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How To: Make Siri Say Whatever You Want Every Time You Connect Your iPhone to a Charger

Whenever your iPhone's ringer is on, you'll hear Apple's iconic "Connect Power" chime every time you connect it to a wired or wireless power source, which lets you know that charging has started. There's no way to disable the sound without turning on Silent mode, but there is a way to make Siri automatically say whatever you want after a successful connection.

How To: Having Connection Issues on Android Pie? Turn Off 'Turn on Wi-Fi Automatically'

If you've upgraded your phone to Android 9.0 Pie, you might notice some intermittent problems with your internet connection. That's because "Turn On Wi-Fi Automatically," while available with Android Oreo on select phones, is now enabled by default on all phones running Android Pie. If your Essential or OnePlus device is acting up, you'll want to check this out.

Android Basics: How to Connect to a Wi-Fi Network

If you're just starting out with Android—or smartphones in general, for that matter—there are a lot of little things to learn. One of the first terms you'll likely encounter is "Wi-Fi," which is a wireless internet connection served up by a router in your home, office, or local coffee shop. This differs from your smartphone's regular "Mobile Data" connection, which is provided by your cellular carrier and included as part of your monthly bill.

How To: Make a Client/Server Connection in Ruby

Recently, I've been learning Ruby as a second scripting language. But one topic I never covered with the many lessons online were sockets. So I did some research and came up with a very simple client/server connection that sends a string over the socket.

How To: Switch or Connect to Wi-Fi Networks & Bluetooth Devices Right from the Control Center in iOS 13

A long-standing request for the iPhone has been a way to quickly browse and connect to available Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth devices without having to dig through the Settings app. With iOS 13, Apple has finally built this essential feature into Control Center, giving you quick access to wireless settings from anywhere, including the lock screen.

How To: Connect Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to Your TV for the Ultimate Viewing Experience

As we all use our smartphones for more and more things, we constantly want to share and view those items on a larger screen, especially when it comes to media. While phones like the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and tablets like the iPad do make watching Netflix on a portable device pretty legit, bigger is always better. Newer iPhones may have Retina displays, but watching Avatar on your phone is like being forced to drink a delicious mango tango smoothie with a coffee straw. Plus, if you want to sho...

How To: Connect a Windows Mobile Device to a Computer

Connecting your new smartphone gadget to your desktop isn't just connecting these products with a USB cord. It is important to sync them to allow the transfer of data from your smartphone to your computer and vice-versa. This is desired if you wish to transfer information including images, music in addition to daily schedules from the PC to your portable phone.

How To: You No Longer Have to Open Settings to Switch & Connect to Wi-Fi on Your iPhone (FINALLY!)

Figuring out the Wi-Fi at a new location is challenging enough. Connecting to said Wi-Fi should be as easy as possible. Unless someone you know is already connected on their iPhone, you're probably used to the usual routine of heading to the Wi-Fi page in the Settings app to get yourself online. Luckily, there's now a much better way to do so.

How To: Can't Connect to the App Store in iOS 6 on Your iPhone or iPad? Try This Quick Fix

Since iOS 6 was officially released yesterday, several bugs have been reported, including issues with Wi-Fi, Passbook, and battery life (although Apple has apparently fixed the Wi-Fi bug). Some users are also having problems connecting to the iTunes Store, which is probably insanely frustrating because the first thing you want to do with a new OS is try out new apps. Luckily, there's a way to fix this by tweaking the date and time settings. Open Settings, then go to General >> Date and Time. ...

How To: Setup your HP TouchPad using the initial webOS wizard

If you were one of the lucky individuals to score a TouchPad before HP discountinued them, you will need to proceed through the initial setup wizard when you turn on the device for the first time, or after performing a data wipe and reset on the tablet. This guide will walk you through everything from accepting the terms & conditions, connecting to a Wi-Fi network, and creating a webOS account for the first time.