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How To: Restring your electric guitar

Learn how to change the strings on your electric guitar. Most guitarist's agree, your guitar sounds best with new strings. After an initial break in period, new strings are brighter, warmer, increase sustain, and even tune better. Restring your electric guitar.

How To: Use Social Bookmarking Sites For Effective SEO

If you know anything about search engine optimization and online marketing then you know that having as many links going into your site from good sources is very important. And if you’re not really experienced at building links or SEO in general then you might not know the best way to get good links for your site. So please read on and I’ll present to you what I feel is the best way to get good quality links for your site.

News: Building Links With Onlywire

This article is all about creating content and using it to build links to your website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. That’s because people go to the internet to look for information, not look at advertising. So you need to create compelling content about your business, your industry in general and any topics connected to your entire field that people will want to read, listen to or watch.

How To: Use Content For Promoting Websites

This article is all about creating content. This is a very important concept to grasp because the content that you create for a website is going to be the basis for how you will advertise and promote that website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. Instead of traditional types of advertising and instead of the traditional separation between editorial content and advertising, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.

News: SCRABBLE Back in Nigeria's National Sports Festival?

Could Nigeria add SCRABBLE to the list of games at their National Sports Festival in 2011? No one knows for sure, but it's definitely a possibility since SCRABBLE was among the competitions of the biennial 10-day sports fiesta in the past. In 2009, at the 16th Nigerian National Sports Festival (NNSF) in Kaduna, SCRABBLE was finally scrapped from the list of games, but some wish for its

News: No Transparency, No Trust

Earlier in the week, Obama’s attorney general stated something that is quite alarming. “In this hour of danger, we simply cannot afford to wait until deadly plans are carried out, and we will not,” Eric Holder said during a speech at Northwestern University’s law school in Chicago. It's a very ambiguous statement. Why do people talk like this? Why can't they just talk straight to the point? Well, most of the time it's to hide something. Take a look at this video: What do you think of that! Th...

News: Carnivorous Furniture Eats Flies and Mice for Energy

PETA wouldn't consider James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau's ingenious flypaper clock very eco-friendly, but I might beg to differ. The clock doesn't require any electricity or batteries. Instead it captures flies and converts the bodies of the dead insects into energy. Eight dead flies makes for roughly twelve days of power. Not bad.

Fallen Empires: The Worst Ever?

I started playing MTG in 1994, the same year that the Fallen Empires set hit the market. It was, in fact, the first new set released after I started playing, making me one excited nine-year-old. I harangued my father, he took my friends and I to Gameworks again and again, and the booster packs started to mount. The problems only started to occur once we got them open.

How To: Killer Tips on How to Coach Soccer

Via Sports Game News By the time you finish reading this, you’ll agree with me on the thought that a coach will always be at the center of change. How to coach soccer is a feeling that is innate in a coach and he or she is a natural in it. But, a coach still needs to learn and become accustomed to so many other things if he or she has to shine in the field of coaching.

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

News: Using Video In Online Marketing

This article is going to talk about video and only about video. Why? Because video is very important for any size of business. Even small businesses can use video to promote themselves on the internet. And in the next few years, you’re going to see more and more businesses using video. Even now, I’m going to show you some articles that have been written on different websites talking about video and how small businesses can use them and how businesses need to use them now, especially to rank o...

News: Introduction To Keywords & Google Keyword Tool

In this article I’m going to talk about specific issues about optimizing your website, making it more clear to Google and other search engines exactly what your website is about. As I've discussed in previous articles this is very important for people when they are searching. We're going to talk first about keyword phrases and how they fit into search engine optimization. You are going to be using keyword phrases in a number of different ways. First you have to figure out what your keyword ph...

News: Creating Content For Videos

Okay, so what are we going to make our videos about? I’ve written before about creating articles, and what kind of content we are going to put in our articles. So what are we going to put into our videos? Let me give you a few ideas that I have. These are some things that I would do if I had a service business.

News: The Avengers (2012) Poster and Fan Art

After his fall from Asgard into space, the Asgardian Loki meets the Other, the leader of a warmongering alien race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract,2 a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki a Chitauri army with which he can subjugate the Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., arrives at a remote research facility during an evacuation. Physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a research team experimenting on th...

