Competing Sets Search Results

News: Google Home's New 'Listen' Tab Makes It Easy to Discover Music You'll Love

Google Home now helps users to discover new music with an added "Listen" tab in the app. The feature offers suggestions based on the Cast-enabled apps on a phone, while offering other apps to download if you'd like to broaden your musical horizons. The playlists are curated to your individual taste and will adjust for different artists and activities, which is a pretty nifty feature. This means that Google Home can cater to your momentary mood change with music, which is a welcome addition to...

News: Siri Can Now Read Your WhatsApp Messages Out Loud

Anyone who needs to use their iPhone hands-free knows how useful Siri can be. If you can't look at your iPhone, but still need to read and reply to messages, Siri has your back. Third-party applications have traditionally been unable to utilize this feature, but now that luck has turned for Facebook's other popular messaging service, WhatsApp.

News: Google Pixel's Pros & Cons

Whatever you think of Google's new Pixel phones, the one thing we know for sure is that these are the most polarizing devices in recent memory. On the one hand, we've seen reviews in which longtime Android users say they'll be walking away from the OS all together thanks to Pixel. On the other hand, you've got the iPhone-obsessed David Pierce over at WIRED saying he'll be switching immediately.

News: Sprint Agrees to Buy T-Mobile for $32 Billion

Sprint and T-Mobile have agreed to a $31.6 billion deal that, if it gets through federal regulators—which is far from a sure bet—would create a formidable carrier to really compete against AT&T and Verizon. The deal comes packaged with a $1 billion "breakup" fee that Sprint would have to pay T-Mobile in the event the deal does not go through. After the deal, Deutsche Telekom, which owns about 67% of T-Mobile, would maintain a 20% ownership stake.

How To: Make your own professional looking jewelry box

A jewelry box is not just a great way to keep your jewels safe, it is also a beautiful addition to your decor. In this video, learn how to make a gorgeous, professional looking jewelry box from walnut, maple and cherry woods. This in depth, seven piece series takes you from selecting your wood, through the finishing touches. These boxes are lovely enough to compete with anything on a store shelf.

How To: Start an online clothing company

This video discusses the basic steps necessary to start an online business. The first thing you need is a name for your business. Keep it simple, easy to spell and remember. Once you have your name, register it with the government. Next, find a good hosting company for your website. He recommends Also a good web designer is a necessity. They will meet with you to discuss your ideas, and your website should be ready in about a week.

How To: Order an Uber Ride Without a Smartphone

Taxi drivers and cab companies across the globe are in an uproar over Uber, and for good reason, too—you just can't compete with the low fares and ease of use that Uber brings to the table. The only downside is that the groundbreaking ride share service usually requires a smartphone—but that shouldn't be an issue anymore with one simple tip that I'll outline below.

How To: Play a powerful summoner in League of Legends

Your summoner is the core character in your League of Legends game, the one who summons the champions to fight on your behalf on the Fields of Justice. Going screenshot by screenshot, the summoner aspect of the game is explained. Stay up to date on your score, monitor your champions and keep track of your points!

How To: Play Garen as your champion on League of Legends

This spotlight focuses on Garen, the Might of Demacia, a melee champion who can be brutal with a sword. This video goes over how his abilities let him deal a great deal of damage to others while taking very little himself. Here are also some useful strategies when it comes to playing Garen in a battle.