Consumer Federation Search Results

How To: Do soccer drills to maintain possesion of the ball

This is a helpful soccer video because it gives you tactics from both sides of play. Taken from a training routine from the Spanish Football Federation, the video improves your team's ability to retain possession of the ball while also breaking down offense moves in terms of what defense can do to prevent them.

How To: Do pass and move soccer drills for ball control

This UEFA Training Ground video helps develop your ability to pass and move the ball to fellow soccer teammates. Although it seems quite basic, proper passing in heated game situations is a nice skill to have and to fall back on if a recently learned soccer trick suddenly escapes you're caught between a rock and a pushy defender.

News: SCRABBLE Back in Nigeria's National Sports Festival?

Could Nigeria add SCRABBLE to the list of games at their National Sports Festival in 2011? No one knows for sure, but it's definitely a possibility since SCRABBLE was among the competitions of the biennial 10-day sports fiesta in the past. In 2009, at the 16th Nigerian National Sports Festival (NNSF) in Kaduna, SCRABBLE was finally scrapped from the list of games, but some wish for its

News: News Clips - June 26

» ‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website. A political website that contained stinging criticism of the Obama administration and its handling of the Fast and Furious scandal was ordered to be shut down by the Obama campaign’s ‘Truth Team’. » Former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Confronted On Torture.

How To: Make a 100% Recycled Art Journal From Cereal Boxes

This video will show you how to make a funky hand bound art journal using only consumer waste and unused household items for materials. Items and materials for the project include cereal boxes (as the main material), scrap papers, scrap fabrics, broken jewelry, along with whatever else you wish to use to jazz up your art journal and make it unique.

News: Google Adds Serious Style to Glass with New Partnership

They may not be the coolest looking things in the world, but Google is addressing some of the shortcomings of its Glass hardware by announcing a partnership with Luxottica Group. The company, with over 5000 retail stores in the US, has a strong portfolio of brands under its belt, including Amette, Persol, Ray-Ban, and Vogue. And for this Glass Explorer, the news is welcomed with open arms. Admittedly, these bad boys have come a long way over the past couple of years, just take a look at the i...

News: Proposition 25

Prop 25 prevents a suspension in CA’s budget. It means that legislators will not get paid if the budget is not passed on time. A budget will be passed with the vote of a small majority rather than two-thirds like it was before. However, a two-thirds vote is required to increase taxes.

How To: Connect a digital converter box to an analog TV

This video tutorial from Consumer Reports will show you how to connect a digital converter box to an analog television. These are step-by-step instructions on how to connect your digital converter box, plus tips and troubleshooting to help you along the way. This DTV converter box is needed only if you do not connect to a cable box already, do not have a digital-ready television, and have an analog TV that connects to an antenna.

HowTo: Print Clouds

While I'm waiting for artist Doug Aitken to figure out how to manufacture real clouds, this foam cloud printer will do just fine in the meantime. Demonstrated at Berlin's consumer electronics fair, IFA. Previously, MEGA 3D Printer To Create World's First Printed Building.

News: 5 Ways You Can Help Japan's Tsunami Victims Right Now, From Your Couch

A devastating tragedy occurred in Japan on Friday when a monstrous 8.9-magnitude quake hit, causing a 10 meter (33 foot) tsunami to engulf the northeastern coast of the country. There are reports of over 1,000 people who have lost their lives, tens of thousands evacuated, and massive damage. Whether you have a lot or a little to give, here are five ways you can aid in the relief effort this very moment, without even leaving your couch.

News: A Simple Trick to Help Stabilize Your DSLR

We're about to get real here... DSLR filmmaking has made every would-be filmmaker's dreams of shooting a feature that looks as good as a 'professionally shot' Hollywood film a reality. These consumer-level cameras bring with them many advantages, but they also have their disadvantages - namely, they were never intended to be used primarily as video cameras, and so their design doesn't exactly make using them easy or comfortable (especially when you're shooting long takes). Thus, you're gonna ...

Edit on a Dime: The Week Ahead

With the Consumer Electronics Show opening tomorrow, it’s going to be a ‘breaking news’ week here at Edit on a Dime. Stop by often for updates on the latest cheap and easy apps to make your video just that little bit better.

News: Print Yourself in 3D

Since the early genesis of the brilliant Microsoft Kinect hack, inventive applications have been popping up nonstop. One of the most fascinating projects to surface recently falls within the realm of 3D printing. "Fabricate Yourself"—a hack presented at the Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction Conference in January—allows users to pose in front of an Xbox Kinect, which then converts a captured image into a 3D printable file. What does this mean exactly? Think Han Solo trapped in carbon...

News: Your first experience with Kinect

What was your first experience with Kinect? Mine was through my friend Robert. (He's in the blue shirt above.) I was over at his place, and he and his girlfriend had just gotten a Kinect. After much futzing with the Kinect because it kept falling off their flatscreen TV, they finally got it to stay.

News: When Will the iPad Be Paper Thin?

Below, designer Chris Woebken's Flicflex isn't a new concept (Woebken displayed it at MOMA in '08), but still amazingly cool. And still not on the consumer market. Watch his paper thin, magazine-like "page turning": "Opening a letter, unfolding it and feeling the texture of the paper is a very tactile experience compared to receiving an e-mail. On top of the content itself, the behavior and micro-interactions adds a level of engagement to the medium. Flicflex explores the possibilities of fut...

News: A Pet Butterfly That Lives Forever

Everybody loves butterflies. What's not to love? They're beautiful. But extremely fragile. Touch a wing, and the butterfly is immediately weakened, if not rendered completely flightless (BTW, if you happen upon this situation, we have just the HowTo for you).

News: Fingerpainting for Baby Cyborgs

Did you ever, as a know-nothing kid, push against your closed eyelids for the pleasure of the resultant light show? LCD bending takes the low-tech fun of physical retinal stimulation and updates it for the 21st century. And, as the title suggests, the end result looks very much like a sort of angelic, fractal-based fingerpainting.

News: 6 Meaningless Claims on Food Labels

Hi OLers read the following article to gain some great insight into the mischevious advertising ways of food labels. Thanks to the New York Times for this great article below. Happy Eating6 Meaningless Claims on Food LabelsAlthough food labels are supposed to tell us exactly what’s in the food we’re buying, marketers have created a language all their own to make foods sound more healthful than they really are.Today’s “Consumer Ally” column on AOL’s WalletPop site explores misleading food-labe...

News: Android Maintains Lead in Platform Market, Apple Dominates Device Market

For the month of April, Android maintained it's edge over Apple's iOS platform, 52.5% versus 41.4%, with Blackberry, Microsoft, and Symbian rounding out the top five (2.5%, 3.3%, and 0.2%, respectively). Due to the vast number of OEMs that manufacture Android smartphones, Apple does have a solid lead in the device market, with a dominant 41.4% market share, with Samsung, LG, Motorola, and HTC rounding out the top five (27.7%, 6.5%, 6.3%, and 5.3%, respectively). The research, compiled by comS...