News: Obama's Rise

So far, I've talked a lot about what's going on in the world around us, but it's time I come back to politics for a bit. That said, the name of this world is somewhat misleading, in the sense that I talk about everything, not just politics! But I digress again.

Kinotopic: How to Get Excited Taking iPhone Photos Again

Last week I reviewed Kinotopic, the iPhone app that lets you easily create cinemagraphs. While I loved the result, I found the app hugely flawed. Kinotopic forced you to use a Facebook log-in, and didn't store the finished video on your phone itself. Instead, you had to visit the Kinotopic website to see your cinemagraphs or link to your Kinotopic page using Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr.

How To: Observe the Quadrantid Meteor Shower

Note: This shower is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere. The Quadrantid meteor shower is one of my personal favorites, mainly because of the amount of meteors it produces. You can sight more than 100 meteors per hour- that's more than 1 meter per minute. Even though that doesn't sound like much, it will make your observing experience much more exciting. The peak is short, typically lasting no more than an hour or so. It is more easily observed on the fourth, with its peak at 1:00 AM EST.

News: Performance Hacks & Tweaks for Linux

If you have made the switch from Windows to Linux, I want to congratulate you in advance. I'm sure you have noticed a huge performance increase when using Linux over other operating systems. This is only half the battle, though! Most users who are new to Linux end up using Ubuntu. I have no gripes with Ubuntu, but I do not agree with their philosophy. It almost mimics Windows. Ubuntu favors ease of use, and despite valiant efforts by the development team thus far (Ubuntu is crazy fast), all o...

Yuppie Frozen Pizza Taste Test: What's Your Favorite?

I'm a desert island pizza person, meaning, I pretty much never get sick of pizza. When it comes to other favorite cuisines, I operate in cycles - indulge often, grow tired of them, take a break and re-visit in time. But when it comes to pizza, I could eat it every night of the week. I typically practice enough self-control to override this desire, but luckily for me, I made a special concession this past week while creating this article.

News: Google+ Updates Name Policy—Still No Pseudonyms

As Google+ became available to more people, it started running into issues of accounts being suspended due to names that did not sound "real". According to Google+'s community standards, names that users "commonly go by" were encouraged, but not pseudonyms. Those who were using pseudonyms in their Google+ profiles quickly found themselves suspended from using Google+.

How To: How Much Advertising Can a Free Game Site Have and Still Be Considered Indie?

Mediocre free Flash game websites are all too common. Many of them thrive off peddling the same few popular games to fans who have slim cause to pick one over the other. They thrive off the indifference of casual gamers and an environment that does not have to stand out to survive, only appeal to the lowest common gaming denominator with tower defense clones and brightly colored Peggle knockoffs. In that context, what Nitrome is doing seems downright commendable.

News: 1,200 Hot Wheels in Perpetual (NOISY) Motion

Chris Burden's latest piece is a portrait of L.A.'s hot mess of traffic, entitled Metropolis II. The artist has constructed a miniature highway system, complete with 1,200 custom-designed cars, 18 lanes, 13 toy trains and tracks, and a landscape of buildings made with wood block, tiles, Legos and Lincoln Logs. Burden tells the New York Times:

News: Baby wee man

Dress wee man up as a baby. Put him in a stroller and give him a recording of a baby crying. Walk the streets with him. Stop people on the streets and ask them to watch him while you go into the store really quick. After they agree to watch him run away. When they are standing there looking confused have wee man play the recording. Watch the person’s reaction when they find out it is wee man. Also you can also leave wee man on the streets in the stroller and see what people would do after the...

How To: Join Second Life and Create Your Own Avatar

On June 23, 2003, Linden labs created a free client program known as Second Life. This program allows users, or residents, to interact with each other in a virtual world by using avatars. Thanks to this program, residents are able to explore, socialize, and create and trade virtual property, and services with each other. Second Life has become one of the most popular programs used by various age ranges from 16 to 60, but how do you enter this world and get your own avatar?