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How To: Recreate Snake Eater's Costume from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

If you're a fan of the Metal Gear video game series, an obvious Halloween costume choice would be Solid Snake, the protagonist of nearly all of the games. However, an even better option would be Big Boss, aka John, Ishmael, Vic Boss, The Man Who Sold the World, and Naked Snake, among many other aliases. He's was once a good man, but better known as the nemesis to Solid Snake. The below costume by YouTube user Erick Zeros showcases Naked Snake in his good era, in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eate...

How To: Get Back Lock Screen Widgets in Android Lollipop

Being fixated on all of the great additions to Android 5.0 Lollipop, it can be a little difficult to take notice in the features that went missing. For instance, lock screen widgets. It's speculated that the lack of practical use for lock screen widgets and the implementation of the revamped Lollipop lock screen may have lead to their departure, but some of us want them back!

How To: Lock the Dialer to Prevent Snooping When Letting Others Borrow Your Android

Lending someone your phone to make a call is always an awkward situation, as you closely monitor them to make sure they stick to a phone call rather than wandering off into private applications like your photo or messaging apps. You don't necessarily want to eavesdrop on their conversation, but trusting people with your phone is difficult, especially if you have some risqué or embarrassing pictures stored on it.

News: This DIY Passion Fruit Battery Can Power Lasers!

It's been proven over and over that you can make batteries out of fruits and vegetables such as lemons, potatoes, and even apples. Turns out, passion fruit is also acidic enough to power a battery, but Maui Makers member Ryan K decided to take it a step further by adding a laser. Passion fruit, or Lilikoi as it's called in Hawaii, is usually over-abundant in Maui, so Ryan decided to put it to good use. Using anodized bolts, copper pipe, wire, switches, and some LEDs, he built a battery that c...

How To: Social Engineering - Total Guide

Good day to everyone, today I will present some basic and advanced concepts that targets sophisticated attacks on the social basis, also I will write about some steps that can prevent this attacks from occuring, basically we will examine Social Engineering from the angle of attacker and victim, some people who are interested in security and work for middle-sized companys can learn and use something interesting from this post.

How To: Discipline your toddler without spanking

At one time or another, every parent has thought about taking off the belt, but that's frowned upon in our current society, perhaps even illegal. Even using you hand could be too harsh for the child's sake, but there are ways to get your unruly tot under control. Toddlers are often headed for trouble, but you can steer them in the right direction without spanking.

How To: Avoid being a Kook while surfing

Basically, a "Kook" is the type of surfer everyone hates. Kooks put themselves and others in danger by their actions in the water. In this video, learn the rules of the ocean and avoid everyone staying far away from you at the beach.

How To: Stay safe driving in fog

Driving through thick fog can sometimes be intensely scray. Luskily we have a how to video for how to deal with situations like these. When you run into fog on the road, keep your head and follow these simple tips to stay safe.

How To: Fast on Yom Kippur

Giving up food and drink is an important part of this Jewish holiday, the Day of Atonement, because it helps focus the mind on repentance. Stay strong mentally and physically with these tips.

How To: Do a butterfly suplex

John, with Your Guide to Pro Wrestling, demonstrates how to do a butterfly suplex. The butterfly suplex should only be done with supervision by trained professionals. To do a butterfly suplex, lead in with a toe kick and bring your foot up into your opponent's stomach and then down. Hit your opponent in the classic bent over position. The set up for the move is similar to the pedigree. The difference is that you want to get your opponents head on your side instead of between your legs. Hook y...

How To: Want to Appear Smarter? Stop Using Impressive Vocabulary

We've all been there: facing a lengthy, complex word that ignores the phonics we were taught in elementary school, unsure of not only its pronunciation, but also its meaning. These words, from autochthonous to esquamulose, are both terrifying and impressive. After all, if someone knows how to use them—and even say them—they must be quite smart. Yet before you begin stuffing every email and presentation with verbose prose, you might want to reconsider what others perceive to be intelligent.

How To: Achieve Your Goals by Changing Your Password

Finding the motivation to make a change can be tricky. It's difficult to resist the urge to procrastinate, or even give up when goals seem distant and difficult. If you wish you could stick to your New Year's resolutions, or maybe even just commit to pursuing smaller goals, you might want to consider making a small change to start: just create a new password.