Chic Script Search Results

News: Post-TIFF Micro-Blurbs

Every year the fine folks at Row Three do a post-TIFF mega-wrap up, collecting the micro-blurbs of a bunch of attendees into a giant meta-analysis of what everyone liked, loved, hated, etc. etc.. We'll link to that post when it goes up on the weekend, but in the mean time, here's my contribution:

How To: Use Beginner Python to Build a Brute-Force Tool for SHA-1 Hashes

Developers creating login systems know better than to store passwords in plain text, usually storing hashes of a password to prevent storing the credentials in a way a hacker could steal. Due to the way hashes work, not all are created equal. Some are more vulnerable than others, and a little Python could be used to brute-force any weak hashes to get the passwords they were created from.

How To: Show welcome messages in WordPress with subscribe link

Do you know where your blog's traffic is coming from? Everywhere. That's where. And they all want a warm welcome to your website. Every blog has multiple traffic sources. In order to welcome visitors from different traffic sources like Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Digg, etc., with the welcome message, we can add our subscription link according to the traffic source. Also, we can use default welcome message for direct visitors with help of this plugin. See how.

How To: Embed sound in your web page using Dreamweaver

This video shows how to easily record your voice and insert a sound podcast to your WebQuest or webpage using Dreamweaver. It shows how to have the sound play on the same page without auto starting. The tutor initially goes to the Start button and in All programs selects Accessories. Next he selects Sound Recorder from the Entertainment option and records his voice reading out the content of the page. He then saves the file in the folder called websites creating a subfolder in the name of ‘so...

How To: Use getURL in Actionscript in Flash

1. This video shows how to use getURL in Flash ActionScript. 2. Create a new flash application and draw a circle with blue color using tools. 3. Place a text box over the circle and enter the text inside the text box. 4. Then make that circle and text box a button object using the "convert to symbol" menu. 5. Then open the action script window. 6. Create a variable named "url" with string value named Wen Arene. 7. Then create UrlRequest object. 8. Then add a button click event listener for th...

How To: Use RedRabbit for Pen-Testing & Post-Exploitation of Windows Machines

RedRabbit is an ethical hacking toolkit built for pen-testing and reconnaissance. It can be used to identify attack vectors, brute-force protected files, extract saved network passwords, and obfuscate code. RedRabbit, which is made specifically for red teams, is the evil twin of its brother, BlueRabbit, and is the offensive half of the "Rabbit Suite."

How To: Hack Computers Over Wi-Fi with the WiFi Duck Payload Deliverer

The USB Rubber Ducky is a well-known hacking device in the cybersecurity industry, but it needs to be preprogrammed before it can be used. That means it's not easy to issue commands to a target computer since you can't interact with it from afar after plugging it in. And if you don't know what the target computer is, you might come up empty. That's where the WiFi Duck comes in handy.

How To: Detect & Classify Wi-Fi Jamming Packets with the NodeMCU

The most common Wi-Fi jamming attacks leverage deauthentication and disassociation packets to attack networks. This allows a low-cost ESP8266-based device programmed in Arduino to detect and classify Wi-Fi denial-of-service attacks by lighting a different color LED for each type of packet. The pattern of these colors can also allow us to fingerprint the tool being used to attack the network.

How To: Program a $6 NodeMCU to Detect Wi-Fi Jamming Attacks in the Arduino IDE

Hackers and makers are often grouped under the same label. While hackers draw on computer science skills to write programs and find bugs, makers use electrical engineering to create hardware prototypes from microprocessor boards like the Arduino. We'll exercise both sets of skills to program a $6 NodeMCU to display the status of a Wi-Fi link via an LED, allowing us to monitor for jamming attacks.

How To: Hack WPA & WPA2 Wi-Fi Passwords with a Pixie-Dust Attack Using Airgeddon

Design flaws in many routers can allow hackers to steal Wi-Fi credentials, even if WPA or WPA2 encryption is used with a strong password. While this tactic used to take up to 8 hours, the newer WPS Pixie-Dust attack can crack networks in seconds. To do this, a modern wireless attack framework called Airgeddon is used to find vulnerable networks, and then Bully is used to crack them.

How To: Use the Cowrie SSH Honeypot to Catch Attackers on Your Network

The internet is constantly under siege by bots searching for vulnerabilities to attack and exploit. While conventional wisdom is to prevent these attacks, there are ways to deliberately lure hackers into a trap in order to spy on them, study their behavior, and capture samples of malware. In this tutorial, we'll be creating a Cowrie honeypot, an alluring target to attract and trap hackers.

Buyer's Guide: Top 20 Hacker Holiday Gifts for Christmas 2017

Hackers can be notoriously difficult to buy gifts for, so we've curated a list of the top 20 most popular items Null Byte readers are buying during their ethical-hacking studies. Whether you're buying a gift for a friend or have been dying to share this list with someone shopping for you, we've got you covered with our 2017 selection of hacker holiday gifts — just in time for Christmas.

How To: Take Control of the Mouse & Keyboard in Python

While hackers adore the command line, working with the GUI (graphical user interface) of an operating system has some advantages. This is especially true when it comes to post-exploitation. When we can control the mouse and keyboard of a remote computer, we can truly say we have complete control over the device. Today, I'm going to introduce to you the PyAutoGUI module, which does just that, and just how much fun you can have with it!

How To: Turn Any Phone into a Hacking Super Weapon with the Sonic

The Watch Dogs video game series came out in 2014, enamoring audiences with the idea of a seemingly magical smartphone that could change traffic signals, hack web cameras, and even remotely control forklifts. This may sound like science fiction, but The Sonic uses a customized flavor of Kali Linux to allow you to unleash the power of Kali from any smartphone — all without the need to create a hotspot to control it.

How to Use PowerShell Empire: Getting Started with Post-Exploitation of Windows Hosts

PowerShell Empire is a post-exploitation framework for computers and servers running Microsoft Windows, Windows Server operating systems, or both. In these tutorials, we will be exploring everything from how to install Powershell Empire to how to snoop around a target's computer without the antivirus software knowing about it. If we are lucky, we might even be able to obtain domain administrator credentials and own the whole network.

How To: Up Your Linux Game with This $19.99 Bundle

When we think about operating systems, we tend to view them from the perspective of a user. After all, most of us have spent a substantial amount of time on our computers, and so we've become more than acquainted with the ins and outs of whatever system we have running on our personal device. But there is one operating system that, while being less commonly used on the user side, is behind a great deal of design and business technology: Linux.

How To: Change a Phone's Coordinates by Spoofing Wi-Fi Geolocation Hotspots

In many urban areas, GPS doesn't work well. Buildings reflect GPS signals on themselves to create a confusing mess for phones to sort out. As a result, most modern devices determine their location using a blend of techniques, including nearby Wi-Fi networks. By using SkyLift to create fake networks known to be in other areas, we can manipulate where a device thinks it is with an ESP8266 microcontroller.