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How to Play Dead Space 2: Achievement & Trophy Guide

It's currently 2011, but when you fire up your game console, put your hands on the controller and play the new Dead Space 2 video game, you're warped into the future— into the year 2511— just 3 years after the events that took place in the first Dead Space. And it's sure to be a beautiful, frightening, futuristic experience.

News: Baby Wee-Man Birth

Set up one of the guys or an actual girl as a pregnant female in a restaurant and have her go into labor. She will lay down in a predetermined place over an area where Wee-Man is hiding underneath. Create a scene, have Preston pretend to be a patron/doctor in that restaurant and he begins to deliver the baby there on the spot. He throws a table cloth over her legs and out comes baby Wee-Man complete with diaper and pacifier. Covered in after-birth, Wee-Man comes out and runs around the restau...

News: The ol' ex-lax trick

Set up a double date with one of your good friends and a couple ladies. Once you are ready you, tell your friend to come on over and have a drink before we go out just to loosen up and get out any possible nerves that could over take the night. Ask him what he wants in advance that way you know to get him his own bottle.


Im not gay i swear... I swear I swear but, I say you should make BAM run around bare ass naked. He would do it to you. FUckit I will run around bare ass naked with BAM. Hell I will even swing from BAMs house ceiling , bare ass, using a rubber hose screaming like donkey kong. Its not much of a prank nor a dance but dam that would be FUNNY!! besides the girls want to see it and in the end thats what BAM wants! hahaha p.s we got some marbles for them too! sincerely IM GREGORY GONZALES (24) aka G...

News: Steve-O Keeps it Down

So, everytime I see Steve-O eat something he always throws it back up. That's how he must be so skinny. I don't know. Any who, I think a good skit for you guys to pull would be for Steve-O to eat all kinds af crazy shh---stuff ;-) and not throw it back up. If he throws up he has to eat more! The other cast members of Jackass should chose what to feed poor Steve-O. Oh I just thought of one thing... I guess it was a better idea to throw up the live gold fish rather than keep it down... otherwis...

News: The Drug Deal

hey im jesse...whats up u guys!..listeni know there are alot of panks that have been send to you guysand most of them probably have to do with pranking one of the jackass i rightbut i think we need a new kind of prank that would be involving a real civilian ( not actor) and one of the jackass crew...that way at first one of the jackass crew member wouldnt be suspecting something that he will be we prank the civilian first then one of the jackass crew member, so here is ...

How To: Smell Good and Stay Smelling Good

I've heard some people say that "brown people smell bad!" Ahem. Brown people don’t smell bad! Okay, some do, but so do people of all races and cultures. How a person smells has nothing to do with their race, but rather choices they make. I choose not to smell bad, and take steps to make sure that does not happen. Personally I cannot stand bad smells. It's something that makes me feel sick, so I try my best to make sure that I am not the cause of a certain odor. The following are steps I take ...

News: snake sink hole

Dig a hole in the ground cover it up with a rug than have bam walk over it and have filled with garden snakes (non poisiones). To see him just scream like a little girl and than don't let him out till he cries.

News: drunk prego chick

have a guy/girl dress up like a prego chick go to the bars/clubs n jus act sloppy drunk tryin to get with every dude n jus throwin back shots and stuff...or maybe jus out in public with a flask fallin down stairs...i think any hink with a fake prego chick would b funny

News: Indie Games Hit the Red Carpet at the IndieCade Awards

Last Thursday, on October 7th, indie game developers from around the world walked down a red carpet in Santa Monica, California in the hopes of winning an IndieCade award. We previously discussed the IndieCade festival and conference, but the award show is a smaller, more inclusive event that provides finalists the opportunity to see their project on stage with rewards by sponsors such as LG, who presented this year’s ceremony.

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Old-New School

This week's FIGRR is all about games that are old-new (or new-old, if you like) school. Each celebrates a different vital, yet largely taken for granted, aspect of video game history in the decidedly new-school world of indie games. Their titles betray them. Blocks That Matter is all about blocks. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale is all about item shops. Neither are particularly sexy aspects of gaming, but both are ubiquitous elements of great games that can stand on their own.

News: Does the World Really Need Anymore Zombie Games? Yes, If They're Like These Ones…

The war between horror movie monsters has been going on for the better part of the last century. We're talking vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies and mutant flying creatures, each of which has had their fair share of the limelight in film. But it comes and goes. Once moviegoers get an overdose of a particular monster, they aren't scared anymore, meaning it's time to move onto the next. So, Dracula goes away kicking and screaming, just to be replaced by Frankenstein and then werewolves. But...

Photoshop Project: How to Use Layers Creatively

Difficulty Level: Moderate Photoshop Skills Photoshop isn't just for zapping zits and adding freaky colors to sunset pictures! You can use it for fun, altered-reality pictures, too. If you have a tripod and some friends, you can combine many exposures as separate layers and using layer masks, make one super cool image from many slightly cool images.

