Compensation Phrases Search Results

How To: Increase Website Traffic Using White Hat SEO Techniques and Free SEO Tools

Put simply, SEO = more organic traffic. And more traffic is always good for a web page / website (unless of course, you are an underground drug-dealer selling drugs worldwide via a spooky website whose URLs are as search engine unfriendly as possible, so that no one accidentally discovers your page and informs the police, sending to heaven both an exciting career opportunity and the likely Al Capone's successor).

News: Jump the Shark!

This prank/stunt pays tribute the original Happy Days episode that started the phrase, "Jump the Shark". The elaborate prank involves setting up a ski ramp to an ocean buoyed caged (a la Happy Days). The shark is a realistic animatronic rental (I looked into it...they do exist and can be used for ocean shoots). The unsuspecting skier (of your choosing) dresses like "The Fonz" ...except his leather jacket features chum-filled pockets with large chunks of fresh tuna attached to the jacket. As t...

How To: Play blues on an electric guitar like Peter Green

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

News: Introduction To Keywords & Google Keyword Tool

In this article I’m going to talk about specific issues about optimizing your website, making it more clear to Google and other search engines exactly what your website is about. As I've discussed in previous articles this is very important for people when they are searching. We're going to talk first about keyword phrases and how they fit into search engine optimization. You are going to be using keyword phrases in a number of different ways. First you have to figure out what your keyword ph...

News: Learn Tagalog Today Episode 10, I Don't Understand!

Learn Tagalog Today Episode 10, I Don't Understand ! In today's Lesson , we will cover words and Phrases using I don't Understand in Tagalog. Sometimes,you will run into situations where someone talks way to fast, or you just don't know what the words are. To remedy this, we want to ask the person to slow down,repeat what they said, or just simply tell them you didn't understand what they were saying.

News: Bull in a China shop...

Hey guys, I know you guys like to incorporate bulls into some of your movies and shows. I was thinking you guys should act out the old phrase, "like a bull in a china shop". Rent out an old store, fill it with breakable china plates, vases, and maybe all kinds of breakable stuff from Bam's mom April's house. Incorporate some of the Jackass gang trying to avoid the angry bull, and you got yourself quite a mess, with possible injuries.

How To: Encrypt a NETGEAR router with WEP password protection

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to set and encrypt a NET-Gear router with WEP password protection. Begin by opening your web browser and go to the router website: Router Login.. When the Prompt window appears, type in your router user name and password, and click OK. In the sidebar, under Setup, click on Wireless Settings. Once again, type in your user name and password, and click OK. In the Security Options, check WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). Then select the Pass-phrase box, typ...

News: How-To-Generate Thousands Of Valid Email IDs

Description: Admit it, having thousands of valid email Ids give you the power to do anything! Such as adding thousands of friends to your Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc profiles or promoting your article or blog in just a single click and much more! But how do we do it? I searched all over the internet in a hope to get a perfect email producing software but ended with just two -

HowTo: Make a Mac-o'-Lantern

Outfitted with a glowing MacBook sleep indicator, this Mac-o'-Lantern gives new meaning to the phrase "sleepy hollow." Interested in making your own? The folks at Evil Mad Science Laboratories offer a complete write-up of the build process on their blog. Be forewarned, however, that, unless you use a smaller-sized pumpkin, people may just assume that you've stuffed a Mac Mini in there!

HowTo: Make Lasagna Cupcakes

The idea of lasagna mixed with cupcakes may sound gnarly, but you can relax, the phrase "cupcake" simply refers to how these individually-sized lasagna bites are portioned. As cute as our favorite pizza cups, this clever recipe makes for a great portable lunch. The secret ingredient? Wonton wrappers.

Xbox LIVE Achievement: How to Earn Free Microsoft Points with Social Engineering

Sometimes, paying for the whole Xbox LIVE service might seem like a waste of money. You're constantly experiencing lag, you've got people modding and cheating, kids are being loud and obnoxious over the mic, and your kill-to-death ratio is getting dumped on. Basically, the whole multiplayer experience just isn't cutting it anymore—you want to go back to the classic world of single player. Well, there's always downloadable content—simply known as DLC.

How Do You Create Your Own Job: An Example

On Thursday, March 9, there was a news story on the evening news about Khan Academy (NBC News). The story began when Sal Khan started tutoring his cousin in 2004. Since he was in Boston and she was in a different city, he decided to make and post videos on YouTube so anyone could watch the videos. Later he added videos for her brothers and for people that contacted him with requests for other videos. During this time Sal had a job that he later replaced with another job. Today Sal has 2010 vi...

How To: Bend strings on an electric guitar without finger ache

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with Music Radar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Write a revealing cover letter

In order to write a revealing cover letter, you will need to freshen up your resume. Try re-writing it. Change your format. The most common form is chronological. Remove all the empty words and vague phrases. Remove all clichŽs. Highlight your achievements not just the duties you performed in past jobs. Try to quantify your achievements. Create a clear career summary. This will help the employer to see how you will be able to fit in and help prospective employers. Fill in all of the gaps. Don...

See Jane Pwn: A Primer for Internet Slang

Making your way into an online community can be really exciting. Some life-long friendships and lasting romances begin in humble chat rooms and message boards. But for the novice internet user, one of the biggest hurdles can be trying to figure out just what people are saying to one another.

How To: Sing scales and arpeggios

Have your pipes gotten a little rusty? For singers, your body is your instrument, so always warm up before practicing or performing—simple scales and arpeggios sung to different vowels and other sounds are good for gradually extending your range as your muscles warm up.

News: 6 Meaningless Claims on Food Labels

Hi OLers read the following article to gain some great insight into the mischevious advertising ways of food labels. Thanks to the New York Times for this great article below. Happy Eating6 Meaningless Claims on Food LabelsAlthough food labels are supposed to tell us exactly what’s in the food we’re buying, marketers have created a language all their own to make foods sound more healthful than they really are.Today’s “Consumer Ally” column on AOL’s WalletPop site explores misleading food-labe...

How To: Change the Google Logo to Your Favorite Google Doodle All Year Round

We all love it when the Google logo changes to celebrate or commemorate special events— pop-culture touchstones, civic milestones, scientific achievements and holidays— their latest one for this holiday season is a Christmas card to everyone— an interactive Google Doodle with 17 artworks from different artists, each depicting a seasonal greeting from a variety of cultures and countries.

How To: Play A Simple Blues Lead Guitar Lick

There is a lot of mystery and voodoo surrounding blues guitar these days. With the common opinion claiming that in order to play the blues you have to really feel the music and respond with your playing. While this is certainly the case when improvising, I would argue that a good knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of blues guitar can provide even the beginner guitarist with a great sounding set of licks to impress friends and family.

News: What Was the First Adventure Game?

Adventure gamers would love to know what was the first adventure game. Well, it was a 1970s computer game titled "Colossal Cave Adventure", also known as "Adventure". Designed by Will Crowther, the game was in FORTRAN and initially had 700 lines of code and data, which was later expanded to 3,000 lines of code and more than 1000 lines of data.

News: Holy Pac-Man! DIY Light Painting Saber Is Pure Awesome

A few months ago, we showed you a pretty awesome light painting project that visually captured invisible Wi-Fi signals around town using a Wi-Fi detecting rod filled with 80 LEDs. With some long exposure photography, the results were pretty amazing. This project was inspired by those crazy Norwegians, but this build lets you do something even more amazing—capture pictures of colorful written text and drawn images, frozen in midair.