Chronic Inflammation Search Results

How To: Silence Your Obnoxiously Squeaky Bed with 4 Easy MacGyver Style Fixes

Any living creature will die if deprived of sleep for long enough. The longest documented occurrence of a person not fully sleeping and surviving is only 11 days. There is a rare disease where deep sleep is never achieved, affecting roughly 100 people worldwide. Patients usually only survive between 6 to 18 months after the onset of chronic insomnia, and only 3 to 9 months in a parasomnia state without any real REM sleep.

How To: Lower your blood pressure naturally with Suzy Cohen

Suzy Cohen tells us in this video how to lower our blood pressure naturally. Believe it or not, the urinary tract is connected with our blood pressure. A dietary supplement called "Asparagus extract" is recommended. Asparagus in vegetable form is delicious when served with a little butter or feta cheese. When you take it as a supplement, you get a bigger dose. It is a wonderful diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot. You should take it in the morning, so that you do not find yourself ru...

How To: Identify pinon needle scale

Identify pinion needle scaleWe are going to look at this insect because eggs are being laid. Two year old needles are being cast off. This is a sign of infestation. There is also sparse, open foliage. This tends to be a chronic infestation. The insect is the pinion needle scale. You can see tiny, bean shaped bumps on the 2 year old needles. The insects move to last years new growth and feast on the sap of the needle all summer. You can see egg masses and web on the trunk of the tree. The inse...

How To: Treat psoriasis

Almost 125 million people worldwide suffer from what is known as psoriasis, the skin disease that's marked by red, itchy, and scaly patches that are hurtful, if not visually god-awful. There can be a little hope though for psoriasis sufferers. Though you can treat and control psoriasis, characterized by dry scaly patches of skin, the progress is often erratic and cyclical, so be patient and consistent in executing these steps.

How To: Treat hemorrhoids

ClickHelps demonstrates how to treat hemorrhoids with home remedies. Hemorrhoids are swelling and inflammation of the veins in the rectum or anus. First, sit in a bathtub full of three or four inches of warm water. Keep your knees raised. The warm water will soothe the pain while increasing the blood flow to the area. And increased blood flow will help shrink swollen veins. Repeat this technique several times a day. Keep the anal dry and clean while avoiding using harsh toilet paper. Gently w...

How To: Fight acne with French green clay & an Aspirin mask

Fight your acne with the use of French green clay. In this video, learn how to use French green clay to fight infections and reduce inflammation. This remedy is used to calm down acne, or irritated, red skin and is perfect for sensitive skin. You can purchase French green clay at almost any healthy & beauty store. Also gone over? The rose petal steam method, an oatmeal scrub, and an Aspirin mask. Follow the below instructions to a more beautiful you!

How To: Tea-tox

Feeling like you need to rid your body of a few toxins? A nice, hot cup of tea isn't just soothing; some varieties have health and diet benefits. See which brew might be right for you. Learn how to tea-tox with help from this video.

How To: Heal a sprained ankle

Looking to heal your sprained ankle and not sure what to do? Don't panic. A sprained ankle can be quite painful, as well as prevent you from getting where you need to go. You can heal more quickly with proper care.

How To: Prevent carpal tunnel syndrome

Learn how to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Even if you're the world's fastest typist, you can help avert carpal tunnel syndrome – a ligament inflammation that causes numbness in your wrists, hands, or fingers – by following these tips.

How To: Give subcutaneous fluids to a cat

Your veterinarian may, at some point, prescribe some SQ fluids, or subcutaneous fluids to your cat. There are many reasons for having an SQ fluids prescription. But if you have a cat that needs these, you're going to have to learn how to give the fluid to your cat. Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to give subcutaneous fluids to a cat with this video tutorial.

News: Powassan Virus Implicated in Recent NY State Death

A recent case of Powassan virus has been reported in Saratoga County and may have been the cause of the infected patient's death. It's the 24th case in New York State since 2000, and will be reported to the CDC tomorrow, the NY Department of Health told Invisiverse. The tick-borne illness has no vaccine or specific treatments and can damage the nervous system.

How To: Deal with a Stiff, Achy Back?

We've all been there; waking up in the morning with a stiff, achy back. Maybe you overdid the yard work this weekend. Perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic on the Nautilus circuit. Could be the long hours spent hunched over your computer are catching up with you. Perhaps your back pain is indicative of something more serious. Unfortunately, unless you've really injured your spine, your doctor isn't going to be much help; the best he can do is offer you pain medications and tell you to rest ...

How To: Get rid of ugly scars

Scars can make you feel self conscious. Luckily, there are steps we can take to reduce their appearance without surgery. So, avoid the operating room and check out this video - its full of useful tips for hiding and eliminating your scars.

How To: 10 Quick & Easy Herbal Drinks That Relieve Aches & Pains

When a headache strikes, I reach for the nearest painkiller. Forget closing my eyes, laying down, or even applying an ice pack—I seek the quickest and most immediate relief possible, and normally that comes in the form of pills. However, fast relief can be found from another, more natural source: herbal beverages. So if you're tired of popping pills when you have aches and pains, try some of these herbal drinks out instead.

News: Afraid of Needles? You'll Have No Excuse Not to Get Vaccinated with New Painless Flu Patch

A new medical development is going to change the way many of us look at getting the flu vaccine. A painless flu vaccine skin patch is making needles and vials a thing of the past. Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University have shown that a flu vaccine can be administered safely and comfortably with this new patch, which delivers the vaccine through a matrix of tiny dissolving microneedles.

News: Boring (Yet Mesmerizing) VR Experiences Could Calm Anxiety & Reduce Pain

Opioids, or narcotic painkillers, serve as our primary method for alleviating physical distress. They also happen to be a leading cause of death due to their addictive nature. AppliedVR hopes to introduce a safer alternative: virtual reality gaming. They utilize the existing Samsung Gear VR for the hardware, but provides specialized software that offers up a distracting experience that fosters greater pain ignorance.

How To: Use aspirin to heal a pimple

Aspirin heals a pimple by reducing the inflammation and swelling when it is crushed up into a paste. Use aspirin to treat a pimple with tips from a professional makeup artist in this free instructional video on skin care. Good trick if a pesky pimple shows up before a big event.

News: How Calcium Sets Off a C Diff Infection

Unfortunately, the very places we go to receive health care put us at risk for becoming infected with superbugs, bacteria exposed to so many antibiotics that they have become immune to their effects. Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is one such bacteria. It causes inflammation of the colon and rampant diarrhea that can have life-threatening consequences. Part of its virulence lies in the tough spores formed by the bacteria. They are responsible for starting infections in the colon and for spre...