Cells Earning Search Results

News: Greece - The Samos island

The island of Samos is an island very green, with dense forests, with many sources and many criquent which earned him a very rich history at the crossroads of ancient civilizations. The island of Samos, today, offers a peaceful place to live, to cultivate olives, grapes and vegetables Muscat. The island of Samos is also a vacation spot where you can mix, enjoy the beach and lounging with the original discovery of a landscape

News: And the Winner of the Phone Snap Funny Face Challenge Is...

Congratulations to Kyle B Richardson, the winner of our very last Phone Snap Challenge! Thanks to all who submitted their silly funny face photos for this week's challenge, as well as all previous Phone Snap challenges. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and it is time for Phone Snap to come to a close, but please feel free to continue to utilize the Phone Snap community corkboard to continue to share your best cell phone photos.

Jowlers: How to Photograph Yourself Mid-Seizure

It's time to get silly with your cell phone photos! This How-To will have you violently shaking your head back and forth. Why? To capture a shot mid-seizure, producing a "Jowler", a still image of the face one makes while vigorously shaking one's head. Click through for more information.

News: Origami Panda

So, this is a type of origami that is called golden venture origami. This type of origami is made of hundreds to thousands of little intersecting triangles. This took about 2-3 three hours, the picture is pretty bad because it was taken at school with a cell camera. But I hope this inspires you to make some of your own! This type of origami is in essence very easy to make but takes a lot of time and effort to make. However if you get really good at it, you can do it without even looking at ab...

Filter Photography Challenge: Los Angeles and Portland Shots

Ok. My Cell Phone isn't cool like everyone else's. I still wanted to post up some images though. These are my attempts to make something look like it was taken using a filter app for a smart phone. These were inspired by the picture Swell of the Frank Gehry concert hall in downtown LA that was in the post on 50 amazing shots taken using instagram. I had some pictures of it that I thought were pretty cool. So there's two of them here and then a another downtown artsy pictures of Los Angeles, a...

Eyes Officially Popped: The Future of Gaming Looks Awesome

Tune in! Below, an attendee of the Game Developers Conference 2011 captures footage of the new eye-popping visual effects in Epic Games' latest upgrade of their Unreal Engine 3, a "toolset used in blockbuster video games, 3D visualizations, digital films and more." If this is what the graphics looks like captured from an audience cell phone, well, one can only imagine what it would look like on your widescreen... The demo, titled "Samaritan", ran on a custom-built PC system in real-time compu...

News: BOOK!!

Look at this book, kids. It's empty. Write it......now. I mean it. Do it. Im a cat. I can do it. I cant do it. Roller coaster. Keyboard. MOMMA. Cell phone. Just giving you ideas for the book.