Consent Plugin Search Results

How To: The Definitive Guide to Android Malware

Android enthusiasts have their own opinion as to whether you need antivirus software on an Android device. This debate will never end, provided that Android malware is in existence. This guide is not here to say, "Yes, you need antivirus," or "No, you don't." It's to give you all the facts, so that you can make a decision as to whether or not you need antivirus on your Nexus.

How To: 5 Alternative Apps to Instagram, Plus How to Back Up and Delete Your Instagram Account for Good

It might be time to move those Instagram photos to another service. It seems that Instagram has never heard of the phrase, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." In a very big WTF moment, the extremely popular photo sharing and editing app decided that it has the right to sell its users photos to third parties without pay or notice. Yep, you heard that right. That photo you took of your girlfriend laying out on the beach could be in the next stupid Corona commercial without your consent and witho...

News: New Unity Beta Brings with It Much Needed New Features

At the end of June, Unity 2017.1, the newest version of the popular 3D development engine, went live. And with that release, it brought out some very cool new features like Timeline and Cinemachine, to name a few. Now, for those of us that develop with Unity and follow the beta program closely, these features are not new at all. What is more likely the case is that we have spent a good deal of time using these features for a few months and even possibly helped iron out a few bugs.

Dev Report: A Breakdown of the What Apple's New ARKit Can Do for iPhones & iPads

At Apple's yearly event, the World Wide Developers Conference, the tech giant finally announced their decision to enter the augmented reality space. Through adding basic AR functionality to the beta release of Xcode 9, the development environment for Mac computers, as well as their line of iOS devices, the company has said they understand the importance of the tech.

Hack Like a Pro: Snort IDS for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (Setting Up the Basic Configuration)

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! As you should know from before, Snort is the most widely deployed intrusion detection system (IDS) in the world, and every hacker and IT security professional should be familiar with it. Hackers need to understand it for evasion, and IT security professionals to prevent intrusions. So a basic understanding of this ubiquitous IDS is crucial.