Comforting Search Results

How To: Make perfect apple strudel with Paula Deen

Wow your friends with this extra-easy recipe from Paula Deen. Follow along as she makes the perfect apple strudel. This cooking how-to video is part of Paula's Home Cooking show hosted by Jamie Deen, Paula Deen. Paula Deen, owner of Lady and Sons, a famous Savannah restaurant, is Food Network's resident southern chef. Step inside her kitchen and discover delicious food that's both uncomplicated and comforting, like this dessert recipe. Try making some apple strudel for tonight's dinner.

How To: Make easy fried apple pies with Paula Deen

Try this southern favorite from Paula Deen. Follow along as she makes easy fried apple pies. This cooking how-to video is part of Paula's Home Cooking show hosted by Jamie Deen, Paula Deen. Paula Deen, owner of Lady and Sons, a famous Savannah restaurant, is Food Network's resident southern chef. Step inside her kitchen and discover delicious food that's both uncomplicated and comforting. Try her recipe for fried apple pies.

How To: Make Southern Low Country Crab Stew with Paula Deen

Fabulous and creamy, make this scrumptious low-country carb stew. Follow along as Paula Deen shows you how to make it. This cooking how-to video is part of Paula's Home Cooking show hosted by Jamie Deen, Paula Deen. Paula Deen, owner of Lady and Sons, a famous Savannah restaurant, is Food Network's resident southern chef. Step inside her kitchen and discover delicious food that's both uncomplicated and comforting, like this recipe. Watch how easy this low-country crab stew is to prepare and c...

How To: Bake a Peanut Butter Pie with Paula Deen

Paula Deen whips up a decadently rich peanut butter no-bake pie. Watch and see how easy it is to whip up this peanut butter pie recipe. The original cooking how-to video from this article was part of Paula's Home Cooking show hosted by Jamie Deen, Paula Deen. Paula Deen, owner of Lady and Sons, a famous Savannah restaurant, is Food Network's resident southern chef.

How To: 'Hot Chocolate' Balls = Next-Level Instant Cocoa

Winter—or any cold, gray day, for that matter—is the best time for a warm cup of something hot. For me, hot chocolate is my "warm cup" of choice: rich and milky, deliciously sweet, and oh-so-comforting. On super-cold days when I can't feel my face, a nice, large cup of hot chocolate warms my tummy and cheers me up. (And lucky for me, it's pretty healthy for me too!)

How To: Express Your Affection?

Hello! I want to share a few thoughts about affection with you. This post is for all who wonder what is or could be the best way to communicate with the person you like. There are many ways of expressing. When Two Worlds, Mars and Venus Collide.

How To: Golden Milk Is the New Fall Superdrink

There was once a time when everyone scoffed at the turmeric tonic tea sold at the coffee shop I work at. Funny, because as of recently, we seem to be selling out. How can this be explained? Beyoncé must have been spotted buying turmeric beverages on the cover of some celebrity magazine. That's got to be the only way to explain its sudden popularity, right?

How To: The Lazy Person's Guide to 'Homemade' Chicken Noodle Soup

One of the best things about cold weather is soup, and there's nothing more comforting than a great chicken noodle soup. But I've often grabbed a can from the grocery store and found the chicken dried out and over-processed... and the noodles soggy and tasteless. What's worse: there's never enough of the stuff you like (such as the vegetables) and too much of what you don't (the nasty stuff I mentioned above).

How To: Make Cheese Fondue Without a Fondue Pot

Fall is the time for comfort foods—and what is more comforting than crusty bread slathered in melted cheese? Owning a fondue pot is both convenient and wonderful, but not all of us have the luxury of space for nonessential kitchen appliances. However, there are plenty of ways to make an absolutely delicious, lump-free fondue without the traditional equipment.

How To: High Heart Rate Warning on Your Apple Watch? Here's What That Means

Your Apple Watch sends you notifications from friends, family, and the apps that are important to you. Occasionally, however, the watch may scare the heck out of you with a notification warning of an abnormal, elevated heart rate. If you have no history of heart conditions, this alert might come as a shock. Why do you have a high heart rate, and what are you to do with the information?

How To: 12 Easy Snacks You Can Make for Your Next Road Trip

Gas stations may be convenient for travel snacks, but the cost of shopping there sure can add up. If you're looking for easy, on-the-go snacks that fit into your travel budget, look no further. We've got 12 kid-friendly, portable food ideas you can make before leaving on your journey. You'll be amazed by how much money and time you will save with these satisfying travel snacks.

How To: Find Your Lost Cat

When your cat goes missing, chances are it's just chilling in a cozy spot under the couch, or maybe even hiding from you. So it's okay to not freak out just yet. Cats love to hide as if they're spiders, and even their hiding spots are similar. You can find them in corners, on the refrigerator, and according to my roommate, even the dryer hose is fair game.

How To: No-Stress Thanksgiving Desserts That Don't Require an Oven

Oven space is scarce on that fated fourth Thursday of November. Even if you can find a spare space for pumpkin pie on the bottom shelf, you risk turkey drippings overflowing from above and ruining your beautiful dessert — not to mention a burnt crust from different temperature requirements. The bottom line is: oven real estate is valuable, and it's tough to multitask cooking for Thanksgiving when every dish requires baking or roasting.

News: Our Writers & Editors Pick Their Favorite Phones of 2019

One of my favorite perks of this job is the opportunity to try out all the big flagship phones each year. Whether it's rating their suitability for a particular use-case or just entering their specs into our comparison tool, we have to get our hands on all major phones released in the US. We pride ourselves on being fair in our reviews and roundups, but that doesn't mean we don't have preferences.

How To: Peel and cut a butternut squash

You'll be amazed at how comforting, healthful, and delicious butternut squash can be. Learn a few different ways to prepare and cook this beautiful vegetable. Look for a squash with a beige color and smooth skin. Butternut squash usually weighs around 2 to 5 pounds and taste similar to sweet potatoes. The more orange the flesh of the squash, the sweeter it tastes. Butternut squash can be great baked on its own, as base for a soup, or in a casserole.

How To: Swing dance like your grandma used to

This 4 part dance tutorial teaches you how to do swing dance moves that your grandma used to do. Instructors are Nina Gilkenson and Bobby White shows you the S turn, the Charleston, and double kicks. The swing dance moves are as comforting as warm turkey the day after Thanksgiving. Just like Grandma used to make.

How To: Make flaky, creamy chicken pot pie

Chicken pot pie is the essential comfort food of the winter. If you think it's too hard to make from scratch, you will be reassured by this tutorial. Brian Stone takes you through each step of the recipe, from making the roux, to preparing the filling, to the assembly. You'll be rewarded with the comforting aroma of a nice crust, and a delicious experience.