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News: Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Refining Sharing

One of the primary goals of a social network is for you to share what you find interesting with your followers and friends, but on Google+, sharing has so many layers that it can be confusing for most people to really take advantage of it properly. Some of the tools in place that enable you do deal with spam and manage your privacy aren't very clear, so this week's round up is all about how you can share what you want with who you want on Google+.

How To: Create optical illusions in Flash CS3

Tony Ross demonstrates how to create optical illusions in Flash. In the first video he creates a spinning illusion of circles with cycling gradients using Motion Tweens and Rotation Options. In the second video, create a tunnel illusion using Motion Tweens and Masking. The last section shows you how to create a more complex spinning illusion of two sets of concentric circles using Motion Tweens, Rotation Options, and Blend Modes. Tools used include the Oval Tool, Free Transform tool, Gradient...

How To: Draw a floppy-eared cartoon dog

Dogs are a cartoonist's best friend because it's funny to see them in every day situations. So grab some paper and a pen and get ready to draw your own cartoon dog.You will need a pad of paper, pencil, a marker, colored chalks or colored pencils, and an eraser. Make a shape like a thick boomerang or bent sausage. On the left end, draw a giant oval for a nose, leaving a white space to show shininess. Draw the eyes large and round like 2 ping pong balls, one a little bit behind the other. This ...

How To: Tone and lengthen your legs

Sophie Rycott demonstrates how you can tone and lengthen your legs through pilates. There are four exercises you can do: leg pull front, side leg lift and join, side leg circles, and shoulder bridge. Tone and lengthen your legs.

How To: Fix Your Notification Settings in Google+ Pages

Yesterday, I started receiving emails from Google+ that looked like this: I was really confused. I was confident that I had already gone through my personal Google+ account notification settings, and turned off all email notifications. I noticed that there was a link at the bottom of the email, that said I could change what email Google+ sends you. When I clicked on it, it took me to my newly created Google+ page's settings: +Yum!

News: Welcome to the Google+ Insider's Guide!

Google+ is the most exciting new social network to come around this decade, and the only product with a chance of challenging the monopolies we know as Facebook and Twitter. As an Internet addict, I've joined every major social network there is - from Friendster (who?) to MySpace (so ugly) to LinkedIn (yawn) to Twitter (irritating) and Facebook (annoying to manage). Competition is delicious, especially between well-financed monopolies. Google+ really seems to have identified an Achille's heel...

How To: Draw a cartoon of a shy guy for a Valentine's card

Learn how to create your own Valentine's Day card with Bruce Blitz. All you'll need is a paper, pencil, marker, colored chalk or pencils, and an eraser. Using your pencil, draw 2 circles, one with curved guidelines to have the face turned to the left, and one with straight guidelines to have the face looking straight ahead. You want to be able to draw curved guidelines when it’s time to create your Shy Guy, because he will be looking down. Starting with a fresh sheet of paper, draw another ci...

How To: Warm up and cool down for pilates

Sophie Rycott demonstrates how you can warm up and cool down for pilates. There are four warm ups: shoulder rolls, feet circles and flexes, hip rotation, and arm opening. There are four cool downs as well: neck and spine stretch, hip and gluteus stretch, hip flexor stretch, and lower back, chest and shoulder stretch. Warm up and cool down for pilates.

How To: Draw a book worm cartoon

Animals and insects make great cartoon characters. So get ready to learn how to draw a worm that turns into a bookworm. All you need is paper, pencil, marker, colored chalks or colored pencils, and an eraser. Start by drawing a squiggly line. Come around and double the line, keeping an equal distance from the other. Draw a curved shape for a head at the end. Draw large circles for his eyes and connect them to give him glasses. Draw his pupils going all the way to the right. Add two small eyeb...

How To: Make a cartoon out of symbols

Did you ever think a question mark could turn into a cartoon? Well, grab your pen because Bruce Blitz is going to show you how you can create cartoons from symbols. This is an easy way to learn to draw cartoons. All you need is paper, pencil, markers, colored chalks or colored pencils, and an eraser. First, draw a question mark. Next, draw 2 C’s (one backwards) for eyes at the top point. The curve in the question mark will become a nose. Add 2 pupils and eyebrows facing up. Draw hair and an e...

How To: Fake perfect skin with makeup

Is your skin less than perfect? This how-to video will help you fake it like a pro. These makeup tips can help your skin look better than a work of art. A little bit of airbrush foundation can hide what ails you, from veins and dark circles to blotchy redness. Watch this video makeup application tutorial and learn how to fake flawless skin with makeup. Fake perfect skin with makeup.

