Cleaning Solutions Search Results

How To: Stop getting overwhelmed

In this video from RawRadiantHealth Natasha talks to us about getting back to basics and not getting overwhelmed. A lot of times we can feel like we have too many responsibilities and we can get burnt out. Having a strong foundation and basics like getting enough sleep, eating your meals, your home is clean, you're taking care of yourself can really help you. When the foundation is a bit shaky these things can overwhelm us. If the basics are not taken care of the rest of your life can be a me...

How To: Shop at a thrift store

Go thrifty! Go vintage! Go second hand. With the right approach and an open mind, a trip to your local thrift store can yield some fashionable bargains. Buying used is a smart solution to this economy, and gives you a smart sense of fashion.

How To: Turn pennies into silver and gold coins with zinc

One of the most famous and repeated chemistry experiments involves money. Some would say this is more of a trick than an experiment, but you can be the judge of that. No one can just turn pennies into silver or gold coins, but someone with a few chemicals can. So, if you want to cooler cents in your pocket, try out this chemistry trick yourself. Nurd Rage (Dr. Lithium) shows you how to turn pennies into silver and gold coins using zinc.

How To: Thoroughly clean your keyboard

A lot of things come into contact with our keyboards throughout the day: dirty fingers, food, beverages, dust..they are full of germs and crumbs of who knows what. In this 4 part tutorial, learn how to take your keyboard apart and clean it completely. This process should bring your keyboard back to its original glory. So, follow along and clean up your workspace.

How To: Clean Up Liquid Spills More Easily with Flour

Spills happen in the kitchen, and while every good cook knows to clean as you go, not every cook has an endless supply of cleaning materials. Besides, one spill can exhaust your entire stockpile of sponges, paper towels, and rags in a matter of minutes. Particularly egregious mishaps can make everything they touch feel sticky and gross.

How To: Solve the six problem solution

Solving 6 math problems using different methods is the idea behind this video. First, you make three rows of numbers vertically from 1-9. All the numbers match across for example, 1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3, and so on. Each set of numbers creates a mathematical problem who's solution is the number six. These problems require some thinking to solve. The only one that is immediately apparent is 2 2 2=6 which is, of course, 2+2+2=6, (3x3)-3=6, the square root of 4 =2. This done on all three of the four...

How To: Graph a system of linear equations

Given a equation of a line, you can graph the line. A system of equations is nothing but equations of more than one line. In a single equation all the points that lie on the line, satisfy the equation of the line. Similarly a solution of a system of equations is points that satisfy each and every equation of that system. A system of equations can have a single point as solution when the lines intersect at a common point, or have a unlimited points in solution when the lines overlap on each ot...

How To: Solve a linear system with no solution

A method for solving a linear system with no solution is described. The method is described in 4 steps. The first step in the method is designed to solve a linear system that is described consist of “solving by graphing”. Details for “solving by graphing” first consist of finding points to graph using two different equations. The second step in the method consist of placing the points from both equations on the same graph in order to find out if bo...

How To: Clean laminate floors safely

The basic idea of cleaning laminate floors is to use a dry or damp mop or cleaner for cleaning spills and as little moisture as possible. Laminate floors are resistant products and are made to last, but they also are sensible to moisture and thus it can produce damage. Also very important for defending against stains like tomato sauce and red wine is to be vigilant and clean them immediately. The longer a stain like that sits, the longer it is the probability of being permanent, so the best a...

How To: Dry fruit from your garden

Curtis Smith of Southwest Yard and Garden show viewers how they can dry fruit from their garden. First, you need to wash your hands before handling your fruit. To wash your hands you want to remove any jewelry, wet your hands, lather your hands and rub them together for 20 seconds and rinse. Dry them on a clean towel so you don't recontaminate. You can dry fruit in your oven if you don't have a dehydrator by setting your oven on the lowest setting, 150 degrees F, and leaving the oven open unt...

How To: Solve a system by the elimination method

In this video the instructor shows how to solve a system of equations by elimination method. First you need to know how many possible number of solutions you can get by solving a system of equations. There are three possibilities. In the first case there are two lines with different slopes, so they intersect at a point which is the solution to that system. In second case there can be two lines with same slope but are parallel to each other. In this case the system has no solution. In the thir...

How To: Fit roller blinds

Need to change a little décor in your home or apartment? Blinds are the perfect solution for bringing a room to life... or maybe just for blocking out the sun. This video tutorial will show you how to fit roller blinds. Roller blinds can be kind of tricky, but if you have a little help, it's a cinch. Now, go fit a Roller blind!

How To: Fit wooden venetian blinds

Need to change a little décor in your home or apartment? Blinds are the perfect solution for bringing a room to life... or maybe just for blocking out the sun. This video tutorial will show you how to fit wooden venetian blinds. Wooden venetian blinds can be kind of tricky, but if you have a little help, it's a cinch. Now, go fit a wooden venetian blind!

How To: Fit vertical blinds

Need to change a little décor in your home or apartment? Blinds are the perfect solution for bringing a room to life... or maybe just for blocking out the sun. This video tutorial will show you how to fit vertical blinds. Vertical blinds can be kind of tricky, but if you have a little help, it's a cinch. Now, go fit a vertical blind!

How To: Use natural products to clean your home without toxins

We all want to spic and span our kitchen countertops, our tile floors, and our bathrooms. But for the most part we can bet you've been unwittingly using storebought detergent cleaners or bleach. While these cleaners are in fact excellent at removing grime and buffing your dirty floors to a Midas touch perfection, they also come filled to the brim with known cancer-causing agents, synthetic chemicals, and other gnarly, hard to pronounce crap.

How To: Clean a moped carburetor

This video shows you exactly how and what you need to know to clean your vintage moped carburetor. You'll get a quick overview of the mopeds workings, everything you need to do to make sure you keep your moped in take and give it the proper maintence it needs. Vintage bikes tend to build rust and water which you'll need to clean out to make sure your bike runs perfectly. This is an quick and easy fix to upkeep your bike and make sure it remains nice and clean.

How To: Test for boron with curcumin

Want to test whether the soil sample or a water sample contains boron, watch this video. As shown in the video, the first step is to create test specimens of various concentrations using a simple turmeric and ethanol solution as a base for comparison. The basis of this experiment is the fact that curumin present in turmeric reacts with boron to form a reddish compound and so the result of this reaction can easily be verified visually.