Chemically Modified Search Results

News: Rock Band 3's Real Guitar Preview

That's a real Strat for the Rock Band game. Rock Band 3 will feature the option of playing on the six button toy guitar like before, or go Pro by using a real Start modified to give input to the game. You can plug this guitar to an actual amp and play away! Each song comes with a tutorial trainer and the career mode will teach you how to play from novice to expert.

News: 48 HRs to Stop Monsanto! It takes 1 minute. Start Here!

Hi OLers. Take one minute out of your day and tell your congressman to get to work for you and Food Democracy NOW! Your congrassman has until the end of this week (48 hours) to sign the letter to ask Secretary Tom Vilsack to MAINTAIN the ban on Monsanto's genetically-modified (GMO) Roundup Ready™ alfalfa. You have the power to make the change, make your voice and theirs heard now. Send them this letter today asking them to do what they can to protect organics, farmers and the environment from...

How To: Make Strawberry Ice Cubes

Having company for cocktails? How about adding a special twist (and yummy conversation piece) to your guests' drinks? These strawberry ice cubes are a delightful way to dress up a drink. They're super-simple to make, and guaranteed to make a splash!Watch video demonstrationYou'll Need:

L4D2: The Riverbank and the Wedding Witch

The Passing takes place before Dark Carnival in L4D2, right after Dead Center. The chapter starts with random chatter between characters of part 1 and 2. You'll see either Francis or Zoey on the bridge, but they don't always say the same thing. Zoey! We miss your slow witted jokes! The game uses the aging Source engine, modified throughout the years with new effects to keep it current. Outdoor scenes look great but indoor scenes suffer.

News: Super Eco-Car Gets 2,752 MPG

The upcoming Shell Eco-Marathon promises to unveil vehicles that will blow current fuel economy standards way out of the water. California Polytechnic State University is one of the most promising contenders, with a vehicle that gets 13 times the 230 mpg General Motors promises the Chevrolet Volt will deliver (plus, the Cal Poly car doesn't even use batteries!).

How To: Do a long arm crunch ab exercise

The long arm crunch is a modified version of the tradition abdominal crunch. When the arms are extended above the head, it increases the level of resistance placed on the abs. Thus, the traditional ab crunch becomes a bit harder to perform. The long arm crunch is slightly different from the traditional ab crunch. This exercise is more of a curl up with the arms extended. Instructions for the long arm crunch are as follows:

How To: Do step ups for aerobics

The step-up is a great exercise for the muscles of the upper leg. It effectively works the thighs, hips, and butt. The calf muscles work as synergists during the step-up exercise. They assist with balance. The step-up exercise can either be done one leg at a time or alternating between legs.

How To: Install Flash on Kali Linux 2.0 Rolling

Hey guys, I am back this time with another small tuto on how to install flash on kali linux . Kali linux is of course one of the best pentesting platforms available now but it's native web browser Iceweasel a modified firefox lacks in flash and java. Keeping java aside lets just talk about flash.If you are here to know how to install flash on kali then you are at the right place.Here we go .... ..... ....

News: Copy a key with a Coke can

Attention cheapskates and locksmith apprentices, this key copying solution is stunningly simple. We've really mulled over this one. As you can read in the comments below, people struggle with executing this successfully. But it can and will work. You just have to modify your key to fit your needs.

How To: Avoid Frizzy Hat Hair

If you like wearing hats but don't like the frizzy, matted or uneven hair that follows this video is for you. This video and article shares some tips on how to avoid hat hair without abandoning hats and other accessories. Choosing the Right Hat

How To: Convert PDF Documents to JPG Images Online for Free

PDF is a convenient format for documents that can embed text and pictures and can be read by almost any device—personal computers, laptops, smartphones, etc. However, PDFs are mostly read-only files, so sometimes it's necessary to convert them to JPG images, a universal format for pictures. JPGs can be modified by software such as Adobe Photoshop or posted on Facebook.

