Claiming Polish Search Results

How To: Say "pajamas" in Polish

Imagine this: You're stuck in Poland and the airline lost your baggage. All you want to do is get into comfortable clothes and go to sleep at the hotel. How are you going to ask a sales girl for what you're looking for? Learn how to say "pajamas" with help from this video to help you in your struggle.

How To: Say Merry Christmas in Polish

In this tutorial, we learn how to say Merry Christmas in Polish. First, you will need to listen to the video while you are watching the words go onto the screen. Practice saying each of the words individually out loud and then put them together. If it's hard at first, break the words up into separate parts and then try to say them whatever way is easiest for you. Once you get these together, you will have said "Merry Christmas" in Polish! Enjoy saying the words in this beautiful language and ...

How To: Ask a Polish girl out in Polish

Do you want to ask a girl out but she speaks Polish? If so, this is the right video for you! Turn your speakers up and listen as the speaker will tell you the right phrase to teach you how to ask a girl out! Repeat after the speaker and make sure you are saying all the phrases with the correct tone and dialect. Practice makes perfect, so just keep at it and you will have it in no time! Once you learn how to ask a girl out, you will be able to learn more words and maybe even have a conversatio...

How To: Use basic "Can I help you?" phrases in Polish

In this video, we learn how to say basic phrases in Polish: "can I help you". If you want to learn this language, you should first turn the audio up on your computer. After this, you will need to repeat after the speaker and say the phrases out loud. The more you practice saying the phrase in Polish, the better you will get at it. Once you learn how to say "can I help you", you will be on your way to saying more and more things in this beautiful language! Just take your time and you'll have i...

How To: Make an appointment in Polish

In this video, we learn how to make an appointment in Polish. When you are learning these different phrases, make sure you have your audio turned up so you can hear how the speaker is saying the words. These may not be said how you think they are in your head. Make sure to get the accent down right so you aren't saying a completely different phrase to someone. After you learn how to say these basic phrases, you will be able to make an appointment! Incorporate some of the words into everyday s...

How To: Say the months of the year in Polish

In this video, we learn how to say the months of the year in Polish. To say January, you will say "Styczen in Polish. February is "luty", March is "marzec", April is "kwiecien", May is "maj", June is "czerwiec", July is "lipiec", August is "sierpien", September is "wrzesien", October is "pazdziernik", November is "listopad", and December is "Grudzien". Practice saying these out loud while you are watching the video so you get a good idea for how the words are supposed to sound when they are s...

How To: Say words & phrases relating to dating in Polish

In this tutorial, we learn how to say words and phrases related to dating in Polish. "Czy umowisz sie ze mna" means "would you like to go out with me". So, if you want to ask someone out on a date, that is how you would do it! "Czy chcesz pojechac do kina" means "would you like to go to the movies". To say, "I like you very much", you will say "bardzo cie lubie". To tell a woman that she is beautiful, you would say "jestes piekna". Finally, to ask someone if you can kiss them, say "czy moge c...

How To: Paint your nails with brown and pink flowers

dark brown and pink white flowersdark and rich colors are used: brown, pink, white and green. firstly lightest color is used for the base polish then dark colors applied. first, with dark brown polish a simple curved line drawn on the nail from bottom to top then dark brown polish applied to fill the back part of the previous line. then put some white polish onto a white paper and use it with dotting tool to put flowers petals as a dot on to your nail. then with another dotting tool put dots ...

How To: Polish your car with a random orbital machine polisher

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to polish a car with a round orbit polisher. This polishing technique will remove the swirls on the car. Before polishing, users should wash the car and wipe it clean. Then tape the areas that you do not want polished. Now attach an orange medium cutting pad to the polisher. Apply the polish on the pad and dab it onto the areas that you want to polish. Start the polisher at a low speed and gradually turn the speed faster. Then attach a honeycomb waffl...

How To: Create Ke$ha's "Tik Tok" toe nails

This tutorial teaches you how to do the same nail design as Ke$ha from her video "Tik Tok" had her nails done. First you apply a base polish to protect your nails. Apply a gold polish all over the nail, about three solid coats and then let them dry. Paint on a rich wine color to the corner of each nail end. Use a dotting tool and clean polish to pick up the rhinestones. Apply a little bit of nail glue on the seam of the two colors to help the Rhine stones stay put. Take a fine tip brush with ...

How To: Paint a purple & gold French tip manicure

In this video, they show you how to do French nails with purple and gold tips. The nail polish used for the gold color is Ooh La La. The nail polish used for the purple color is N.Y.C. You also need a clear nail polish for a base coat as well as a skinny brush in order to paint the French nails with it. The base coat used is a Maybelline nail polish. You first apply a base of clear nail polish. Then you apply the purple nail polish to the tips. Using the brush, you apply the gold stripes. Fin...

How To: Paint a black & pink French manicure with flowers

In this tutorial, we learn how to paint a black & pink French manicure with flowers. Start by painting the nails with a light pink nail polish, adding a couple layers so the color shows on top of the nail. Wait for this to dry, then paint black nail polish in a diagonal line across the top corner of the nail. Now, allow this to dry and take a sparkly purple nail polish and paint it in a line directly underneath the black polish. Next, use a toothpick or dotting tool to dot white nail polish i...

How To: Paint your nails in a sparkly green and white style

Love4Nails teaches how to paint your nails using green polish. Start by using a lighter color. In this case, she uses white. She then side swipes the nail using dark green. Start from a corner at the bottom of your nail and using a swirling motion paint to the top. Next, she uses nail art polish in black to outline the side of her nail that's been painted in green. Creating a "V" she outlines the other side of the nail. She then uses a gold striper polish inside the "V." Use dotting paper and...

How To: Refurbish brass door furniture with cleaning polish

The video is a description of how to refurbish a brass door frame, and door knob that has gone dull due to the lacquer. Purchase lacquer and metal polish at a hardware store. Before beginning work, remove the circulate at the back of the door knob with circulate pliers. Take the component parts of the door knob apart and set the spring and clip aside to be replaced later. Take a clean cloth and put metal polish on it. Using the cloth, polish the knob. It may take a while to get all the grime ...