC One or Other Android Device

When you upgrade to a new Android smartphone like the HTC One, you can have browser bookmarks, Wi-Fi passwords, and other settings quickly transferred over from your old device using your Google Account backup. However, you'll still have to download apps individually from your Google Play list, and not all of your saved progress will be transferred over. Fortunately, there is a third-party app that will allow you to backup and restore your apps—with all their data.

How To: Stay Updated on All the Latest News for Your Samsung Galaxy S4 with Drippler

Written news was first delivered by an elaborate courier service used by the Pharaohs nearly 4,500 years ago. About 2,300 years later, Romans would post public announcements via bulletins carved in metal or stone. Fast forward 1,600 years to the first monthly handwritten gazette published in Venice, the forefather of modern newspapers, which didn't become commonplace until the early 17th century.

How To: Make Sticky or Stubborn Wooden Drawers Slide More Smoothly

When I was moving into my current apartment, I had to store some of my things in my ex-roommate's garage for over a month while I was getting settled. One of those things was my dresser. Upon moving it into my new place, I realized something was horribly, horribly wrong—none of the drawers seemed to fit quite right anymore (if they fit at all). The combination of the differences in temperature and humidity in the garage caused them to swell and change shape. Several months later, they fit bet...

How to : Avoid SEO Mistakes You Should

Search Engine Optimization is important for every successful SEO or blogging campaign. Therefore it is required to be implemented in the correct manner. Google consider many factors while ranking a webpage and it keeps on changing. Some of the common SEO mistakes which you must avoid are as follows:

How To: Chat with NASA Astronauts Live from the International Space Station on February 22nd

Inhabiting the microgravity environment on the cusp of the world's atmosphere has to be filled with some of the most unique experiences in the world. Astronauts eat, sleep, and work just as we do, except that their lives are filled with the added dangers of extreme temperatures and possible life-threatening malfunctions, all while being 240 miles up in the sky. Well, now's your chance to ask a handful of astronauts anything you ever wanted to know about life on the International Space Station.

News: Colon Cancer Screening Starts Early if You're African American

Did YOU know...that African Americans have the highest rate of colorectal cancer, and that it is more likely to be advanced at diagnosis? The age for colonoscopy in ACG guidelines dropped to 45 for African Americans in 2009. This digestive ditty about colon cancer screening in Black Americans pays homage to Beyonce's iconic Single Ladies video. Help us to get the word out--Email this link to your African American colleagues and friends and post it to your Facebook or Twitter pals! We can prev...