Coffee Pot Search Results

How To: Make a latte with US barista champ Heather Perry

This is a video showing how to make a perfect latte at home. First the coffee is ground and then she pours some milk. The presenter says that 1/3 of the daily requirement of milk can be found in a latte. Once the coffee is ground it is brewed. She uses a lot of coffee so that it is richer. While the espresso is being made, the milk is steamed. The espresso should drip out like honey. The steamed milk is then poured over the coffee.

How To: Clean a coffee maker

This video tutorial is in the food category which will show you how to clean a coffee maker with vinegar. First you got to remove the used coffee powder from the coffee pot and put it in a compost maker or in the garbage bin. Then add one part vinegar and two parts water in the jug and pour it in to the coffee maker. Turn it on and after the cycle is completed, drain out the mixture of vinegar and water. If the coffee maker is still dirty, repeat the process. Once the pot is clean, flush it w...

How To: Make Irish coffee

Anthony Caporale gets help from the staff of Bean Traders coffee shop in Durham,NC in making this classic. This video starts off with David Chapman, the owner of Bean Traders, giving a quick Coffee 101 for the uninitiated, followed by Madonna the manager showing how to make coffee with the press pot. Anthony then adds Irish whiskey and whipped cream to the fresh pressed coffee in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

How To: Make iced coffee

Does your iced coffee get watered down from adding in ice cubes? Enjoy a tastier iced coffee at home with these handy tips. Take a pot of hot coffee and pour it into an ice tray and make cubes. Whenever you want ice coffee, just pull out your coffee cubes. A secret for sugar users..put your sugar in first, then a bit of coffee, then your ice coffee cubes and a bit more coffee. Perfect ice coffee.

How To: Make French press coffee at home

In this video, the instructor shows how to make French press coffee. Generally, you will want to use 2 tbsp of coffee for every 6 oz of coffee. You will need water that is close to boiling or around 200 degrees. First, pour the hot water over your ground coffee and let it sit for a little over a minute. Now, stir the coffee and make sure the grounds are as wet as possible. Let this brew for another minute or two. Now, press the pot down and your French press coffee will be hot and ready to en...

How To: Brew java with the Technivorm Moccamaster coffeemaker

Coffee is one of the world's greatest discoveries, but a bad cup of joe can be devastating for your morning. Technivorm makes some of the world's best coffeemakers, and their Technivorm Moccamaster drip coffee brewer is one of the greatest. It's handmade in the Netherlands, and is considered to be the best coffeemaker ever. Poul Mark, founder of Transcend Coffee in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, demonstrates how to brew a great pot of coffee with this renowned Dutch-made machine.

How To: Reuse Old Coffee Grounds

Many people start their day with a fresh, hot cup of coffee. They purchase their coffee with care and enjoy it greatly. But what do you do with those grounds once you’ve drunk your coffee? Here are some uses for those used coffee grounds! Note: It's always easiest to handle coffee grounds when they're cool, so wait a couple of hours after you've switched off the coffee pot to try any of these!

How To: Identify problems with the peace lily, fern & rhubarb

This video explains how to solve several problems associated with gardening in arid environments. Rhubarb is a plant that is commonly grown in colder environments. In arid environments, its very important to not over water it, so keep it in a sandy soil with lots of organic compost material. Plants such as the peace lily also need well irrigated soil, so it is important to pot it in an organic potting soil in a location that allows the water to drain away from the pot instead of soaking back ...

How To: Make Coffee Mugs Gleam Like New with This Little-Known Cleaner

If you consider yourself a regular coffee, tea, or hot chocolate drinker, you probably have a kitchen cabinet full of stained mugs that refuse to scrub clean. Thankfully, there is a better solution that doesn't involve continuing to fight those stains with a sponge, bleach, and elbow grease. The answer to your coffee or tea stain problems is Cafiza: an awesome espresso machine cleaning product that is popular amongst professional baristas... but also doubles as an extremely effective ceramic ...

