Cars Passed Search Results

L4D2: The Port Finale

L4D2: The Port Finale The Third Chapter in The Passing is the Port Finale. It's similar to the Dead Center finale, where you have to gather gas cans spread throughout the map and fuel the generator to lower the bridge.

How To: Defend a soccer corner kick

In this sports video tutorial, Adrian Heath, Head Coach of Austin Aztex explains how to defend a soccer corner kick. Corner is awarded to the opponent when the ball goes over the goal line after touching a defender. If the ball is close to the goal post, the goal keeper catches the ball. In case the ball is kicked wide of the goal post and lands in the penalty area, a defender kicks the ball out over the side line or passes to another member of the defending team. If the ball is directed slig...

How To: Dive while playing soccer

Welcome to the Rudi Latka's Soccer School. The basic dive is best done at speed so the referee can't see what's happened. As you approach your opponent, flick the ball past them, and then as you pass the player dive upwards and then turn in the air slightly before landing. As you land look towards the ref with puppy dog eyes in order to secure the free kick. Dive while playing soccer.

News: Plunged

Got a spare plunger lying around? Why not take a dump in it, plunge it onto your best buddies car windshield. Smashed doodoo butter lying in wait under a seemingly lame prank of a plunger on the windshield.

How To: Test and replace knock sensors

Watch this car repair tutorial video that demonstrates how to test and replace your vehicle's knock sensor. Once you extract the codes from the vehicle and realize that troubleshooting begins with the knock sensors, there is a quick test that you can perform to find out if your knock sensors are working properly. Follow the procedure involved with testing this sensor:

News: The Evolution of Samsung's Displays: From SH100 Analog Mobile to Galaxy Note 3

With each passing year our technology gets better and better. We've come a long way from the NES that I gamed on as a kid with the release of the PS4 and Xbox One, and cell phones have come just as far—if not further—and Samsung is proud to show their evolution. Particularly, they're pretty fond of their displays, and released this infographic highlighting the progress, from the SH100 back in 1988 all the way up to their newest device with the best touchscreen—the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

How To: Use a Needle Mounted Row Counter When Crocheting or Knitting on Circular or Double Pointed Needles

I like to use a row counter as it saves me the trouble of counting rows when increasing, decreasing, or working a cable pattern. All I have is a small needle mounted counter that is hard to keep track of when it is not mounted on a knitting needle. When knitting on circular or double pointed needles, or crocheting, I have to count rows ever so often. This is time consuming, and I have to admit to sometimes being inaccurate. To solve this problem I threaded a piece of fishing line through the ...

News: Photograph Beams of Light

More science-geek-art: amazing photographs by Alan Jaras. Apparently the images have not been altered in any way (computer generated or color treated) and are true reproductions of light refraction patterns captured on film.

News: Thumbtack troubles!

well I don't know how funny you think it is but I found it hilarious! I had a friend staying with me and he had his own bedroom, well for some reason he put a rug outside the door to his room. We were always playing tricks on each other so one day I picked up his rug and stuck flat sided thumb tacks up through the rug and then put it back down, ( about 20 in all). That was a funny site seeing him trying to get up off of that rug with it stuck in his feet! We always pranked each other and we n...

How To: Permanently Delete Files to Protect Privacy and Passwords

Permanently deleting files is something that a lot of people aren't aware of. Actually, most people think that once a file is deleted, it is gone forever. This is not the case. Hard drives write to the disk via magnetic charges, positive and negative correlate to 1s and 0s for binary. This is then interpreted into information for the computer to use and access.

News: Friday Not-So-Indie Game Review Roundup: Combat Racing

Deep in their heart of hearts, most Americans dream of having their car festooned with missile launchers and machine guns. Anyone who cuts them off or looks at them funny in traffic could be dispensed with quick and extreme justice, leaving a real-life James Bond and his passengers free to pursue their American dreams faster than everyone else. Racing games and shooting games are among the two most popular types of video games. So why aren't there more games where one can race cars and shoot ...

News: Supreme Court Deems Violent Video Games Protected Under Freedom of Speech

Video games are the newest major expressive media. As such, their role in society is still being defined continuously. A monumentally important example of this took place yesterday at the US Supreme Court. After a long deliberation, the highest court in the land handed down a decision invalidating a California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors on the grounds that video games are protected speech under the First Amendment, like movies and books.

News: Bat Cave in San Francisco

What do you do when you desperately need to put a parking garage into the bottom floor of your Victorian apartment building, but the city's Department of Planning says "No". The simple and expensive answer: Create an elaborate secret garage door. If you own a pretty building, it is well within the jurisdiction of the Landmark Commission to inform you that even though you own the piece of property, you cannot remodel it any way you want. Seems un-American. But in San Francisco, specifically th...

News: Creepy Theremin Utensils Howl the Pain of Slaughtered Ghost Chickens

One of the creepiest musical instruments ever is undoubtedly the theremin, a device originating from the early 20s that emits eerie sounds with a just a wave of the hand. If you've seen the original movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, you know what I mean—freakishly creepy. Playing the theremin can be off-putting for some, since it's a relatively pricy gizmo, but a new geek gadget called the EaTheremin aims to make all of us professional, dinnertime theremists.

News: ChaCha

Have you ever gone on a long internet binge, researching and surfing mindless things, and thought to yourself: I wish I could make some money surfing the internet and sharing the (sometimes useless) information I had just acquired? Well, now you can!

News: You Have to Ask, "What Were They Thinking?"

There really are depths of dumbth up with which I will not put, so I won’t be spending nine coins to build a Detective Agency in FrontierVille.Historically, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency was started 1850 but came into its own working for Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War (1861 to 1865, for foreigners and the home-schooled) catching Confederate spies and running their own networks in the South. The US didn’t have a national police force until the Bureau Of Investigation started up...

News: Snow Car

in a hot area have everyone dressed in snow cloths and pick a random car parked on the street and get a snow blower and start blowing snow all over it and around it and have everyone start playing in the snow in the middle of the streat and dont move for any cars passing on the streat and start building snow men in the street and having snow ball fights and making snow angels in the street and gerneraly just start fu**ing with people. and if and when they get pissed enough to drive through th...