Convinced This's Search Results

News: Tattoo switch up

If you have to get the person a little drunk just to convince the person to get a tattoo. Before he/she gets it talked to the tattoo artist and give them the real tattoo to put on the victim. The tattoo has to be really funny. Let’s say the tattoo is going to be on Ehren. The tattoo would say “I am (Name)’s bitch!” and it would have a picture of that person holding Ehren’s leash and Ehren would be dressed up as a dog or something like that. (It doesn't have to be Ehren or Johnny it could be a...

News: Blood Drive Donor

In a nutshell...go donate blood at a one of those buses that just drives around and parks at shopping malls etc...act confused about the ENTIRE process. I mean, like you have NO idea whats about to happen. All's you know is that you're gonna get some free cookies at the end....when they hook you up and your blood begins flowing into the bag for a while, pull out a real blood bag and tube, except its full of some type of fake edible blood. Put the tube connected to your fake blood bag in your ...

Understanding Electricity: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla In my opinion, one of the most neglected inventors of all time. The names Edison and Marconi come to mind as familiar, but Tesla? Most think of a car. Few know that Tesla is responsible for alternating current, florescent lights, radar, remote control, generators that preform efficiently, the spark plug, and many others. The U.S Supreme Court declared in 1943 that Tesla, not Marconi, was the true inventor of the radio.

News: Canon's 5D Mark II Invades Hollywood

Since its release three years ago, Canon's EOS 5D Mark II has been the most sought out digital SLR for photographers everywhere. But it's also becoming a favorite amongst cinematographers, thanks to its compact size and high-def video recording mode, seeing action in everything from independent features to Hollywood blockbusters and even big network TV shows.

News: Enrique Iglesias - "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)" review

Leave it to to channel lust into a dance hit all about f-ing. The Spanish singer just has this impossible-to-pinpoint, irresistible charm that excuses his chauvinistic qualities and makes him radio gold.But at least he knows he's a pig, and this is the second song where he implores a lady at a club to forgive his forwardness. His rumored girlfriend Anna Kournikova better watch out, with all these groupies at the clubs Iglesias is going after.

Meat, Manners, and Mayhem: Vegetarian-Carnivore Communication

If you’ve watched The June the Homemaker Show, you’ve heard me mention once or twice that I’m a vegetarian. Over the course of my restricted diet eating, I’ve noticed that vegetarianism is a touchy subject among vegetarians and carnivores alike, particularly in meal-type situations. Here are some things for omnivores and, uh, not-omnivores to keep in mind when talking to each other about food preferences.

News: something truly warped

The pranks outlook.. a bunch of friends or campers are camping, someone that the people being pranked knows will suit up in a bear outfit then the "bear" will walk around just outside the camp to alert people then the "bear" charges. someone then grabs a gun with blanks in it, but no one is aware of this. then the person shoots the "bear" and the "bear" makes a very human "umph" sound and then hits the ground. people shout "i don't think that was a bear" so the people getting pranked and the ...

News: The sperm balloon fight!

Ok.... the guys all get together to surprise BAM with a waterballoon fight only there isnt just water in these balloons lol.....One special color balloon will have the contents of a hillbilly cocktail! Gather the sperm of a few farm animals and you will have a nice hillbilly cocktail! Now the best part in my opinion is that BAM is convinced that its water and wont mind a shot to the face lol.....With carefull planning this could be some funny material.

News: Bastion Joins the Pantheon of All-Time Great Downloadable Games

If you follow indie games at all, you've probably heard of Bastion. During its development, it took home numerous Best in Show prizes from E3 and other game conventions while building up an incredible amount of buzz in the games press. Part of what is intriguing about Bastion is its cool art design, which in the last couple months, peaked my interest more so than the gameplay or the much-ballyhooed narration.

News: Alan Wake First Look

A first hands look at the first chapter of the game. "When the wife of best-selling writer Alan Wake disappears on their vacation, his serach turns up pages from a thriller he doesn't remember writing. A dark presence stalks the small town of Bright Falls-" 

News: Straight Dave's Worst Nightmare

Ok, so this one is quite simple, and can be taken many many different ways, and done many ways, however the basic premise, is to get one of your single buddies to go to a bar or a club with you, hoping to score a chick for the night. He see's a hot chick, but you beat him to making the the move, you walk over and talk to her, then after a bit you come back and tell him that she is into him, and convince him to go talk to her, so he does, they hit it off, then leave the bar and head to a hotel...

News: Satan Surprise!

Synopsis: Tell one guy that a girl that one of the other guys knows just had some sketchy demonic encounter/satanic experience at some Wicca gathering she went to last night while she was trying to get answers from the past. Then say she’s incredibly creeped out right now and is home alone tonight so they are going to seize the opportunity(while she’s still scared) and have him dress up as Satan himself and go to her house late at night and “appear” to her in her bedroom. (Don’t be overly des...

How To: The Social Engineer's Guide to Buying an Expensive Laptop

Laptops are almost a necessity in today's society. It doesn't help that a laptop that can actually increase your work productivity will put at least a $1,500 dent in your wallet. I'm sure you have searched around to try to find factory direct deals, or (shiver) even looked at used laptops, but that isn't the way to go. You need something that actually has a warranty, and good performance, but at the same time, doesn't require you to sell a kidney. This can cause quite a dilemma, as it can tak...

How to Get Better at Halo: Reach

Introduction Halo: Reach is Bungie's latest and final addition to the franchise. Microsoft has claimed the title and from now on 343 Industries will be working on the Halo franchise. In my opinion, Bungie's last game is the best out of all of them. These are some tactics and bits of advice that I've picked up.

News: SCRABBLE Is Everywhere... Movies, Books & Other Media

In our media-enriched world, past and present, SCRABBLE has made a name for itself, whether deliberately, subconsciously, or influentially. You may have a read a book that had the popular word game within a chapter, watched a movie that showed your favorite characters bringing out the SCRABBLE board, or even listened to a rap about this word or that word. SCRABBLE is everywhere, even if you don't realize it.

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