Child Delights Search Results

News: Mainstream Comic Strip About Steampunk

You know that steampunk is mainstream when they even talk about it in comic strips. At least they got the punk in steampunk right. I don't know why anyone would be mad if their child was a steampunk. All the steampunks I know are really nice and aren't into subversive stuff or anything. We just dress up nice and do things like drink tea.

News: Make silly putty

This is the Harpo Marx tutorial. We have several recipes for silly putty in our index... with sound, but this version (from our friends at YouTube) is more colorful. We just like it the best. It is aesthetically more appealing than the others; conceived for the visually minded.

News: Make magic jumping beans

We were dumbfounded at first, too. But this jumping bean is momentum based, not larva powered. The erratic movement of these DIY foil toys is actually simple physics. Hint: there is a marble inside the aluminum foil. When the marble rolls internally to the foil's end, the foil-bean flips with the momentum. All this commotion mixed with some well coached hands makes for a magic jumping effect.

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: CAGANER

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: * CAGANER [n] A caganer is a small figurine of a person defecating in place, pants humorously around the character's ankles. It's a traditional Christmas decoration in Catalonia, Spain and in neighboring areas, where it's placed within the nativity scene.

News: Navigating the sugar (and white flour) fests

What's the main dish that's served at pot lucks? Pasta! And what's pasta loaded with? White flour! Pot lucks, birthday parties and similar gatherings are a regular occurrence in our family. Humans like to socialize and in our culture, we do that best around food--food that mostly contains white flour. And if at least some of that food isn't loaded with refined sugar, it's like you've breached an important rule of social etiquette!

HowTo: Create a Six-Frame Animation with a Single Sheet of Paper

Pioneered by Rufus Butler Seder in his popular children's picture book Gallop!, and ably demonstrated by WonderHowTo favorite brusspup in the video below, "scanimation" refers to a novel (but distinctly old-timey) technique for cramming multi-frame animations onto a single sheet of paper by a process of superimposition and selective interference. Interested in creating your own scanimations? It's easier than you'd think. In the following clip, Paul Overton of Dude Craft presents a complete ov...

News: Facebook Privacy Settings

You could read through Facebooks Privacy Guide, but I found it a little confusing and a lot of people have been asking me for specific settings. SO here are some screenshots of the privacy settings so you can find where everything is located really easily!

How To: Have a Successful Garage Sale

Junk, junk, junk or so you might think. Remember the saying, your junk can be someone else's treasure! This article is going to guide you through a successful garage sale. With the economy the way it is, more and more people are going to garage sales. They are fun to have and you can earn some extra money.

How To: Lose Weight The Correct & Healthy Way

Obesity has ballooned into a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese by 2015. Over 20 million children are overweight today. The reasons for these distressing figures are common knowledge: The international switch to high sugar, high fat, low nutrient processed junk foods prompted by global fast food chains and their advertising; the increasingly sedentary nature of jobs; children playing video games ...

News: Three Man Slingshot

I have this 3 man water balloon launcher called a wildsling. It fires water balloons really far, really fast. You guys could fire balloons at each other or load it with eggs, ice cubes, or just anything the size of a child's head (not tried that one (yet)) or smaller.

How To: Make a shepherd's pie

Some don't like shepherd's pie, but if you love it, try making it at home. This shepherd's pie recipe is sure to be a family favorite. It's not actually a "pie", as in dessert, but a full-blown, hearty meal.

News: Comics, Why Aren't You Reading Them?

Well, why aren't you? They're all the rage in pop culture right now, what with The Avengers blowing away audiences and the finale to the Batman trilogy coming out soon. Not to mention that Marvel is remaking Spider-Man! The original is only like, what, less than ten years old? Jeez. Now, I know what you're saying, "But, Henry! Comics are for nerds! We're waaaay cooler than that!"

News: 2012 Film Festival Submission Deadlines

It's that time of year again, filmmakers... time to make your new year's resolutions. And no, I don't mean quit smoking or stop drinking - smoke and drink all you want SO LONG AS YOU FINALLY GET THAT FILM FINISHED AND SUBMIT IT TO A FESTIVAL OR TEN. Rajo has signed up for a account and scoured the internet for the latest film festival submission deadlines just so he can clue you in to which ones are coming up soon - whatta guy. And just for fun (a.k.a. future reference), here'...

Scrabble Bingo Weekly Roundup: Guisard, Reaphook and Veronica

There's only a few week left until costumes and candy take over the streets, which means they'll be more and more seven-letter words in the Scrabble Bingo of the Days that relate to the Fall season, horror movies, and of course… Halloween. Below you'll find bingo words relevant such films as Halloween, Children of the Corn and The Wicker Man.

Afterfall: InSanity Game Only $1 in Outlandish Plan to Reach 10 Million Pre-Orders

Nicholas Entertainment Group (NEG) is a Polish independent game publisher that recently got their hands dirty with development. Their first game (with Intoxicate Studios) is the forthcoming horror first-person shooter Afterfall: InSanity, which comes out next month—dangerously close to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3 and Assassin's Creed Revelations release dates. That's some stiff competition for small company, especially since it's a $35 debut game.

News: Scrabble Showdown Game Show a Disgrace to Competitive Scrabblers Everywhere

Scrabble has invaded just about every medium out there. It started as a mere board game, but has since spawned numerous board game spinoffs and variations, an electronic version, mobile apps for just about anything (Android, iPhone, iPhone, iPad and Kindle), games for both PC and Facebook, and video games for handheld consoles like the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP. Heck, it's even on the PlayStation and Xbox 360 gaming consoles. And it hasn't forgotten about film. You can see Scrabble featured in...

News: It's Humble Indie Bundle Time! 5 Games for 'Name Your Price'

Since the beginning of last year, every six months or so the fine folks at Wolfire Games have gathered indie developers together to release a combo gaming pack called Humble Indie Bundle. Not only are the included games good, but the way one buys them is what makes Humble Indie Bundle one of the coolest products in games. Even better, Humble Indie Bundle #3 just came out last Tuesday and is available here for two weeks only.

News: Glitch Gets Better with Katamari Damacy

Stewart Butterfileld is one of the last great old-fashioned tech billionaires. He founded Flickr, and then sold the company to Yahoo! for a stupendous amount of money in 2005. Like Mark Cuban and others before him, he was left wondering what to do with the rest of his long and fabulously wealthy life. Cuban bought the Dallas Mavericks and turned them from unabashed losers into beloved champions. Butterfield decided to try his hand at game design (something he had attempted with the ambitious ...

Meat, Manners, and Mayhem: Vegetarian-Carnivore Communication

If you’ve watched The June the Homemaker Show, you’ve heard me mention once or twice that I’m a vegetarian. Over the course of my restricted diet eating, I’ve noticed that vegetarianism is a touchy subject among vegetarians and carnivores alike, particularly in meal-type situations. Here are some things for omnivores and, uh, not-omnivores to keep in mind when talking to each other about food preferences.