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How To: Clean a makeup bag

In this how-to video, professional makeup artist Gary Cockerill shows how to take care of your makeup and keep a clean makeup bag. While most women know the importance of using the right makeup and the right tools, many will overlook basic hygiene which can be self-defeating for the cosmetic purpose. Check out this video makeup tutorial and learn how to clean a makeup bag and improve skills and techniques. Clean a makeup bag.

How To: Do an advanced breaststroke in swimming

James Gibson, the former 50m world champion demonstrates a competitive level breaststroke. The breaststroke is a mixture of fast leg kicks and smooth arm and hand movements. It's key to have proper technique in the up and down movement as well as moving forward. Follow along with this swimming how-to video to learn how to do and advanced breaststroke with James Gibson. Do an advanced breaststroke in swimming.

How To: Make kanzashi fabric flowers

Kanzashi are hair ornaments used in traditional Japanese hairstyles. One of the hairstyle's main features is the application of intricate little fabric flowers. With a step-by-step video tutiorial will you how to make your own cute kanzashi flowers. These can go on brooches, bags, hairpins, or serve as fridge magnets... oh, how kawaii! Make kanzashi fabric flowers.

How To: Play a blues shuffle on the guitar quickly

The Status Quo guitarist Francis Rossi offers some tips for budding rock stars. Check out this instructional guitar video and learn how to play a blues shuffle on the guitar. Learn a few basic techniques as the instructor silently guides you along the learning process. This video is great for electric guitar enthusiasts. Watch this video to improve your guitar playing skills. Play a blues shuffle on the guitar quickly.

How To: Cure a buddy sour horse with separation anxiety

Horses penned together can easily become dependent, or buddy sour, and suffer from separation anxiety while being ridden individually or involved unaffiliated activities. Instead of letting the horses work themselves up into anxiety which may cause them to hurt themselves, get sick, or generally injure their health, cure the horses of their co-dependency. Learn how to cure a buddy sour horse by watching this video tutorial from expert horse trainer, John Lyons. Cure a buddy sour horse with se...

How To: Kick the perfect place kick in rugby

Jonny Wilkinson, who plays fly-half for England, Newcastle Falcons and the Lions. demonstrates how to kick the perfect place kick. Set the ball up nice and straight and line the seams up with the target. Start your run up from a 45 degree angle between you, the ball, and the post. Make sure your kick connects with the ball in the sweet spot. Kick the perfect place kick in rugby.

How To: Learn to keep your putter square

There are many different putting styles and techniques. So many, in actual fact, it's easy to get confused and wind up a worse putter than you were before. Jeremy Dale believes it doesn't matter how you go about holing your putts, all that you need to focus on is keeping the blade of the putter square as you make your stroke. It's that easy! Learn to keep your putter square.

How To: Hit straighter irons

Target golf... Nick Bradley explains why excellent alignment at set-up is crucial if you want to hit pin-seeking iron shots.Just a few millimetres out in your alignment at address can equate to yards out when your golf ball lands on the green. And that can make the difference between a birdie and a bogey.Use Nick's aligment drill and you've got no excuse for not hitting irons spot-on, every time. Hit straighter irons.

How To: Merge onto a freeway or highway

This video is a series of short clips that show how to merge onto a freeway. These clips show how to assess the speed of the traffic already on the freeway (or highway) and join the flow of traffic safely. Made in the UK, if you're in a country that drives on the right, just think right instead of left and the principles will still apply. Merge onto a freeway or highway.

How To: Run the 400m

Jeremy Wariner, the Olympic 400m champ gives his tips. This is essentially a long sprint. Stay focused at the start and block out the crowd and other athletes. Go out hard and look for the person in the lane in front.

How To: Jump further in the long jump

Jade Johnson has risen from virtual obscurity to become Britain's number one long jumper. She domonstrates how to jump further. Make sure you warm up properly - it's vital to make sure you perform to your best and lower the risk of getting injured. Increase your run-up speed as you approach the board - but remember to stay in control. Don't forget your arms! Keep them under control - whatever they do, your legs will follow. Jump further in the long jump.

News: Maintenance of car sun-roof

These days the trend of luxury cars is increasing in India. People are more concerned nowadays about the comforts and features in their luxury roadsters. Apart from features like ABS, Cruise Control, Parking Sensors, Climate Control, Height adjustable seats, the feature of sun-roof is the most demanding one these days. People purchase cars with sun-roof but lack of proper maintenance makes the sun-roof ugly or hampers it sliding. Here are some easy steps that you can follow to maintain your c...

News: Ron Paul Has Been Quietly Piling Up Delegates – For a Brokered Convention?

