Coordinates Breath Search Results

How To: Stop & get rid of hiccups's Dr. Zimney answers the question: How do I get rid of hiccups? The hiccup is a pretty mysterious thing. The two methods of stopping hiccups are to increase CO2 levels or fiddle with your throat. Hold your breath, drink a glass of cold water, swallow dry sugar or breathe out of a bag. If it lasts for multiple days go to the doctor.

How To: Create a Tangent Line with Excel

Given a function, you can easily find the slope of a tangent line using Microsoft Excel to do the dirty work. That is to say, you can input your x-value, create a couple of formulas, and have Excel calculate the secant value of the tangent slope. This is a fantastic tool for Stewart Calculus sections 2.1 and 2.2.

How To: Find the equations of parallel and perpendicular lines

A pair of straight lines can be parallel lines or perpendicular lines or neither. Two lines are said to be parallel when their slopes are equal. Two parallel lines never intersect each other. On the other hand two lines are perpendicular when the product of their slopes is equal to -1. Two perpendicular lines intersect only once and at right angles. So when you are given two lines and asked to find if they are parallel or perpendicular lines, first compute the slope of the lines. Identify two...

How To: Graph a linear equation using slope and y-intercept

In this video tutorial learn how to graph an equation using the slope and y-intercept. To show how this can be done, the equation 4X-5Y=20 is used as an example. The first step that needs to be done is to convert the equation into the y=mx+b format where m is the slope and b is the intersection of the y-intercept. Simply solve the equation for Y and you get Y=4/5X-4. From this, you will find that the slope, or m, is equal to 4/5 and that b is the coordinates 0 and -4. On the graph, you will w...

How To: Use the substitution method to solve problems

This video teaches you how to use substitution to find the point on a graph (the x and y coordinates) where two separate equations would cross. Substitution is a trick of algebra that allows you to find this point without making a graph. The first step is to isolate one of the variables (x or y) in one of the equations. That way, you know that that variable is equal to everything on the other side of the equals sign from it. You can then take that whole side, and substitute it into the other ...

How To: Design an elegant bride's maid flower bouquet

In this video tutorial from The Flower God, learn how to design a flower bouquet for a bridesmaid. You will need two colors of roses (or whatever flower you are using, fern, and baby's breath. This tutorial uses red and white roses. Take a lighted candle and hold the flame close to the bud to speed up the budding process. Take one of the red roses and surround it by about four of the white roses. Then, add additional red roses in between each white rose. Frame this arrangement with the ferns ...

How To: Kiss like you're tasting a delicate fruit

A fan who recently got "depruded" by his girlfriend (his first kiss) wrote in asking for advice on how to become a better kisser. Kiss like you're tasting a delicate fruit! Step one: Brush your teeth. Step two: GUM! Step three: Stay away from onions and garlic. Generally make your breath smell and taste good, you do NOT want your breath to smell like living death! Step four: Now practice on that delicious delicate fruit. Lips, tongue, and teeth, can all get into the action.

How To: Blow bubble rings underwater

Anyone can blow bubbles with that soap formula and a bubble wand, but what about blowing bubbles rings underwater. It surprisingly, isn't too much different from blowing regular bubbles underwater. You'll need to be able to hold your breath for a long time and to be able to stay under the water's surface (the deeper you can go, the longer the bubble ring will last). Watch this video bubble-blowing tutorial and learn how to blow bubble rings underwater.

How To: Do power yoga also known as Ashtanga yoga

Watch this video to learn to do power yoga. In Ashtanga yoga, also known as power yoga, the yoga postures flow with an emphasis on strength and agility. In this video clip learn step by step yoga moves that will help you unite your body, mind and breath. And remember each pose can be modified to suit the practitioner's level of skill.

How To: Fall Asleep in Less Than 1 Minute

It can be pretty tough to fall asleep when your brain is thinking nonstop or anxiety has gotten the best of you, and it seems to only get harder when you're lying in bed listening to yourself breathe. Yet paying attention to that breathing may be exactly what you need in order to find a calm, easy entry into a good night's rest.

How To: This DIY Baby Monitor Uses Lasers and a Wiimote to Detect Your Child's Breathing

Proud new papa Gjoci wanted to make sure he never had to worry about whether or not his baby girl was breathing, so he built this amazing breath-detecting baby monitor using a Wii remote, a printed circuit, and a laser. First, he opened up the Wiimote and took out the camera, then used an Atmel Atmega88 microcontroller to make a printed circuit. Low-power infrared lasers shine on the baby's clothing and the Wii camera detects the motion of the baby's breath, activating an alarm if the motion ...

How To: Brush and clean your cat's teeth

Usually people associate pet tooth-brushing with dogs. Cats eat a lot of gross stuff too and can easily get bad breath. Watch this video to learn how to successfully brush your cat's little teeth without making it plunge them or their claws into you.

How To: Relax and enjoy your wedding day

It can be difficult to remember to relax on your wedding day. All of the stress from planning and the excitement of the day can really get in the way of you actually enjoying this amazing step. Take a deep breath and check out this video from Fine Living for some helpful advice on how to stay in the moment on your big day.

