Cars Passed Search Results

News: How to Hail a Ride in Uber's Official Windows 10 App

Windows 10 universal apps are actually pretty awesome—regardless of if you're using a desktop, laptop, tablet, or convertible, the same app automatically scales up or down to suit your device. Definitely cool, but the Windows Store is pretty bare-bones as it stands, so the downside is that you can't always find a good universal app for every purpose.

Tutorial: Create Wordlists with Crunch

Greetings all. Before I get into the tutorial, I would like to mention that I am fairly new to Null Byte (been lurking for some time though), and what really appeals to me about this place is its tight, family-like community where everyone is always willing to help each other and the constant search for knowledge that inhabits this subdomain is a driving motivator for me to join in. I'm glad I arrived at the right time. Anyway, wipes tears (not really)...

How To: This Is Why Your TSA-Approved Luggage Locks Are Useless

Last year, the Washington Post's Ashley Halsey wrote an article on what really happens to your luggage at airports. In it, they unwittingly published a photo of the master keys the TSA uses for TSA-approved baggage locks. Now, thanks to that picture and a French lock-picking enthusiast, anyone with a 3D printer can make their own master keys to unlock any TSA-recognized locks.

How To: Find Old Songs You Absolutely Love (But Never Knew About)

Spotify has a feature called Taste Rewind that claims to know what you would've listened to back in the '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, and oughts ('00s), all based on your listening history and favorite artists. You can essentially time travel into the past and already have "favorites" songs to listen to! While I was skeptical at first, I tried the feature out for myself and was pleasantly surprised with the results. So if you want to create uniquely tailored playlists from the past five decades, st...

How To: Writing 64-Bit Shellcode - Part 1 (Beginner Assembly)

In this simple tutorial you will be shown step-by-step how to write local shellcode for use on 64-Bit Linux systems. Shellcode is simple code, usually written in assembly that is used as payload in exploits such as buffer overflow attacks. Payloads are the arrow head of an exploit: though the rest of the arrow is important for the delivery of the attack, the arrow head deals the killing blow. In reality, payloads are slightly less exciting yet far more interesting and intelligent than medieva...

How To: The Scientific Methods for Boosting Your Willpower

Willpower is a pretty significant word. It's the difference between sticking with a clean eating diet and diving face-first into a plate of brownies. It's what drags you out of bed on Monday mornings and into work rather than letting you stay snuggled under the covers asleep. And, most importantly, it's the kick in the butt we all require to both accomplish goals and make changes.

How To: Spot an Undercover Narcissist

Humans in general are great at keeping things about themselves private, from feelings to personality traits. While smartphones and social networks are making these secrets more open, narcissists have and always will love being out in the open with everyone's attention on them.

News: Twitter (Sorta) Buys a Lock Screen

Earlier this morning, Twitter announced (through a tweet, naturally) that it has acquired Cover, roughly a minute after Cover made the same announcement. Cover Lock Screen, a lockscreen replacement app, has been vastly popular during its first year. The app places relevant shortcuts on your lockscreen that adapt to your habits, so whether you're at home, work, or in the car, you'll find the apps you use the most in these situations readily available for you. For more information on Cover, inc...

How To: Apply POR 15 for Rust

The Problem If you are working on a car restoration project, then you are going to faced with rust damage. This problem can’t be overlooked, as the entire project depends on repairing and eliminating rust. This would be like laying down new carpet to a house that was flooded, without cleaning the mess and making necessary repairs before laying the carpet down. The problem will still be there and the new carpet will be ruined.

How To: Really Auto Adjust the Brightness of Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2's Screen

If you're constantly going from dark to brightly lit areas, you've probably noticed that the stock auto brightness feature on your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 doesn't work that well. Either the screen is really dim and unreadable, or it's just way too damn bright. Sure, you can disable auto brightness, but then you have to manually adjust the brightness all of the time for that perfect comfort level. This isn't really all that bad of an option, but don't be surprised when you see this: However, the...

How To: Don't Get Burned! How to Prevent Your iPhone from Overheating

A few months ago I was driving around trying to find a store using Apple Maps (a terrible situation in and of itself), when my iPhone decided to shut off in the middle of giving me directions. I had no idea what happened, and when I looked at the screen, I saw this: My phone had never overheated and I really didn't know what to do. Needless to say, I couldn't really get to where I was trying to go without those directions. I pulled over and waited for the phone to cool back down, which took a...

News: Why LEGO's New Monster Fighters Screams Steampunk DIY

For those who don't know, LEGO recently came out with a new line called Monster Fighters. This set is about fighting monsters, sure, but it's about fighting classic monsters in a Steampunk universe. Just look at this promotional picture from the LEGO site: That LEGO dude (properly called a minifig) is wearing a vest, pocket watch, bowler hat, and a mean smirk. Not to mention that he has a robotic leg. You won't find the word "steampunk" anywhere in this marketing campaign, but I call Steampun...

How To: Learn to Code for Free with These Online Programming Lessons

While becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg may be out of reach for someone just getting introduced to code, the skill has never been more valuable. Just understanding basic programming language is a great thing to put on your resume, and if you know how to code, you’re golden. Software developers and programmers have been the most resistant to the recession, as jobs in the tech industry continue to grow.

How To: Miniature TP Tube Dioramas, Plus 4 Other Ideas for Reusing Toilet Paper Tubes

It may be surprising, but those cardboard toilet paper tubes are dead useful for so many things besides just keeping the circular shape of your TP roll. As shown before, you can make car dash mounts for your mobile phone, but that's just one of the many beneficial uses from a seemingly junk cardboard tube. You probably go through quite a bit of bathroom tissue over the course of a year, especially if you're using it for facial tissues, too. So, the next time you throw away that lonely little ...