From Beans to Your Cup: A Coffee Primer

To say we're a nation of coffee-lovers is putting it mildly. Americans consume 400 million cups of joe in one day alone, but how well do we actually know our morning BFF? We know it comes from a bean, and that more coffee drinks exist than there are ways to skin a pig, but what else?

How To: Make coffee using a French press] This is an instructional video on how to use a French press coffee maker, or a "press-pot" coffee maker. The instructor tells you that with a French press you don't need to use a filter because it is built in to the maker. You simply pour ground coffee in to the maker, and fill it with hot water. You then let the coffee brew by just letting it sit for about 3 minutes. You then press down the filter using t...

How To: Make a chocolate cake from scratch

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a chocolate cake from scratch. You will need: sugar, cooking chocolate, white flour, black coffee, butter, orange juice, orange peel, eggs, and baking powder to make this cake. First, melt the chocolate into the coffee in a pot over low heat. Then, beat the sugar and butter until fluffy. Add in the eggs while whipping one by one. Then, stir in the chocolate mixture and mix until combined. After this, sift the flour and baking soda inside it and whip well...

How To: Use a coffee maker to install wheel bearings into an axle without a press

Many axle bearings must be pressed on, and it's a fairly simple job if you have a press available. But if you don't have a press, try this little trick to get the job done. All you need is a coffee maker. Yep, that's right. Make yourself a pot of hot joe, and when it's done, place the bearing on the heating element. By the time you finish the cup of hot coffee, your bearing should be hot enough to expand. This could work for any vehicle!

How To: Recycle old windows into new decorations

In this video, we learn how to recycle old windows into new decorations. First, you can make a coffee table by using the old window and adding legs onto the bottom of it. You can also place a box around the bottom and hinge the window to make a display case. This is simple to make and doesn't cost much, you only need to pay for the legs of the table! You can also use the window to make a pot rack, but make sure you have strong hooks in the ceiling to hold the rack tightly and it will be able ...

How To: Revolutionize Your Coffee Game with These Cold Brew Hacks

Summer is right around the corner, which means it's time to switch from perfect hot coffee to perfect cold coffee. A nice icy glass of cold coffee is wildly refreshing and just plain delicious. In my opinion, it's the key to enjoying any sunny day (warning: if you don't already drink cold coffee, you may find yourself drinking four or five glasses a day very quickly).

Food Tool Friday: Make the Best Coffee Ever in a Turkish Ibrik

Coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks, and its fans are also usually devoted to a certain method of brewing. Some love the Keurig, others the French press, and still others swear by cold brewing. However, one of the oldest and easiest ways to brew coffee is also one of the best. If you love coffee, you should really think about getting a Turkish ibrik (also known as a cezve).

How To: Build a beautiful cedar log coffee table using a chainsaw

If you loved the cedar log bench, try out your chainsaw skills on something for the inside of your home— a log coffee table. Using a chainsaw as your primary woodworking tool is dangerously unusual, but the results are well worth the risk! In this two-part video, learn the techniques to chainsawing your way to a beautiful log coffee table made from scraps. It's great for any outdoorsman's living room or den.

How To: Make cold brew coffee

Making cold brew coffee can be done simply with only a jar, water, a coffee filter, and ground up coffee. Though it seems like it would be more complex, the procedure to making cold brew coffee can be easily achieved in just a couple basic steps. The steps do not require too much work and can be done in a matter of minutes. Simple measures are taken to making cold brewed coffee, such as by mixing the coffee and water through shaking up the jar. Using a coffee filter, just pouring the mixed gr...

How To: Make an awesome cup of coffee for cheap

Kelly Sutton shows How to make awsome coffee for five bucks. Coffee only needs two ingrediants to be good, purified water, and good coffee. Get a cup, coffee holder, and coffee filters. Grind your coffee right before you make your cup for the best flavor. Fold the filter and put it in the coffee holder, then put your coffee grounds in it. Now boil the water and let it cool off a bit. You want it to be around 180-190 degrees. Pour the water into the filter that has your coffee in it, and stir ...

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