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News: Kids Are Going to Hate Samsung's New 'Marshmallow' App

Stop me if you've heard this one before. You plop a marshmallow down in front of a kid and propose the following: You can eat this marshmallow now, or you can wait twenty minutes and eat two marshmallows. What do you think the kid is going to do? Better still, what do you think you would do? Personally, I'd eat the first marshmallow without hesitation. But now we're getting off track ...

News: From Dogs to Clothes, New Roadie App Helps You Move Your Stuff

A new app called Roadie now makes life a little easier by connecting users to people who can transport their stuff. The app allows users to transport anything from dogs to getting rid of your ex's things. Furthermore, anyone can register as a sender, or become a driver to make an extra buck. The app is very easy to use: simply download (the app is available on both iOS and Android) and register using an email address or with Facebook. Using the profile you've created, users then select whethe...

How To: Set Default Volume Levels for Each of Your Bluetooth Accessories Individually

If you have multiple Bluetooth accessories, Android's volume system can be pretty annoying. For one thing, most phones reset to a "Safe Volume Level" every time you reconnect a pair of headphones, which means you'll probably need to turn up the volume once or twice a day. But even if your phone doesn't exhibit this obnoxious behavior, you might want your car's Bluetooth connection to be louder than, say, your home stereo or your wireless earbuds.

News: 3 Ways Developers Are Already Turning Mixed Reality into a Multi-User Platform

Microsoft's HoloLens may the coolest new advancements in technology we've seen in quite some time, and anyone (with deep pockets) can buy one right now. But so far it's been an isolated platform where you experience mixed reality alone and others watch you air tap nothing but air. Developers are working to change that, and we're seeing the first examples crop up online already.

News: You'll Need New Accessories for the iPhone 7, Even Though It Looks the Same

In years past, Apple has always waited two years before redesigning the iPhone, but this year they broke the trend. Aside from a few minor changes, the overall design and style of the iPhone 7 models is the same as last year's iPhone 6s models, and the iPhone 6 ones before that, so it's almost as though they've switched to a three-year cycle—just as early reports suggested.

How To: Change Android's Language & Locale on a Per-App Basis

Android clearly wasn't made with bilingual users in mind. When you set a default system locale, every app on your phone uses that region's language—and there's no granular control here. This really becomes an issue if you use social media or news apps that are primarily in a different language, because apps are generally written in the developer's native tongue, then poorly translated to all other languages.

How To: 6 Ways to Have Your Bowl & Eat It Too

Edible bowls are glorious for plenty of reasons. They create fewer dishes, they're pretty to look at, and, well... you can eat them. There are many different options out there you can choose, like bacon cups, hollowed out apples, and molded hash browns, but these are 6 personal favorites of ours to use as edible food vessels.

How To: Schedule Meetings in MS Outlook

In this tutorial First, we will discuss what a meeting is, How can we schedule it in Outlook. A meeting can be defined as a mass of two or more people have a common motive. All the people present in a meeting can share their ideas and exchange information, to carry out the actions to achieve their goal. This tutorial helps those people who are looking for the steps to Schedule a Meeting in MS Outlook.

News: This Easy Trick Frees Up Lots of Storage Space on Your iPhone

Clearing storage space is a constant concern for people with iPhones, especially since they don't come with expandable storage, limit the amount of free iCloud storage, and still, unfathomably, produce units with only 16 GB of space. Thankfully, Reddit user eavesdroppingyou shared this quick and easy tip you can use to wipe unnecessary files from your phone and potentially free up gigabytes worth of storage.

How To: Use Chayote Squash for Fries, Salad, Pie, & More

Several years ago, I moved to Brooklyn, New York, just outside a Spanish neighborhood. It was here that I was introduced to chayote. Fast-forward to present day: I live in Los Angeles and buy several chayote squash a week to cook with—yes, I said several. It's so versatile and healthy! For the uninitiated, chayote (chai-YOH-tee) is a light green squash shaped like a pear originating from central Mexico. Although it's considered a fruit, chayote is a member of the Cucurbitaceous (gourd) family...