Chinese Girls Search Results

News: Mutate Your Garden Spoils

Horticulture mad-science offers a slew of marketing possibilities. How is it that our grocery stores aren't filled with Mickey Mouse shaped melons or, as in the case of Chinese farmer Hao Xianzhang, baby shaped pears? Xianzhang isn't the first to come up with the idea of young produce grown into a specifically shaped mold; the Japanese have been growing square shaped watermelons for the purpose of refrigerator space efficiency. And (as pictured below), decades ago an Ohio farmer grew a real-l...

News: Xcode Ghost

I just came across an article on Reddit about some iOS malware called XcodeGhost that has affected many apps in Apple's Chinese App Store. After reading more about it, I thought it was pretty incredible how the attackers had pulled this off. As the name might imply, the malware was not loaded onto iOS devices because the iOS devices were directly hacked, but rather it was the Xcode versions used by the developers of legitimate apps that were hacked! Basically, some devs were using hacked Xcod...

How To: 12 Unconventional Uses for Disposable Chopsticks

If your love for Chinese takeout has left you with a pile of unused disposable chopsticks in your kitchen drawer, then you're in luck. In addition to being a very versatile eating utensil for pretty much any cuisine, chopsticks also come in handy for eating Cheetos without getting cheesy dust all over your fingers, pitting cherries, skewering food, stirring drinks, cleaning out dirt from hard-to-reach spaces, and more.

How To: Do the Girls Fold square dance step

Square dancing, a fun American pastime! Learn square dance steps with this instructional animation. Fun fact about square dancing: 19 U.S. States deem it their official dance. Square dance is a folk dance with roots in Europe, eventually spreading to the states & becoming more of an iconic dance there. Square dancing consists of 4 couples arranged in a square formation. This square dance lesson is clear and to the point. Search "square dance instructional animation" on Wonderhowto for more sq...

WTFoto News Scoop Sundays: Wrath of the Religious Roommate

The angry New Yorker stereotype sure doesn't miss anyone. A woman from New York is suing her former Catholic college for not doing 'enough' for her while her dorm roommate was having too much sex. We're not entirely sure if the college even handed out ties to hang on doorknobs, let alone provide each room with a humidifier that has 3-4 different soothing sound loops for stress relief and relaxation.

How To: Make a Katy Perry California Girls Costume

Katy Perry's costume in California Girls is very original and will help you stand out this Halloween. If you want to dress up like Katy Perry, take a look at this guide to learn how to dress up in the outfit she wore in the California Girls music video this Halloween. Then, take a look at the video below to find out how to create the cupcakes for the Katy Perry bra. If you also want to find out how to create the cupcakes for Katy Perry's cupcake top, take a look at this how-to guide as well.

How To: Insert a tampon without fear

A southwest gynecologist for teenage girls and her colleague, give instructions on how to insert a tampon correctly for all you girls. Although at a party and probably drunk, this is some pretty helpful information on tampons, using a beer bottle as the vagina. You will see how to insert and remove the tampon. Insert a tampon without fear.

How To: Use your cell phone as a wingman to pick up girls

It's happy hour, but your buddy’s hanging out with his new lady. Need someone to help you seal the deal? Look no further than your cell phone for a replacement wingman. These dating tips will help you talk to ladies, when you have no friends to back you up. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to use your cell phone as a wingman. Use your cell phone as a wingman to pick up girls.