Two networks yesterday, CNBC and MSNBC, broadcast a little known fact – Ron Paul appears to be winning the Republican nomination for President. When the popular Texas Congressman repeatedly assured supporters that the race was about delegates, not beauty contests, he apparently knew what he was talking about. Now, after three more states locked in delegates to the GOP nominating convention – CO, MN and IA – indicators point to a brokered convention with a possible, even probable, Ron Paul vic...

News: Massive Leak! Wikileaks publishes Stratfor emails.

Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agenc...

How To: Get the 'You Can Be My Wingman Anytime' Achievement in Battlefield 3

In the level "Going Hunting", you take control of the co-pilot of an F-18 Hornet tasked with shooting down enemy planes. To get the 'You Can Be My Wingman Anytime' achievement, you'll need a perfect playthrough of the level. That means you don't get hit, and all the enemy planes are shot down without running out of ammo. Do this, and you'll get 30G on Xbox 360, or a bronze trophy on PlayStation 3. If you need some guidance, check out the video below.

How To: How Deep Is Your Love ? :-/

HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE ? I can almost hear the tune ! ... This little PALMISTRY 'How to Video' is dedicated to all you lovers out there. Lets hope you still are after this video, ha ha ! sorry just a little joke.. Well watch and hope you enjoy my JOURNEY THROUGH LOVE ! Dedicated also to the HOW TO team ! x x x hope you do not split up ! :-o eek !! I Commit myself ...... Editing/Music/Presentation Jim Winter @2010 Contact - ( )

9:fish Surfboards: Best Local Fish in LA

9:fish Surfboards are clutch for anyone looking to actually surf LA summer mush. Sunny Trinh and Co. make a line of incredibly versatile fish, starting with the 4'11" Pufferfish and going all the way up to a 12' paddleboard. The thing about 9:fish is that they make boards you can ride!!! Save your performance thrusters for that one day in December and get a 9:fish for the rest of the year.

News: Chin Chin - We Don't Wanna Be Prisoners 7" single

Fantastic reissue of this all female punk group from Switzerland. Formed in the early 80's, this was their first single released on their own label Farmer Records. Now Portland's Mississippi Records has finally released this obscure classic. Their sound is a cross between punk and twee pop. Catchy melodies with sing along choruses, upbeat tempos, thumping bass lines and noisy post punk guitars. Very much in the same vein as bands like the Shop Assistants (whom they toured with), Kleenex/Lilip...

News: Johnny Depped to Death

Is it just me or has Johnny Depp given up his great acting talents in favor of character schtick ? Even looking at his posters I can tell Im going to get some over the top performance that is more makeup and costume then real acting, but then again Mr. One Note Burton does many of his films.  Just watch this trailer for Alice, its riddled with past imagery from all of Burton films. Ah, yes Edward Scissor Hands - the moment in time when we really felt Burton had fresh ideas...

How To: Use the Dynomec locking wheel nut remover

Did you buy a car and find out the wheels are held on with wheel locks and you don't have the key? Or perhaps you lost the key to your own wheel locks? This tutorial shows you how to use the Dynomec locking wheel nut remover to remove wheel locks without damaging the wheel or the nut. The Dynomec locking wheel nut remover should be used for removing your vehicle's wheel locks and NOT to steal others. Use the Dynomec locking wheel nut remover.

How To: Switch to left-handed golf

Do you write left-handed or throw a dart left-handed but play golf right-handed? If you answered yes, then the chances are you may be trapped trying to make the wrong golf swing. The more logical, natural swing for you is left-handed. Coach to lefties, Jeremy Dale, shows you how to make the change by reversing your swing. Switch to left-handed golf.

How To: Hit a fade of the tee

Hit the fairway with a fade... Jason Brant shows you how to shape your tee shot from left-to-right in the air on a dogleg hole. It's not just a useful golf shot to master for this situation, it's a great way to guarantee you'll find the fairway every time. Colin Montgomerie swears by it, now you can too. It's a great golf shot to have in your armoury. Hit a fade of the tee.

How To: Steer a car using the push and pull method

Watch and see how to steer using the push and pull method. The steering wheel should normally be controlled with both hands. Turning the wheel as far as it will go is called 'full lock'. This type of driving is crucial if you plan to drive on a track or be a good precision driver. Steer a car using the push and pull method.

News: News Clips - August 10

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Syria, extends those against Hezbollah - The United States announced new sanctions against Syria and those supporting its embattled government Friday, focusing on Hezbollah and a Syrian oil company. » James Holmes’ Psychiatrist Lawyers Up Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!.