News: Sense of Wonder Night 2011 Celebrates Innovation In Game Design

The Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is the biggest video game expo in the most game crazy country on Earth. It is kind of a big deal. As such, their "indie" game showcase/contest Sense of Wonder Night (SOWN) is a major opportunity for developers of all shapes and sizes to showcase their work to important industry leaders and expo attendees. 2011 will be SOWN's fourth year, and it began accepting submissions yesterday.

News: Bullet Hell or Bullet Heaven? The Case of Trouble Witches NEO

The Xbox 360 is America's video game system. It was designed in America, it has better market share in America than anywhere else, and it has the most overtly macho game catalog of any console. For many Xbox fanboys, gaming heaven is shooting hordes of really well-animated things in the most intuitive way possible. Trouble Witches NEO - Episode 1: Daughters of Amalgam, released last week on Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) for $10 by Japanese developer Adventure Planning Service, is a typical Xbox 360...

News: Angry Clones Are Taking Over the App World

In December 2009, Angry Birds was released to the public. The iPhone and iPod touch were the first to take on the demand, then a devoted HD version for the iPad. Since then, it's transcended iOS devices to appear on Android, Nokia, Palm phones, and many others. Next, it broke away from mobile devices with versions available on PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, 3DS, Windows PC and Mac computers. Facebook and Windows Phone 7 apps are in the works.

News: 10 tips for planning a Bridal Shower

Tis’ the season…for weddings! At the beginning of October, three of my college pals got married on the same day. This meant a ton of planning, parties, and presents for these three lucky ladies. This also meant that there were many a brides maid needing to make sure their bride was feeling special on such a wonderful occasion. One of the most exciting aspects of being the Maid of Honor is helping to plan the Bridal Shower, but it can also be a lot of work if you aren’t prepared. Here are 10 t...

Word Nerds Unite: Planning a SCRABBLE-Themed Wedding

Wedding themes are no rarity, but a SCRABBLE wedding? I never would have guessed, until I came across "10 Ways to Incorporate Scrabble Into Your Wedding" at CasaSugar. Now, I'm one of the biggest SCRABBLE nerds out there, but I could never see myself getting hitched amongst SCRABBLE tiles and SCRABBLE cakes and SCRABBLE cuff links. I'd also be afraid that none of my guests would actually come if they knew SCRABBLE was the theme. Hell, it's hard enough to get any of my friends to play a simple...

News: Old People Drag Race

Ok, so this one is going to be a prank on people in a public place of your choosing. Two old guys and one of their wives are going to be sitting somewhere or something and then the two guys are going to start arguing over whos car is better and its gonna lead to a drag race outside. The old guys will be two guys from Jackass. It will go something like this....The three old people will be talking and out of no where the old guys will start to argue really loud and it could start off like..1st ...

News: Stalking Pizza Delivery Boy Part 2

Ok, this part 2 of stalking a pizza delivery boy or girl. The first one was a true story, but this one was just thought of. So, you can go to a pizza place and order a pizza and they usually ask if you're gonna wait or just have them deliver it. Well go to a pizza place and order a pizza and say you want it delivered, but instead of leaving just wait there until the pizza is done. They'll bring the pizza to you, but you'll say you wanted it delivered. Make the kid take it to your house and yo...

News: Stalking Pizza Delivery Boy part 1

Ok, this is part 1 of two ideas with stalking a pizza delivery boy or girl. Also, part 1 is actually a true story. What you do is order a pizza and wait in your car for the guy to deliver your pizza. When he gets there just wait in your car and watch him. Once he gives up trying to get you to answer your door and he starts moving towards his next house you just keep following him where ever he goes. When ever he stops, pull up right behind him and flash your brights a couple times. This will ...

Weasel Out of a Ticket & More: Life Lessons from the Creator of COPS

In 1988, John Langley created COPS for the fledgling FOX network. 23 years later, the show is still running. It is the Energizer bunny of prime time television. Since John has followed more police officers and witnessed more crime than any human being on earth (absolutely no question), I had to ask some advice for hypothetical unwanted encounters with the men in blue.

Top 10: Best Ethical Destinations for 2011

By Ethical Traveler As the world becomes ever more interconnected, being an ethical traveler becomes both easier and more urgent. Travelers today have access to far more information than we did even 10 years ago. We can observe–almost in real time–the impact that smart or selfish choices, by governments and individuals, have on rainforests and reefs, cultures and communities.

News: The Other Side of Fashion

The United States is a hierarchical country where the weak ones are at the bottom and the powerful ones are at the top. Garment workers are at the bottom of the list although they are the most important. Without them there would be no fashion industry. They sew and cut the garments that people buy, the raiment that models wear on the runways. After the garments are sewn, factory owners send the garments to contractors to get make the clothing. Contractors make sure the garment workers sew the...

News: "Jailbird"

The key to this skit is to get someone incredibly drunk to the point that you can move them without their knowledge. As soon as they pass out, dress them in an orange jumpsuit and take them to a prison or a studio made to look like a prison. The cell-mate (actor) needs to be someone who looks like a big old biker, and is named “Sweetheart,” who makes a lot of references to the victim’s ass hole. When your victim wakes up, they will be in the jail cell completely confused. Sweetheart will say ...