Clump Consisting Search Results

How To: Make play dough

Kipkay shows you how to make play dough. You use two cups of flower, two cups of water, one cup of salt, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, and one tablespoon of cream of tartar. Stir over low heat until the dough clumps, knead the dough, separate the dough into four balls, and then add food coloring.

How To: Make bean and cheese enchiladas

Anuja and Hetal, from Shoe me the Curry, teach the secrets to making the perfect bean and cheese enchiladas, every time. You will need: 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour, 1 14-ounce can of broth, 1/4 cup water, 1 8-ounce can of tomato sauce, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder, 1/4 teaspoon oregano, salt, red chili powder for taste, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, corn tortillas, refried beans, shredded cheese, chopped onions, and black olives. Heat up oil in a pan, and a...

News: Whats Happen if You Mix Red Bull & Milk?

Casein is a protein that is found in milk. Groups of casein normally float around in milk without bonding. These groupings have a negative charge. The acidity of the Red Bull causes the negative charges on the casein groupings to become neutralized. Instead of pushing each other apart, the casein starts to clump together causing the milk to curdle and form solid matter.

How To: Make butter

In this tutorial, we learn how to make butter. First, you will need some cream in a carton left out in the room for around 12 hours. After this, pour the cream out into a glass jar and put the lid on tightly. Now you will shake the jar nice and slowly. You want about 1 shake every second. Continue to do this for about 2-3 minutes. At first, you will notice the glass is covered with cream, but every time you shake the bottle, the butter fat will start to stick together into clumps. Continue to...

How To: Quickly make homemade butter

In this tutorial, we learn how to quickly make homemade butter. First, you will need to take some milk and pour it into a glass. After this, you will pour the milk into a food processor and turn it on high. Let this mix up for a few minutes, until you see clumps of butter starting to appear. Continue to let it spin until the butter is thick in the processor. Now, you will strain the milk from the butter and mix the butter up with some salt. Once you do this, you will be able to serve the butt...

How To: Make perfect ramen noodles

This video is a demonstration of how to make the perfect ramen noodles. The requirements for the recipe are 2 packets of ramen noodles, milk and vegetable oil. Using butter instead of oil enhances the taste of this recipe. Water is heated in a pan and the noddles are added to hot water. Let the water boil and cook the noodles till they turn soft. Drain the water from the noodles using a strainer and put it back in the pan. Add half a cap of vegetable oil to the strained noodles and mix thorou...

How To: Draw an emo chibi character

Sasukeisahotie shows you how to draw an Emo Chibi. Start by drawing a prominently spiky, asymmetrical, "emo" haircut, wider than tall. Then draw a line making the outline of the face from the right bottom of the haircut, to the left clump of hair, again this should be wide. Draw one eye on the face (where the other eye is, it should be hidden underneath hair). Draw in the shirt/jacket/top half of the character underneath the head, but make this smaller than the head. Decorate the shirt with s...

How To: Make a soil sifter with hardware cloth and wood

Danny Lipford shows us how to filter rocky soil in a flower bed in this informative video. By stapling 2 pieces of 2x2 to a hardware cloth, a mesh is produced that can be clipped onto a wheelbarrow. A home-made sifter of this variety, without a solid frame has the distinct advantage that you can pick it up and toss the filtered out rocks to the side after use. The sifter could also be used to filter the clumps that appear in fertilizer bags, or even masonry sand. The resulting filtered soil i...

How To: Thicken gravy for holiday meals

Food editor Melissa Roberts shows a few different ways to thicken gravy. The first way that is shown is using either arrowroot or cornstarch. Both of these ingredients are gluten free and must be dissolved completely in cold water before adding to hot liquids as clumping will result if added straight. The next method to thicken your gravy is called a buerre manie'. A beurre manie' is French for needed butter. This method is a paste made by combining three tablespoons of butter and three table...

How To: Make non-mushy quinoa

Marni Wasserman at the Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair demonstrates how to make non-mushy quinoa. The trick to making quinoa that doesn't come out in a big clump is to dry roast it. Take the quinoa and put it into a pot and put it over heat. Move the grains around until all the water is evaporated. You'll smell the nutty aroma of the quinoa as it's being dry roasted. Once the quinoa is dry roasted, add two cups of water to one cup of quinoa. Let that come to a boil with a little bit of sea salt ...

How To: Fold a fitted sheet like a pro

Fitted sheets can be quite a hassle if you are unsure how to tame the elastic edging and odd form. Cure Wrinkles, with Erin Bried, teaches you how to fold a fitted sheet correctly. Start by having the sheet inside out and place one hand in one of the corners and the other hand in the corner closet to the first corner. Then put one of your corners into the other corner so that one hand has two corners and the other is free. Watch the rest of the video to learn how to turn that clump of a sheet...

How To: Make spicy flour tortilla crackers

Betty describes how to make spicy flour tortilla crisps: little crispy rounds, or squares, make a great appetizer. Use them with various spreads! Or serve them as the bread to start off a steak dinner. Start with your flour tortillas. After cutting them into sectors, baste them in extra virgin olive oil. Apply the oil to the top and bottom sides. Sprinkle a bit of salt. Use paprika (or any flavor you want!) to add a little spice! Sprinkle from high above so that your spices don't clump. Now p...

How To: Why White Sugar Is the Only Type of Sugar You Need in Your Kitchen

I'll bet this scenario will sound familiar to you: you're in the middle of making a spectacular dessert that will knock the socks off of your guests, and you've almost finished gathering all of your ingredients to create your mise en place. The last ingredient listed is powdered sugar, and you reach for where it's stored, when—drat! You don't have enough for the recipe.

How To: Solve a linear system with no solution

A method for solving a linear system with no solution is described. The method is described in 4 steps. The first step in the method is designed to solve a linear system that is described consist of “solving by graphing”. Details for “solving by graphing” first consist of finding points to graph using two different equations. The second step in the method consist of placing the points from both equations on the same graph in order to find out if bo...

How To: Choose healthy food for the 3 Day Diet

The 3 Day Diet is a very regimented diet plan that consists of one thousand calories. It's a very regimented plan consisting of three days that have three specific meals consisting of about 1000 calories. It must be followed precisely. Learn how to make healthy food choices for the 3 Day Diet from a licensed dietician and nutritionist in this health and nutrition how-to video.

How To: Perform a math addition card trick great for kids

This video is actually about how to perform a math addition card trick. Firstly take two sets of four cards in which one of the sets consists of 2 of hearts whereas the other set consists of 3 of spades. Then take the set of 3's and place it under the 2's then once it is turned over you get four cards of 3's on the top which is placed aside and the remaining cards are of 2's. Now if you just give a shake then one of the cards of 2's turn into 3 of spades and when the shake is repeated another...

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