How To: Make a dragon kite

The awesome kite in this how-to video has a long tail just like a dragon and is traditionally flown to celebrate the Chinese New Year! You will need RSN, tyvek, heavy duty plastic garbage bag, cloth tape, a bamboo stick - 48" long (window blind source), magic markers, a ruler (yardstick), objects to make 2 circles i.e. pot lid, string, a pencil, a toothpick, a hobby stick, and the step-by-step instructions in this video kite-making tutorial. Make a dragon kite.

How To: Use the self-centering mortise jig

The shop-built router jig detailed in this video uses an innovative system to position a workpiece square and centered when cutting matching mortises for loose mortise-and-tenon joinery. This jig relies on two vertically aligned, rotating circles with protruding metal bolts to align a workpiece, and a moveable fence to set the width of a mortise. After watching this video, you should easily be able to use this tool. Use the self-centering mortise jig.

News: Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google+ Grows Up

Things have been a bit quiet on the Google+ Insider's Guide this week. With the launch of the new Facebook, Google+ is finding itself a bit on the defensive. However, recent data shows that by making Google+ available to the general public, their traffic has jumped 13-fold, according to Mashable. With the new growth also comes the introduction of cool new features, which further enhance sharing.

How To: Reduce the Noise in Your Social Streams

Social network fatigue sets in when it starts to feel impossible to keep up with all that new content from your friends, followers, and acquaintances on a daily basis. You lose track of stuff you wanted to read more about, and you miss important news from your friends, but are bombarded with inconsequential details from people you don't actually care about. What's the solution? Filter your streams so that you only see the content you do care about, and get rid of the rest.

How To: Make Yin-Yang Modular Polyhedra

Last Thursday's post demonstrated how to Make Yin-Yang Pillow boxes, which were based on equilateral triangles and squares. The units for making these boxes were created by Phillip Chapman-Bell, who runs an amazing origami blog and has a spectacular flickr photostream. Using these units, you can make also make 4 of the 5 platonic solids. I made an additional template based on the regular pentagon so that the dodecahedron can be built completing the set.

News: 10 Chrome Extensions to Jumpstart Your Google+ Wishlist

Are you finding that the Google+ features you've been waiting for are still not rolling out quickly enough for you? Although we've provided many solutions to Google+ issues with different Chrome extensions, it still seems like it's not enough. Now that we've been using Google+ for almost two months, our priorities have changed, and we're finding that we want and need different extensions to make Google+ work better. From filtering to circles, these Google+ Chrome extensions will solve many of...

News: Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google+ Community Projects Take Off

This week seems to have gone by in a flash. Maybe it was the three day weekend, but I don't think it accounts for the flurry of activity I've been seeing on Google+. Updates, debates, and new initiatives are unfolding every day, and the best part is that most of them are coming from outside of Google. People love Google+ so much that they want to evangelize to others about it. What more could Google+ ask for?

Google+ Pro Tips Round-Up: Week 3

Now that you can invite anyone you want to Google+, the floodgates are open. If you've been bummed out about not being able to share the joys of Google+ with your friends and acquaintances, make use of that handy envelope icon the right side of your stream page. Just enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite, and hit the "Invite" button.

The Google+ Project: Google's Social Network Takes On Facebook

Google recently unveiled the start of their new social network Google+, which is set to compete with Facebook and fix the awkward, broken aspects on online sharing they claim exist. It's currently only open to a limited number of Googlers during its "field trial," and if you weren't one of the lucky ones given an invitation, you can still sign up to be notified when Google+ is available in your area. You can also stay up to date on its Twitter page, GooglePlus.

News: Math Craft Inspiration of the Week: The Curve-Crease Sculptures of Erik Demaine

Erik Demaine is a Professor of Electronic Engineering and Comp Sci at MI, but he is also an origami folder who has had work displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. He makes some beautiful models and intricate puzzles, but in my opinion the really inspirational work is the curved creased models. In Erik's own words describing the above models: "Each piece in this series connects together multiple circular pieces of paper (between two and three full circles) to make a large circular ramp ...

How To: Transfer Your Facebook Friends to Google+ (And Vice Versa)

On the same day that Google launched their new social network, Google +, a team of Google engineers calling themselves the Data Liberation Front announced their first service on Tuesday—Google Takeout, a product that allows users to easily move their data in and out of Google products, including Buzz, Contacts and Circles, Picasa Web Albums, Profile and Stream (the equivalent of Facebook’s newsfeed).

How To: Deal with Waiting for a Google+ Feature

Google+ is the greatest social network to emerge since Facebook annoyed everyone into joining, but that doesn't necessarily mean that our relationship with it is all rosy. Although Google+ has amazing innovations, like hangouts and circles, users are spending a lot of time begging for core features that take what seems to be an eternity to emerge.