Cars Passed Search Results

News: F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology)

F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology) is a network of artists, engineers, scientists, lawyers, and musicians dedicated to the research and development of new technologies and creative media. They are "committed to supporting open values and the public domain through the use of emerging open licenses, support for open entrepreneurship and the admonishment of secrecy, copyright monopolies and patents."

News: Urban Gardening

One of the best Flash games inspired by urban gardening. One simple way of alleviating food shortage or rather minimizing your food expenses: Planting your own food. Of course this won’t literally save you from a zombie apocalypse but this could surely save you some extra bucks.

News: DIY Clap-Off Bra

If the whale tail cookies and edible undies weren't naughty enough, you've still got about 24 hours left before Valentine's Day to whip up one of F.A.T. artist Randy Sarafan's step-by-step clap-off bras. Inspired by the electronic singing panties and remote-controlled bras of the secret underworld of Syrian lingerie, Sarafan made a mission to "fast-forward lingerie technology in the West".

News: Traveling with Augmented Reality

Searching for some new new in Augmented Reality Apps I came across Augmented GeoTravel. I would have loved to have this app when I went to Europe. Being able to travel and hold up the camera & get more information on cool places I was seeing would have been awesome. It is like an ultimate travel guide and so much more. Check out some of the things it can do below.

News: Does "Contemporary Art" Mean "Now Art"??

The has been writing articles for a while now on the deceptive practice among the leading auction houses, of staging a "contemporary art" auction. What they do is, put a few Warhols up, then a bunch of unknown artists, since they are all part of the same auction, people think they are buying something valuable.

News: Functional LEGO Snow-Eating Beast

The Stilzkin Indrik is a mighty, mini LEGO Russian crawler, capable of lugging heavy loads over snowy terrain: "It has a large contact surface, which prevents it from sinking into the snow. It offers great traction on almost any surface, and loads of torque to get out of tight spots."

News: Watch a 1,500-Pound Box of Cell Phones Crush a Chevy Camaro

You looked on as a 1,169-pound pumpkin flattened a Pontiac sedan, now watch a 1,500-pound box of cell phones smash a Chevy Camaro! Jalopnik reports, "A cell phone recycler took its YouTube promo campaign to a new level by dropping 1,500 lbs. of junked cellphones on a parked 4th-generation Camaro. The resulting mess answers a question only a Mustang fan would ever ask. The filmmakers later clarified that the Camaro wasn't in running condition ... and was bought by a member of the crew as a par...

News: Since Retirement, We've Had Lots of Time on Our Hands. Lots.

Kudos to Fred Keller and Judy Foster, of Anchorage, Alaska, for undertaking quite possibly the DIY project of the year. The retired couple spent 11 months converting a 1976 Mazda pickup truck into a gigantic radio flyer wagon car. "'I think the words I hear the most often is 'awesome' or 'cool' or people go by and give us a 'hi' sign,' says Foster. 'The wheels are made from hub caps and detergent bottles, and the steering wheel is the actual wheel from a wagon. The handle rises eight feet hig...

News: The Poisionous Snake

For this prank you will be pranking someone on the crew, well set up a fake prank with a nonpoisionous snake that the person who is being pranked must be bitten by....manny the expert can be there fake panicing say that the certain snake was hightly poisionness and that he needed to be rushed to the hospital because they didnt have the right antivenom....if you REALLy wanna get twisted with the prank you can have the car "breakdown" and make him start running, then down the road you can set u...

News: Golf Cart Derby

There would be 9 teams of 2. Everyone on Jackass will have a golf cart and they will be the driver of there team. Then they would pick one of the producers or other celebrities to be the passenger. The passenger will do things to mess up there opponents. They can shoot paintball guns or throw baseballs to mess up the other drivers. The Golf Cart Derby will be the exact same thing as a Car Derby but you guys will be using golf carts and having a passenger messing up other drivers ahahaa. It wo...

News: The Idiot Box

This prank starts with a small plexiglass box (about 12in X 12in X 12in) with a round hole in the top big enough for someones hand/arm. Next, Knoxville goes around collecting the other cast member's valuables (car keys, wallets, phones, etc.) and places it in the box. The kicker is, the box is filled with scorpions. A scorpion sting won't kill you, but who the hell wants to get stung by a scorpion? Knox can then look on in laughter as they try to get their valuable out of the box.

News: Coke Bombs

built a removable roof either a room or a car preferably in the back of a truck when a bunch of people are sleeping in a room, open the roof very quietly. have atleast 50-100 bottles of coke and mentos ready and throw at those people sleeping.

News: When Grandma Dies

Have someone dress up as an old lady, or just go find one. Go to a funeral home telling the person working that you need to plan your grandma's funeral for next Saturday. Be sure to introduce the old lady as your grandma. Tell him you get a good inheritance from your grandma so you don't have to worry about the money, also tell him you want to buy cheap because you would like to get a new car, a pool, a new house etc. When they ask why you are planning the funeral so soon and your grandma see...

News: World Cup Crash Tests

You know how it is. A huge world class event comes to your town, World Cup for example, and all of a sudden everything is changed. TVs are on everywhere, tourists are pouring into your city and roads are packed with raving football fanatics. Road rules are bent and twisted in every way imaginable and all of a sudden those 5-seaters gain the capacity of city buses. People are sticking out of all car openings, music blasting and all. While this type of atmosphere is uber-exciting, you still hav...

News: Top Ten College Pranks

Colleges Aren't Just for Learning Our favorite bloggers have compiled a fantastic list of the Top Ten Most Legendary College Pranks. Lots of the legendary hoaxes and wacky pranks come from the notorious Pail & Shovel Party.... And the one's that seem more like impossible feats? Well MIT is certainly great at using their genius for laughs.

News: Just What a Hummer Needs... MORE

You'd think a Hummer couldn't get any more over-the-top (unless you're talking a horse-drawn Hummer or remote-controlled Hummer, of course), but Japanese tuner Calwing’s US division, 213 Motoring has come out with a Hummer boasting a whole extra set of wheels. I'm not quite sure why this is necessary, but nonetheless, Bornrich reports:

How To: How Will You Make A Difference Today?

Making a difference can be done even before you leave your house... Are you thinking about a friend... maybe send them an email and say.. HEY I was just thinking about you... how are you doing? They could be surprised that you remembered... Many of us remember people but take little time to acknowledge it.... So when you are at the coffee shop this morning or filling up your car at the gas station. Wish them a "Super Dooper Day!" They might think you are on crack, but you will have made them ...

News: Sock + Pencil = Super Cheap DIY iPhone/iPad Stylus

Looking for a cheap & easy stylus (but not interested in using processed pork?) Adam Kumpf of design firm Teague demonstrates how to make a DIY soft conductive stylus for the iPhone, iPad, or any device with a capacitive touch screen. All it takes is a pencil and sock. Yes, it's that easy. "We've been experimenting with conductive foams and fabrics in search of a middle ground. Fortunately, it's quite easy to make a soft, conductive writing tool using some pretty basic materials. All you need...