Chewy Candies Search Results

How To: Make fudge from scratch

In this video, we learn how to make fudge from scratch. First, add 3 3/4 c sugar to a saucepan with 4 oz unsweetened and chopped chocolate, 1.5 c heavy cream, and 1 tsp salt. After this, add in 3 tbsp light corn syrup and stir it all together until it's all combined. Now, put the pan over medium heat and stir gently until it comes to a boil. Once boiling, put the lid on and cook for two minutes. Then, rub the candy thermometer with butter and stick it into the pan. Make sure it doesn't touch ...

How To: Create Fergie's "Meet Me Halfway" eyes & makeup look

In order to create Fergie's look in "Meet Me Halfway" (both the eyes and the makeup), you will need the following: an eyebrow stencil, eye shadow primer, nude bone color, a frosty champagne color, a warm and neutral brown color, nude matte color, brown eyeliner, mascara, concealer, foundation, lip liner, lipstick, and false eyelashes.

How To: Make flip flops out of gum paste

In this video we learn to make fondant flip flops to decorate cakes. Grab your fondant and mix in your various colors. You can have as many colors as you want but should have at least two. Roll out your first color to your desired thickness. Use a butterfly cookie cutter to cut out a butterfly. Use a sharp knife and cut out the center of the butterfly so you have the seperate wings. Curve the edges so they are nice and smooth. These are the bottoms of your flip flops. Then take a small piece ...

How To: Build a sugar rocket motor

Did you know that you can make a rocket out of stuff you might already have around the house? In this tutorial, you'll see how to make a candy rocket using PVC pipes, sorbitol (a sugar substitute) and other fairly common household objects. With just a little work, your sugar rocket will be ready to blast off into space. Sweet!

How To: The Shortcut You (Don't) Knead for DIY Donuts

Many "quick and easy" donut recipes involve a donut pan and an oven, but those are basically just mini cakes shaped like donuts. Chances are, if you're in the mood for a donut, you aren't looking for a cake "donut" recipe—you want the real thing—a donut shop donut, fresh out of the fryer and topped with sugar or glazed to perfection.

How To: 'Hot Chocolate' Balls = Next-Level Instant Cocoa

Winter—or any cold, gray day, for that matter—is the best time for a warm cup of something hot. For me, hot chocolate is my "warm cup" of choice: rich and milky, deliciously sweet, and oh-so-comforting. On super-cold days when I can't feel my face, a nice, large cup of hot chocolate warms my tummy and cheers me up. (And lucky for me, it's pretty healthy for me too!)

How To: Make nutritious homemade yougurt

In order to prepare Homemade Yogurt, you will need the following ingredients: 3 mason jars, sugar or honey, vanilla extract, dehydrated milk, measuring cups, a large pot, a candy thermometer, a heating pad, plain yogurt, a spoon, a towel, and a cooler.

How To: Make a pull-apart football cupcakes

BettyCrockerTV shows viewers how to make pull-apart football cupcakes! First, you should cook cupcakes, and then arrange the cupcakes on the platter. Start with three rows of three cupcakes. Next add two on each side! Then add one on the end to finish this off. Now it should look like a football. Now to frost, you should not frost each cupcake. Instead, pipes frosting on to all of the cupcakes in the shape of a football. It should take 2 cups of frosting. Now, after piping frosting onto the c...

How To: Make a mini paper corset for a paper doll

Artful Paper Doll demonstrates how to make a mini paper corset for a paper doll. Take two rectangular piece of hard paper which is of measure 4 by 5 centimeters. Cut the edges of the breadth part make it round. Cut the length part inward to make it into shape of a waist. Take a pattern cloth and paste it to shapes. Now take a lace with one end trimmed. Fold it in zigzag way. This should be pasted beautifully to the bottom of the corset. Now take a thin lace and paste it over the zigzag lace i...

How To: Potty train your toddler easily

Parenting Coach, Nancy Stone provides a few tips and techniques for easing your toddler through the transition from diapers to being toilet trained. First off, Stone suggests allowing your toddler to help pick out their potty seat. Secondly, keep in mind that boys and girls are different - tossing a few Cheerios into the potty and letting your boy aim for them makes it kind of a game, which Stone says is important. Thirdly, ask your toddler quite frequently, point blank "Do you have to go pot...

How To: Detect the freshness of a mango

The ‘Mango’ is a favorite fruit for most of us, undoubtedly. However, choosing the right mango is of utmost importance, if one wants to savor its taste to the best! This video shows how to check for the freshness and choose the right mango. Always pick up a mango which is reddish or pinkish all way round. It may have a patch of sunset yellow but certainly not green. It should feel soft when gently pressed. Most importantly, it should smell sweet like candy, especially at the base of the stem ...

How To: Ice cupcakes

Do your attempts at frosting cupcakes come out messy? Wondering how to make your cupcakes look like they were frosted by a bakery? Follow these steps for a beautiful finish to your scrumptious cupcake treats.

How To: Prevent gas

While intestinal gas is a normal occurrence within the digestive process, it can also cause bloating, burping and flatulence. Follow these tips to remedy the problem.

How To: Decorate a cake with fruit

Adams Holland and his design assistant Debra now decorate a cake. They start with an angel food cake that has already been baked and cooled. They next add an apricot glaze between the layers. It doesn't have to be perfect, it can be messy, that just makes it feel more homemade. They have stiffened some whipped cream, then fill the middle and apply it around the edges. Adams starts low and moves up, that way the whipped cream has something to rest on. Once covered, you might think what a mess ...

How To: Eat ants

Tired of the same old snacks? This cheeky treat will be sure to shock your guests. Although, we might not consider ants as a regular food source, they are edible. Plus, anything tastes good with butter and garlic.

How To: Play the "think fast" kid's party game

Hello, my name is Nicole Valentine and on behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to talk to you about how to coordinate birthday games for a birthday party. We're going to now talk about how to play the game think fast. This is a very simple game. Just use a ball that you have at home, go to your kids room, go to the toy box and choose an easy ball and you would like to line the guest of the party in a circle. Choose a theme. If it's a boy's party, you might want to go with Power Rangers, or spor...