Child Bears Search Results

How To: Clean a bear skull and make a European mount

Just got back from your bear hunting trip? Instead of paying a taxidermist, take a look at this instructional video and learn how to clean a bear skull and make a European mount on your own. To use this procedure, you'll need a knives, gloves, large pot, garbage bas, dishwashing soap, a large pail, 3-4 liters of 40 volume peroxide, and fast drying glue.

How To: Teach children about water safety

Did you know that drowning is the second leading cause of death for children under the age of 14? I worked as a lifeguard and swimming instructor when I was younger and I have seen firsthand too many close calls with kids around water. This program is about basic water safety for children.

How To: Make a candy DNA model

In this video we learn how to make a candy DNA model. First, purchase some black licorice and another color. Grab two each from the pack and then purchase some gummy bears. After this, pick out four different colors from the gummy bears bag. Take your scissors and put the licorice together. Cut one inch pieces so you end up with six of them. These will represent the sugars in the molecules. Once you do this, you will take the string and push it through the holes that are in the licorice. Laye...

How To: Make a bear pop-up card

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a bear pop-up card. First, draw a big bear face on a 4x6 card. After this, fold the card in half so the face is in half. From here, use scissors to cut along the mouth line up until you reach the nose. After this, bend that flap up and down so it's creased and will flip both ways easily. After this, open the card back up and push the nose of the bear into the top. Then, close the card again and the nose will pop up from the page, enjoy!

How To: Install an interior door set on a pre-bored door

This video tutorial is in the Home & Garden category where you will learn how to install an interior door set on a pre-bored door. For this you will need a tube latch, straight plates, door plates, two knobs, two sets of ring guides and a spindle. You will also need a tape measure, ruler, screwdrivers, a drill and safety glasses. A pre-bored door has a face and an edge bore. First install the tube latch through the edge bore ensuring that the angle side of the tube face is towards the door ja...

How To: Make teddy bead cookie pops

In this video, we learn how to make teddy bear cookie pops. To start, preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Ingredients you will need: 1 pouch pre-made peanut butter cookie mix, 3 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 tbsp water, 1 egg, 12 wooden sticks, 24 flat round candies, 12 Hersheys kisses and 1 tube red decorating gel. In a mixing bowl, mix together cookie mix, oil, water and egg until you have a dough. Next, shape your dough into small balls, making a bear head shape, and place on an un-greased cookie sh...

How To: Replace a front wheel bearing on a Chevrolet Impala

One day, your car may break down and you won't be able to afford to hire a mechanic, so what do you do... you look on the web for some how-to vehicle repair videos and become your own car mechanic, that's what. You don't need any advanced training to perform repairs and simple maintenance on your automobile, but you may need a few tools. Invest in the basic tools and you'll be prepared for just about any car malfunction you can think of. These tutorials will help get you on your way, as long ...

How To: Draw an emo angel chibi character

This video describes how to draw an emo-angel chibi. First draw eyebrows, make sure they are dark and thick, then draw half circles going down from them- these are the eyes. Then draw in the eyeballs centered in the middle of the eye. Next draw dark around the bottom of the eyes. Draw lines drooping coming from the darkness around the bottom of the eye, on both eyes. Next draw other dark lines coming down the forhead. Next draw a line coming down from both eyes, and curve them to make small c...

How To: Make a Cute Lemon Bear for Valentine's Day

If you're one of those people that would rather make a Valentine's Day gifts than buy them, then this fun little project is right for you. Impress your special someone with this homemade bear. All you really need is a large lemon or orange. There's not much instructions to make this project because the results will vary, but use the example in the image to guide you, and watch the video below.

How To: Make magnets float down a steel tube

Mr.G in the episode 3 of "Summer snow fall" explain the experiment for eddy currents and lenz law by using general house hold items like copper tubes of different dia., 2-neo themium magnets attached together and a ball bearing magnet. At first he took the big diameter copper tube and drop the neo-themium magnets, they fall slowly without touching the surface of the copper tube as they are like freely falling from space with less gravity, for the next time he took small diameter copper tube a...