Coloration Search Results

How To: Perform a lower extremity exam on a patient

In this medical video, learn the process of examining the lower extremity of the body. See demonstrations of how you inspect the lower extremity, how you palpate and then perform passive range of motion of the hip, knee and ankle. John D. Gazewood, MD, MSPH, will also teach doctors special maneuvers to help examine a knee injury. With any type of musculoskeletal exam, you're looking for things like deformity, swelling, and changes in coloration.

How To: Water Evergreens in the fall

First of all, he explains that evergreens will have problems if you don't water them late enough into the season. He introduces Ken Mayer who compares two types of evergreens. He shows a tree which has lost its coloration and explains that that tree lost water over the winter. Its roots have been frozen and if the roots are frozen the water cannot circulate where it is needed. When the spring comes, the plant will need water and it will not be able to be supplied with it. It then gives tips o...

How To: Draw a moodily lit face

How to draw a face in MS Paint. The video is obviously made by a professional, it shows a sped up replay of a man using MS Paint to draw a very well done face. He starts with the basic outlines, then moves into coloration and shading. Notice all of the shading is done in unison and correlates with a particular direction that remains the same with all shading properties. Also take note of the fact, that the colors and lines are blending together, that the detail isn't as sharp as a high resolu...

How To: Draw a simple and colorful clownfish (pez payaso)

Capture the charisma of the clown and the charm of a marine fish into a masterpiece called the clownfish! Actually, the clownfish is as real as they come, with bold vertical stripes and bright coloration, and are sometimes referred to as anemone fish, because they live in close proximity to anemones. This video illustrates the step-by-step details to drawing a clownfish. "Pez payaso" is the Spanish translation of clownfish.

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