Central Washington Search Results

News: Your first experience with Kinect

What was your first experience with Kinect? Mine was through my friend Robert. (He's in the blue shirt above.) I was over at his place, and he and his girlfriend had just gotten a Kinect. After much futzing with the Kinect because it kept falling off their flatscreen TV, they finally got it to stay.

News: Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It wo...

News: Red Frog Bungalows Surfing Bocas Del Toro

Red Frog Bungalows Eco-Ocean Resort guided Team RVCA to this right handed. The heaviest in Central America. Of course we were the only ones out! Surf guide and Owner of Red Frog Bungalows (Scott Balogh) is seen taking a massive drop. Come to Bocas and let us get you into the best waves of your life! Red Frog Bungalows is the most experienced surf outfit in Bocas Del Toro. Our guides breathe, eat, and are addicted to good surf. If you are the same come and visit. We would love to show you arou...

News: Play Kinect today!

Play Kinect at the four Microsoft stores around the US right now! You can even play Dance Central!From 1up:If you're itching to play Kinect, you don't have to wait until it launches this fall. The official Microsoft Store Twitter account tweeted today: "Can't wait to play #Kinect? Try it at #MicrosoftStores nationwide!" The company is using the word "nationwide" a bit loosely, though, since physical Microsoft stores are only in four locations, on or near the west coast. But if you happen to l...

News: Artist Converts Hummer Into Horse-Drawn Stagecoach

As a protest to American consumerism, NYC artist Jeremy Dean converted a Hummer H2 into a horse-drawn carriage "to show just how screwed and unsustainable the auto industry has become." Dean believes the gas guzzling SUV is the epitome of everything that is wrong with American consumerism. Whatever your political opinion may be, Dean's conversion is pretty striking.

Freedom watch: Not a single Democrat voted for ending raids on raw milk

Here’s some news for those who still somehow believe the political left in Washington cares about the People. After U.S. Senator Rand Paul introduced an amendment that would have ended armed FDA raids on raw milk farmers (http://www.naturalnews.com/035966_Rand_Paul_FDA_censorship.html) and legalized free speech about the curative properties of medicinal herbs, nutritional supplements and superfoods, are you curious how many Democrats voted in favor of this?

News: Pentagon prepares re-education camps for political activists

On May Day in 1971, the US Army rounded up approximately 7,000 protesters into a stadium in Washington, DC that they treated like a make-shift prison camp. Have things changed in the past 40 years? Now a Department of Defense document has been leaked to the Web that details "Internment and Resettlement Operations." The manual outlines policies for processing detainees in internment camps domestically and abroad and how to "re-educate" unruly activists. Alex Jones, host of the Alex Jones Show,...

News: Amazing Tape Sculptures

In the DIY community, much is said about the versatility of duct tape. But it's hardly the only game in town. For proof, one needn't look any further than the impressive, diverse tape sculptures submitted to Scotch's second-annual Off the Role tape sculpture competition.

News: Paintings That Live and Breathe

Washington, D.C. based artist Alexa Meade completely redefines traditional body painting. She paints with acrylic paint directly on human flesh and clothing, making her subjects appear as if they were part of a painting (or a living painting immersed in everyday life).

How To: Tie the Arbor fisherman's knot

No, the Arbor knot isn't named after Ann Arbor, Michigan or Arbor, California. The word "Arbor" refers to the central post of a fishing reel to which the fishing line is attached. It's a typical fisherman's knot, and Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV is going to show you how to tie it.

News: Creating Social Structures in Minecraft

Minecraft is the most basic and barren open sandbox building game. There are a limited number of materials and recipes to craft. But with these few building blocks, people have been able to creatively build some amazing structures and cities. There is a physical limitation, but the beauty of the game is turning that limitation into a strength.

Abstinence: The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances.

News: The Recycling Entertainment System: What Rock Band Would Have Been Like in the 8-Bit Era

As advanced gaming systems continue to evolve, older classics like the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) are one step closer to extinction. They're rotting in the basements of gamers. They're gathering dust at the local pawn shop. Or worse... being thrown out in the trash like a used up condom. But not everybody is getting rid of their NES—or more specifically, their NES controllers.

News: Welcome to Photography Contests World!

Welcome to Photography Contests World! The purpose of this world is two-fold. First, it will serve as a directory with featured listings of all types of current photography contests. If you have ever tried to search for a photography contest to enter, then you are aware of how many contests are scattered all over the internet. Photography Contests World will strive to bring you information on as many contests possible in one central location, beginning with mostly USA and international contes...

News: The Importance of Xavier Becerra

Born in Sacramento, CA on January 1, 1958 and raised by two Mexican immigrant parents, Xavier Becerra was the only Hispanic on the House Ways and Means Committee. He was elected vice chair of the Democratic Caucus for 111th Congress and was a reprensentative from California's 31st district. From 1987-90, he was the California Deputy Attorney General. Xavier Becerra was part of the California State Assembly (1990-92) and has been a member of the U.S. State House since 1993.Xavier Becerra is a ...

News: Evan Penny's Real Life Acid Trip

When viewing Toronto based artist Evan Penny's work, Ron Mueck immediately comes to mind. The clear similarities include a representation which is completely photo-realistic, a playfulness with scale, and the mutually shared background in Hollywood SFX.