Force Lightning: How to Make a Shocking Cookie Jar Any Sith Lord Would Be Proud Of

There is nothing more annoying than a greedy roommate. It's absolutely infuriating to wake up and find the cookies your mother just made for you gone without a trace. Your favorite drink is empty and the homemade meal you worked so hard on the night before is nowhere to be found. This irked me so much that I made this shocking cookie jar. When a cookie burglar touches the side and the lid of the jar simultaneously, a small electric shock stops them in their tracks.

How To: Wildlife Photography with a DIY Motion-Triggered Camera

Even if you live in a big city, chances are you have some wild raccoons or foxes that cannot abide a vertical trash barrel. While apparently omnipresent, these phantasmic critters usually vanish in the night leaving only a shameless trail of refuse you never wanted to see ever again. While I haven't found a way to stop them, I can help you snap some photos of the dastardly creatures.

Minecraft Aesthetics: Improving Your Build with the Right Flooring

Sometimes, at the end of a build, you may find yourself saying, "I'm pretty much finished, but what should I do next?" One element of a build that is always good to revisit once you're finished is the floor. It's not really a significant part of a building, but it can help make your construction look even better. Having a plain wood or cobblestone floor is fine, but depending on the style of the build, you may want to make it a little more interesting.

News: Block Cell Phone Signals on the Carrier of Your Choice by Hacking a Radio Frequency Jammer

Cell phone jammers, a DIY endeavor for the darker crowd. I'm pretty sure we've all considered having one at some point: whether the obnoxiously loud woman next to you is announcing private bedroom stories to a crowd on the subway, or your kids are grounded from using the phone (and consequently snagged a hidden prepaid phone), sometimes having a cell phone jammer comes in handy.

How To: Send SMS Messages with Python

In this article, I'll show you how to send SMS messages with Python. You'll need Python 2.7 or later, urllib and urllib2. The code basically uses an online text messaging service to "POST" html data, as if a person was entering the data themselves. The uses for something like this are unlimited. For example, I modified the basic code so I would receive a text message letting me know every time someone rang my doorbell. The program could interface with Arduino through a serial port, and send d...

How To: Hack Your Xbox Gamerscore

Nearly everyone has the capacity to be a cheater. Sometime or another, all Xbox users have yearned to get their gamerscore to unimaginable thresholds—for bragging and egotistical purposes. I can relate to this desire. However, I also don't want to mod my gamerscore, because it's just unfair and not nearly as much fun as doing it the honest way. To me, it's synonymous to entering the cheats into a game after you've beaten it. Cheats can add new life into a game once you're done, but since the ...

How To: Copy & Convert your Skyrim Game Save from the Xbox 360 to your PC

Gamers like myself who have switched back and forth between Skyrim on PC and Xbox lack the ability to share game saves. This really sucks. I love playing Skyrim on a console. It's a very comfortable, easy and relaxed gaming experience. You don't have to worry about your frame rate being optimized, or wrist pains from using a keyboard. However, gaming on the PC can allow you to use texture enhancing mods and get an overall smoother experience due to a lack in glitches and bugs that plague the ...

Goodnight Byte: Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in Python

Our mission for this week's Community Byte was to create a Python program to crack web-based passwords, like the ones you would see on an email or router login. I wanted it to be universal in the sense that it could be easily modified and adapted to another website just by changing a few variables. That was a success! Even though people weren't on time to the coding session, everything went well.

How To: Recover Deleted Files in Linux

File recovery on Linux is a bit different than Windows. It requires different software than the Windows counterparts because every OS has their own file system. Windows uses NTFS, or FAT file systems, while on the other hand, Linux uses ext-based file systems. I personally use ext4 file system because it's the latest and greatest ext-journaling system and supports a large level of directory recursion and file sizes, but most installations still use ext2 or ext3. When files are deleted from a ...

News: PostgreSQL Quick Start

Introduction PostgreSQL is a very popular Open-Source database management system. It competes heavily with many proprietary and commercial database management systems. More information on what it is and it's history can be found here and here.

News: Fluorescent Puppies You Can Turn On and Off

Always wanted a fluorescent dog but didn’t want to commit? Well, here’s your solution. Researchers at Seoul National University developed fluorescent puppies that only glow when you want them to. Just inject the special pups with doxycycline and they’ll glow like a black light poster for a few weeks. Then, they return to dull, furry normal.