How To: Run faster

Watch this instructional fitness video to learn how to jog faster. Running is a simple and efficient exercise, but you should make sure you are doing it right. Work on tempo runs, repeats and hills. It's important to stay relaxed when running and use all of your tense energy for moving forward. In order to run faster, you will have to push yourself, so take periodical breaks to regain breath and strength.

How To: Practice active breathing for flute

Check out this flute lesson on breathing techniques by Nina Perlove who teaches at Northern Kentucky University. This unconventional breathing method was taught by Alain Marion in Paris. The end goal is to allow your lungs and chest cavity to expand. You will have more breath control when playing the flute with the technique shown in this video.

How To: Graph a parabola properly in vertex form

This video shows viewers who are interested in mathematics how to graph a parabola whose formula is displayed in vertex form, or the form y=a(x-h)^2+k, where the vertex is (h, k). After determining the vertex, plot it on your graph. After graphing your vertex, your axis of symmetry would be x= h, or the x-coordinate of your vertex. The a value in your equation will act as your slope in this case, and your should graph the two points which correspond to this slope on your plot 1 unit away on e...

How To: Use a change of basis matrix in linear algebra

Need help figuring out how to utilize change of basis matrices in linear algebra? From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how use a ...

How To: Use an invertible change of basis matrix in algebra

Learn how to use invertible change of basis matrices in linear algebra. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to use invertibl...

How To: Pack your luggage efficiently

Rafael and Zappos How To demonstrates how to pack your luggage efficiently. First, make a packing list to determine what you will need to bring on your trip. Go through your day in your mind and add things to the list accordingly. Don't forget your toiletries. Ideally bring one pair of shoes and coordinate your wardrobe accordingly. Lay out everything you will be packing and group them by like items. Don't put piles in your suitcase. Instead, roll your garment to prevent wrinkles and save spa...

How To: Create & composite a 3D animation for free

This video describes the process for inserting a 3D animation into a video clip. The video starts by outlining several software programs you will need to complete this project. Don't worry, the presenter gives web addresses and titles for all of the programs needed. After all software is loaded, the presenter beings inserting key frames and x, y coordinates to make the 3D animation move along the correct path. Finally, after the animation path is complete, the video shows how to render the fo...

How To: Keep bra straps & tank top straps in place

Nothing ruins a cute outfit quicker than a visible bra strap or a slipping tank top. This quick video from CyberSeams offers tips on how to keep those annoying straps in place. You will need ribbon or twill tape, Fray Check, snaps, a sewing needle and thread. You are instructed how to create a holder, inside a specific top, which snaps your bra or tank top into place. For example, in this video, you create a holder inside a sweater so that you can wear a coordinating tank top but not have it ...

How To: Graph by using an X-Y table

In this video the author shows how to graph using an X-Y table. He shows how to do this with a sample equation. He builds a table of x, y values where he takes sample values for x like -1, 0, 1 and now he substitutes these values in the equation of the line and obtains the corresponding y values. Now finally he has an x, y value table which now he shows how to plot it on a coordinate plane. He plots all the three pairs on the graph and connects them with a line finally obtaining the resultant...

How To: Find the zeros when graphing a quadratic equation

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to graph a parabola and also how to find its roots which are also known as zeroes. He gives the quadratic formula of how to find x-intercepts of a parabola. He takes an example and substitutes the values and finds out the values of the roots of the parabola. Now he substitutes these values in the equation to obtain the corresponding y coordinates. Now using these pairs of values he plots the parabola on a graph and draws it. This video shows how to fi...

How To: Cook Ramen Noodles & Meat

Fix the 2 packs of Ramen noodles as instructed on the package. You can buy 12 individual packs as they are a few cents cheaper. Some people like to coordinate my noodle flavors with the type of meat they're using. For chicken flavoring, use turkey or chicken. For beef flavoring, use beef or pork. For hrimp flavoring, use any type of seafood.

How To: Graph a circle

In this tutorial, we learn how to graph a circle. When given an equation to graph the circle, you will first need to find the vertex of the circle. Once you find this, you can use those coordinates to mark the vertex on the graph. Follow the negatives and positives to go up, down, left, and right on the graph. Next, you will need to find the 'r' value of the equation. After this, you will use this to continue to graph the rest of the points around the vertex. When finished, draw the outline o...

How To: Find the determinant & area of a parallelogram

In this video, we learn how to find the determinant & area of a parallelogram. The determinant of a 2x2 matrix is equal to the area of the parallelogram defined by the column vectors of the matrix. Graph both of the equations that you are given on the vertical and horizontal axis. After you have all of the coordinates in place, you will be able to plug in the correct numbers to figure out what the answer to the equation in. This is more advanced math, so if you have not done it before, you sh...

How To: Graph & shade a polygon of constraints

This video shows us how to graph & shade a polygon of constraints. Start out by finding the non zero constraints and the other constraints and inequalities. You will need to know how to graph before you begin to do this equation. Look at the first constraint and then fill in the X and Y sign in your table. Continue on to do this for the other two constraints that you have. Once you have these written down and in front of you, it's just a matter of graphing. Start to graph with the given coord...