Century and a Half History Search Results

How To: Ditch the Extract & Get Serious About Baking with Vanilla Beans

Most home bakers rely on vanilla extract as a flavor component to their cakes and cookies, but little do they know what they are missing until they trade in their extract for whole vanilla beans. The rich complexity and different notes of flavor of a true vanilla bean are often washed out and distilled into a one-note sweetness, especially if the extract is cheap or imitation. If you want to get more serious about baking, you need to get serious about using vanilla beans.

Polenta vs Grits: Why Grits Wins (Even When a Recipe Calls for Polenta)

Polenta can cause risotto-like anxiety for the most experienced cook. First of all, making polenta is time-consuming—it can often take upwards of 45 minutes (unless you use this shortcut). And in the midst of this long cooking time, you're constantly stirring to keep the polenta from becoming lumpy. Even after taking the utmost of care, the polenta can still turn out too loose, too firm, or too grainy.

How To: 6 Delicious Twists on the Classic BLT Sandwich

When I get struck by a craving for something SCJ (savory, crunchy, juicy), nothing fits the bill better than a BLT. But why settle for the sandwich form when there are so many other possibilities? Some of my favorite alternative ways to serve up a BLT are 1) as a salad, 2) in tomato cups, 3) in mini bread bowls, 4) as lettuce wraps, 5) as a dip, and 6) in bacon cups.

How To: Make Naturally Colored Pasta with Beets, Spinach, Squid Ink, & More

Although pasta is a remarkably simple dish, I find it to be one of the most aesthetically appealing foods. The noodles—especially thicker iterations, like linguine and fettuccine—are graceful and luxurious. Add in some sauce coating the noodles, and a sprinkle of Parmesan or a drizzle of olive oil, and pasta single-handedly reminds us of a basic tenet of cooking: sometimes keeping it simple is the perfect way to go.

How To: 5 Simple Ways to Perk Up Your Morning Joe

Ahh, coffee. That first sip of hot goodness in the morning is glorious, isn't it? There are days when you need it straight up: No extras, please. But what about those moments when you need a little something else? When that flavored French vanilla, hazelnut mocha, blah blah blend just doesn't cut it and you want a truly special flavor in your morning joe?

How To: The Tricks to Making Boxed Mac & Cheese Even Better

For foods that encompass both tastiness and convenience, it's hard to beat boxed mac and cheese. Mac and cheese in a box takes 15 minutes to make, dirties only one dish, requires no skill, costs only two bucks, and is, despite all of the above, wildly delicious. Yet it can get even more delicious just by adding a few more ingredients.

How To: The Fastest Way to Get Pieces of Shell Out of Your Egg

I've cracked thousands of eggs in my life, yet I still usually mess up when I make my morning eggs. Sometimes I crack the egg to hard and end up leaving half of the white on the counter. Other times I don't crack the egg hard enough, and end up spending 20 seconds digging with my fingers until I can pry apart the shell. Sometimes I puncture the yolk on the shell, and other times the entire thing slips out of my hands.

How To: Save Battery Life on Android by Turning Off Pixels (No Root Required)

Many modern Android devices use a display technology called AMOLED. These screens differ from traditional LCD displays in that each pixel emits its own light, so a backlight is not required. Even better, when rendering a black element on the screen, AMOLED displays simply don't light up the associated pixels, meaning virtually no power is used. Since black pixels use little to no power on an AMOLED screen, more black pixels means lower battery consumption.

How To: You Only Need 3 Ingredients for This Amazing Pasta Sauce

One of my favorite things is finding an easy way to make what is normally a complex dish. Case in point: pasta sauce. Usually its depth of flavor is the result of fresh herbs, shallots, tomatoes, seasonings, olive oil, and a touch of dairy being cooked and added in stages. Long simmering mellows out each component's inherent character and turns pasta sauce into something that is far greater than the sum of its parts.

How To: Knit a Mobius Dog Scarf

If you save scraps of yarn, and have a dog, this is an easy project for you. The Mobius scarf has the advantage of not having any ends to come untied, or dangle down for your dog to trip over, or get tangled in branches and stuff. I made this one for Pepper, my 16lb rat terrier. Step 1: Choose Your Yarn: I had very little yarn to work with. I had one more ball, but it had just a little more on it than the largest shown here.

How To: Make a Grilled Chicken Wrap

I was up the other night trying to find something to eat, and with the ingredients laying around, I came up with this yummy grilled chicken wrap! This is a super quick and easy meal you can make in a flash with just a few ingredients. It makes a great lunch or even a light dinner. Excellent for the healthy eaters and dieters!

How To: Earn Money for Creative T-Shirt Designs

Why T-Shirts T-shirts are a great way for people to express themselves, and like other art forms, unique t-shirt designs are becoming more and more popular. Websites that specialize in just t-shirts are popping up all over the internet with tons of opportunities for designers, and artists from all over the world are now considering t-shirt design as a way to expand their portfolios and make some cash.

How To: Make a paper hat to wear on your head

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to fold a paper hat. This task is very easy, fast and simple to do. Begin by folding the paper horizontally in half. Then fold it vertically in half. Now open the fold and fold down the top corners to the center to form a triangle top point. Then fold the bottom flap over the edge of the triangle point. Do the same on the other side. Now open the bottom to shape the hat. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in making origami, and w...

How To: Sew quilting squares

Here is an easy way to make several small half and quarter triangle quilting squares. If you sew a small pillow pattern composed of larger half triangle designs, you can bisect the pillow diagonally in both directions to make four smaller quilting squares.

How To: Get Six Pack Abs

The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. This article's purpose is to give you the hard truths, advice, and workout for gaining a hard body and new look.

How To: Make your own ballet style tutu

Tutus are not just for ballerinas anymore! Anyone who feels like twirling, dancing or just running around with a little extra poof can wear one! Follow this tutorial and make a tutu for yourself, your daughter or anyone else looking for a little fluff!

How To: Make hot ice from scratch

To make instant hot ice or sodium acetate, first pour two jugs of vinegar minus one cup into a large pot. Then, slowly add baking soda to the mixture and stir it. When the vinegar and baking soda no longer react, stop adding baking soda. Next, add the rest of the vinegar to the pot. Boil half of the solution off and cool it down to room temperature. For better filtering, add charcoal to the mixture. Filter out the charcoal with a wire sifter. Heat up the solution again and filter it through c...

How To: Get Free Food and Discounted Deals on Veterans Day 2011

This coming Friday, November 11th, 2011 is Veterans Day and everybody's celebrating! But only veterans and active military personnel can get the great deals being offered at restaurants and retail outlets across the country. If you need help locating some of those deals, below are all of the nationwide and local deals found across the Web. If you know of any more, share the spots in the comments below!

News: Book Review - Egg on Mao by Denise Chong

“Of a generation who remembers Tiananmen Square, 1989, I considered how some excuse – the lack of, or slow progress on, human rights in China because ‘times have changed’, or because other concerns, including making money, come first, or because rights, freedom, and democracy are somehow different issues there than in the West.” Denise Chong

How To: Things to Do on WonderHowTo (04/11 - 04/17)

WonderHowTo is a how-to website made up of niche communities called Worlds, with topics ranging from Minecraft to science experiments to Scrabble and everything in-between. Check in every Wednesday evening for a roundup of user-run activities and how-to projects from the most popular communities. Users can join and participate in any World they're interested in, as well as start their own community.