Cinematic Search Results

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 13 - The Cardinal Virtue...

Your job is to defeat Sapientia in this fight on the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 13 - The Cardinal Virtue of Prudence, attack the red sphere over Sapientia's head. This fight starts with Bayonetta on the ocean, on a surfboard-like object. Sapientia will use two attacks. The first attack starts with his fin sticking out of the water, like a shark. He will then jump into the air and dive at you. Just keep moving in a straight line to avoid this attack. For the second attack the camera w...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 7 - The Cardinal Virtue...

Battle Temperantia is this episode of the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 7 - The Cardinal Virtue of Temperance, prepare for a fight. This chapter consists of a boss fight. You'll start on a platform. Temperantia will punch the platform with his fists and they will stick in the platform. Attack the lighted area of his wrist. While you are attacking he will shoot at you with his other hand. He slowing sweeps his guns, so you can attack until his bullets get close to you, then jump as his l...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 6 - The Gates of Paradise

You'll need to complete 9 verses in this section of the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 6 - The Gates of Paradise, there are plenty of battles to be had. As soon as you start this level, look behind you and you'll find a headstone with one-third of a Golden LP (Odette) inside. Also is this starting area is a book, "Entering Vigrid." Break down the gate here to start your first fight. After the fight you'll get the final thrird of a Golden LP (Odette) and a book, "The Angel's Banquet Hall ...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 3 - Burning Ground

Battle in verses 1-12, killing Fairness and Angels, in the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 3 - Burning Ground, you have to make sure you know what you're doing. In verse 4, the creature is called Fairness. A soon as it appears it will shoot a fireball at you, be sure to dodge it. Fairness has several attacks it uses. It can shoot fireballs, which move faster than other fireballs you've encountered. It has a charge attack that you can dodge or you can jump over it. It also has a sonic atta...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 1 - The Angel's Metropolis

There's a lot of fighting to endure in the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 1 - The Angel's Metropolis, it's your first real battle. Central Station Platform - Go to the far side of the platform and go through the security gates. The door on the far side of this hall is locked, but on one wall in the hallway you'll see a strange sphere. Walk up to it and start doing combos to open a door.

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Prologue - The Vestible

See the whole backstory behind the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In the Prologue - The Vestibule, you see how to start playing. The first part of the game is an extended cut scene where you will learn the back story of Bayonetta. During some scenes you can control Bayonetta and fight the enemies you, but you don't have to. You don't have a health meter at this point in the game and can't die.

How To: Add sound effects to a filmed neck snapping

See how to snap a person's neck for a film effect, complete with sound. This requires just two easy steps. First, get some peanuts. Second, synchronize the head movement to you crushing the peanuts into the microphone. Snapping a neck on camera is nothing as long as you have those peanuts and are careful... very, very careful not to snap the neck for real. This neck snapping is a great cinematic trick for the seasoned amateur filmmaker.

News: Microsoft Japan Helps Godzilla Invade Real World Tokyo via HoloLens

The company behind Japan's beloved Gozilla, Japan's Toho Studios, has for years tried to give fans the sense of what a giant, nuclear-powered lizard invading Tokyo might feel like. Until now, those attempts have been limited to the movie theater, but now, with the help of the Microsoft HoloLens, Godzilla is finally getting its chance to invade the actual city, with terrified fans looking on from a safe distance.

How To: Use Your iPhone's Volume Buttons to Shoot Photo Bursts & QuickTake Videos

When you can't touch the shutter button on the screen in the Camera app, your iPhone has another way to snap a picture or take a video — just press the Volume Up or Volume Down button. But when it comes to bursts and QuickTakes, however, things are a little bit trickier in iOS 13, iOS 14, and iOS 15.

Video: Automate a Camera's Path with the HoloLens and VroomCam

Every day the young world of mixed reality is creating new ways for people to work with with computers. We are looking for, and finding, new ways for these head-worn computers to understand what we tell them. Sometimes it is with our hands, sometimes it is where we turn our head, sometimes it is what we say. In the case highlighted below, it's where we walk.

How To: Make Realistic-Looking Fake Blood

Store-bought fake blood isn't too expensive, but the consistency and color are always the same. Real blood varies, from bright red when oxygenated (arterial blood) to deep, dark red when deoxygenated (venous blood), and it can be either thick or thin. So to achieve the best special effect, you're better off making a batch of DIY fake blood yourself to get the look and texture you're going for. And it's very simple to do.

News: Everything You Need to Know About the iPhone XS

Apple's successor to the iPhone X is a beautifully made smartphone with much of the same characteristics, including a 5.8-inch OLED screen, two storage choices, and Face ID. But many features set the iPhone XS apart from its predecessor, as well as the other 2018 lineup of iPhones, making it a worthy choice to upgrade to if you're in the market for a new mobile device.

News: Microsoft Japan Concept Video Demos How HoloLens Will Help Pilot the Drone Ships of the Future

Although the HoloLens is still primarily the domain of developers and researchers, the device is nevertheless on the cutting edge of showing us what will be possible with augmented reality in the coming years. The latest example comes via Microsoft Japan and a new concept video that shows off how the HoloLens will be used in the relatively near future to pilot autonomous ships.